Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1142 The Impossible

While Xiang Shan was folding his arms and thinking hard, Sir Palmion, the research knight, came to the door first.

"I heard that there was some trouble between you and the group leader?"

"Well, a little bit." Xiang Shan raised his head and glanced at the nominal leader, nodded, and then continued to focus on the data in front of him.

"Don't make it too serious." Palmion sighed, "The leader is actually not a harsh person - compared with other knights' leaders, our leader is very tolerant. "

Xiang Shan was a little surprised. He thought that the first person to come to him to talk about something would be Deviniya, the deputy leader responsible for the academic construction of the Six Dragons Sect within the Knights. He sighed and said: "How can I be angry and dissatisfied? Everything is for the great cause of the Six Dragons Sect. Everything is for that distant goal."

Xiangshan subtly adjusted the parameters of his tone and let Palmion taste it himself.

Anyway, if you show this recording to your Excellency, the Leader, you won’t be able to find any mistakes yourself.

Be careful and don't make mistakes.

"Ha, you really are..."

Palmion believed that he had fought openly and secretly with the Frey knight in the group. Although Knight Frey is courteous and courteous on the surface, he refuses to give in on the inside and has a strong desire to control data and projects. This is of course because there is a big secret behind Xiang Shan and he must block all possible ways of leaking the secret. From the perspective of Lord Palmion, who has the closest relationship with him, this guy belongs to the type with a strong desire for power.

Lord Palmion doesn't really believe this.

But Palmion also understands this "talk the talk" attitude. In this era where "everyone is naturally equipped with recording equipment" and in such a complex environment, you must not say the wrong thing, and you must not talk to others easily.

"Ha. I heard that there was a dispute between you and the captain." Palmion said, "The captain's martial arts are not bad, and he also has a personal relationship with the military attaché of the space elevator. Occasionally I will also be exposed to high-end force..."

"In terms of martial arts, there is no doubt that I am stronger than the regiment leader and stronger than you." Xiang Shan was not polite in his words.

In Palmion's opinion, this was a sign that he had a fire in his heart and no place to vent it.


"No, you don't know." Xiang Shan said, "I know that we are scattered people. Unlike the church members of the Guardian Church, we have no requirements for force. What is required is scientific research ability. Martial arts is just a skill to adjust the body and mind - but , I am very proud of my martial arts."

Although the scientific knights of this era did not have strict requirements for force, there was still a trend of practicing martial arts. Among the generation of scientists who elevated Homo sapiens to the status of baseline human beings, the best ones later all became warriors. Perhaps the practice of martial arts is the prerequisite technology for "cognitive improvement" and it is unknown. Therefore, martial arts is an elective course offered by all scientific knights. Even scientific research knights who have no need for fieldwork will practice on their own to refresh themselves.

Among them, there are also many scientific knights who have devout feelings for countless people.

Among the ascetic monks of the Six Dragon Sect, the proportion of such people is even higher.

Xiangshan is the best "project manager". Imitating Xiangshan's behavior, and to some extent the path he walked towards the mountain, is a process of trying to improve himself for the ascetic monks of the Six Dragons Sect - it is a kind of practice.

Palmien reiterated that he understood.

And Xiang Shan said: "I was able to escape from the helpers of the Martial God because of this Kung Fu. I am by no means a weakling. This Kung Fu got me here. So I can feel that the leader is too obsessed with martial arts. Disdainful. We are not the Patrons and do not need force, but we must rely on the power of the Patrons. We must have force. Can you understand?"

——PTSD towards the God of Martial Arts, leading to abnormal feelings towards martial arts? Gee, that’s really miserable.

Palmien nodded as a sign of comfort: "Yes, I understand."

"I really can't wait to prove myself in this way - martial arts, martial arts. I am even willing to do the work of a protector..."

"Ah? What did you say?"

"No, it's nothing, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Xiang Shan thought that he just lost control of his emotions and said something he shouldn't have said, and quickly changed his words. Palmien said: "Could it be that because the Six Dragons Sect has a need, you are willing to assassinate me for my sect? Is this what you mean?"

"No, there is no such thing." Mukayama denied. "Now that the project has reached a critical moment, I don't have that kind of time and energy, Your Excellency. I must complete my project as soon as possible."

"No... Actually, we do have a little... need recently. We need to assassinate."

At that moment - the moment when Xiangshan said "I am willing to be an apostle", Palmion was indeed suspicious, so he said this deliberately.

The Six Dragons Sect will be completely withdrawing from the space elevator recently. This was the first major event announced by the leader after he returned to the double-spiral building where the Knights were stationed and summoned all the cadres of the Knights. Several Six Dragon Sect banner leaders and guardians who stayed at this station were sent out to carry out various tasks of destroying evidence, assassinating some of the space elevator staff who knew too much, and at the same time warning others to lurk.

This is a big job.

If this Frey really came for "other purposes", then he would definitely be interested in this recent major event of the Six Dragon Sect.

But Frey's answer is very "logical". He really didn't have any interest in this assassination operation, and he didn't even bother to ask for information.

However, Xiang Shan thought about it and probably grasped something.

——The Six Dragon Cult guardians here are busy with one thing, something that requires force points, and this matter has made the guardians' manpower somewhat stretched. Otherwise, this idea would not have appeared in Palmion's mind so quickly.

After getting along with him for several months, Xiang Shan had already figured out Palmion's temperament. Palmion always spoke before he finished thinking. When he said that sentence, he may not have formed an idea in his mind. He was just shocked by Knight Frey's outrageous statement that he was "willing to prove his innocence as an apologist." Then he became suspicious and decided to test it. As for the entire logic, it should be After saying that sentence, it straightened out.


——It is true to a certain extent that the Six Dragons Sect needs to assassinate someone.

——But at this juncture, what else could be possible? It's too late for the Six Dragons Sect to tighten now. The only possibility should be...

Xiang Shan shook his head. It seems that the space elevator may have some twists and turns recently, because some staff in some positions will suddenly die suddenly.

The inexplicable bad mood of the group leader Edikala on the day he came back, as well as his recent behavior, basically support this conclusion.

Of course, it's not safe. You need to ask for more information later to confirm your thoughts. But there's no point now.

What's even more pity is that Xiang Shan is currently disconnected from Xiake Fang. He could not send this information to Niyaguti.

Focus must be on the project at hand.

Parmion was very happy to see Knight Frey so knowledgeable. "Sure enough, I'm overthinking it. That's just an angry remark." He thought. Palmion had almost completely given up his suspicions about the church member.

Trust is something that needs to be accumulated little by little.

And now Xiangshan has accumulated a lot of "credit points".


Hours later, Palmion shared his memories with the group leader, Edikkara.

In fact, when it comes to "credit points", there is only a lot more trust between these scientific research knights who have been with each other for decades or more than a hundred years. Xiangshan, an outsider who suddenly arrived, could not surpass this level of relationship no matter what.

At least on the issue of the Six Dragons Church's academic affairs, Palmion had no reservations about Edikala. When Palmion went to talk to Knight Frey, he also got the instruction from the leader.

"Captain, this young man dares to be angry but dare not speak out." Palmien said.

"Stop insinuating." Edikkara waved his hand, "When I was on Mars, you encountered a situation that I couldn't report, and I don't bother to blame you. Don't forget, the Knights are privately owned by me, and your funds are Obey my assignment - in the past hundred years, have I done anything unfair that made you feel wronged?"


"You allocate the project of losing people within the church without authorization. This is because you are sorry for me." Edikala said, "This is because you are too greedy and forget about justice."

Palmion said nothing.

Edikala didn't actually get the idea for the project. The perspective of Captain Edikala is different again. The Knights of the Furnace of Life took over the genetic tax verification work of a planet, and the planet they were responsible for was the homeland of mankind - the Earth. This is the highest honor an independent knight can receive. If Palmion were to be promoted again, he would only retain the ownership of the Knights and obtain a position in the Temple of Mars.

But to the Knight Commanders of the Temple, such a powerful technology is nothing.

The speed king's brain strength is the result of many technologies. Moreover, this is only one aspect of improving neuronal resilience. There is no major breakthrough at the basic theoretical level, nor can it bring about new research methods. Such a project cannot support the Knight Commander's confidence.

What Edikala is most concerned about is actually the behavior of the deputy captains "bypassing the captain to divide interests." This made her feel like she had less control over her Order.

Therefore, no matter how the deputy captains divide it, he must deny the result and re-divide it on this basis, even if he puts some resources into it. He wanted to intervene again in the distribution to assert his ownership of the Order.

In fact, the deputy captains can more or less think of this level. But "interference" and "interference" are not the same thing. This does not prevent them from pushing out Frey Knight to take the thunder.

After learning about the huge conflict between Knight Frey and the leader, they naturally felt that the leader's anger had subsided a lot, and his mentality would be different when redistributing.

The person who distrusts Knight Frey the most is actually Captain Ediacara.

Palmion's chat with Frey was indeed spur of the moment. When he sensed something fishy, ​​he immediately asked the leader to review the situation, which was naturally due to the internal trust of the Six Dragons Sect.

However, just from this conversation, Captain Edikala could not detect anything wrong at all. Even the "unreasonableness" he felt was less than what Palmion felt.

Ediacara knew that he was at a lower level in martial arts and relied on his academic level to throw Knight Frey out. As a result, Knight Frey felt resentful that Parmion did not respect martial arts. A very normal thing.

Although this was his own request, the form of "throwing out" was deliberately chosen by Ediacara, which was regarded as a kind of trial.

"You can't find fault..." Edikala crossed his arms, "It seems... he is really an ascetic monk and a good Christian?"

After pondering for a moment, he took out a storage device: "Tomorrow you and Knight Frey will have a research team meeting. Help me bring this to Knight Frey. Consider it my personal compensation for him."

Of course, the captain did not let the deputy captains know about the tacit understanding he had reached with Knight Frey for the time being.

At least until he re-establishes his absolute authority within the group, he doesn't want these subordinates to tighten their grip too much.

At this moment, Edikala actually didn't know what he had done.


"No, how is this possible...why..."

These were the words Xiangshan said a few days later in an empty quiet room, when his emotions were almost out of control.

After getting the storage, Xiangshan didn't even throw it into the virtual machine, but quickly browsed the data.

——Tianjing has been scheming these days, it’s not pure anymore, it’s not pure anymore. I'm a scientist.

After the group meeting, he received this opinion and suggestion from the group leader.

Yawgmoth complements his thinking abilities in the field of biology. However, the gap in technological accumulation is difficult to overcome overnight. The leader of Ediacara is one of the few grand leaders in the solar system and is qualified to serve in the temple. It can be said that he is one of the best biologists of this era. And the knowledge accumulation as a scientific research knight cannot be compared to Xiangshan immediately.

At least Captain Edikala gave a lot of guidance and shared a lot of information on cell-level transformation with Xiangshan.

——Fuck...what a good person...

Although Edikala gave Xiangshan a very bad first impression, as if he was an academic bureaucrat. But at least the academic level is nothing to say. Palmion's "generous" assessment may not be unfounded.

But Xiangshan's attention was soon attracted by another direction proposed by Edikala.

That is to say, "the source of this cytoskeleton is not formed spontaneously by cells, but is transformed from several exogenous substances in the brain."

Based on the elemental proportions of the sample's cytoskeleton, Edikkara proposed dozens of combinations of implantable materials based on existing cell-level modification surgeries. Under certain conditions, these combinations may be transformed within brain cells.

Xiangshan himself had similar conjectures, but he could not directly list possible combinations and research plans like Ediakara did.

If Xiangshan's previous work was a failure, then Edikala directly allowed him to go one step further.

A few days later, Xiangshan turned his attention to the lower-priority material combinations in the Ediacara plan.

Edikala gave reasons. Although it is possible for these material combinations to be transformed within the cell to form a cytoskeleton,...

That may take a lot of time.

These substances are too inert.

Originally Xiangshan didn't think much about it.

However, the moment he saw a group of substances, a possibility flashed through his mind.

——Wait...this is...

Xiangshan looked at the group of materials carefully again.

Yes, they are all cell implant substances that he is very familiar with.

And "familiarity with the mountain" often means that many of them are sublimated technologies before and after the war. This is what Xiangshan is most familiar with.

--Etc., etc……

——Anaerobic environment...almost no electricity...cell life activities completely stagnant...

——In an environment without oxidizing agent...

——Combined with the substances that my brain may produce...

Xiang Shan thought of a possibility. He entered data and asked the computer to simulate a situation.

Waiting for the computer to run the data is particularly painful. Obviously... even if we only count the years that Martial Ancestor Xiangshan spent, Xiangshan is already over a hundred years old, but this period of time is more torturous than any other time in his life.

He got the events needed for that reaction.

Two hundred years, the difference between plus and minus is twenty years.

Between one hundred and eighty and two hundred and twenty years.

This human head had been able to form such a cytoskeleton after staying in the closed environment of the battleship for such a long time. The original hardening and strengthening was transformed by the power of time into a tough and strengthened cytoskeleton.

Edikala doesn't think this is the way reconstructive surgery should go. Because this reaction could not have happened.

When humans designed brain sclerosis surgery in the early 22nd century, they expected that "the war would end within a few decades, and then a reversal of the sclerosis surgery would be performed." No one has considered whether these substances can exist stably for more than two hundred years - or whether they can exist stably for more than two hundred years in an oxygen-free and electricity-free environment.

And they...maybe really...

Over a long period of time, the form of existence has changed.

"No, how is this possible...why..."

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