Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1148 Lion

Go forward about thirty minutes.

Tuoba Regulus is arranging the steel cables in a large aircraft. At this moment, he had already put on his transformed first-level prosthetic body. Prosthetics specifically designed for use in space do not pay attention to the fluid mechanics design of their appearance. Some knights even used mechanical arms to hang captured battleship armor because they couldn't find suitable outer armor, and relied on the armor's projected area on the body to achieve a protective effect. [Similar to the result of the exaggeration of Japan's "big armor" in the 13th century. Research suggests that this type of armor was born because of the lack of technology to make armor that could cover joints and ensure mobility. It was also necessary to retain the shooting ability while dealing with arrows on the battlefield, so the armor was enlarged and simple in shape. 】

But this cannot be done in the atmosphere. For knights who fight at high speed, "air" is an issue that must be considered. When Bai Man modified Tao Enhai's prosthetic body, no matter how difficult the situation was, he did not choose the suspended type. Instead, he tried his best to modify the spacecraft armor to fit the prosthetic body.

In order to adapt to fighting in the atmosphere, Tuoba Regulus also chose to modify the frame of this prosthetic body, making him look slightly shorter than the original, and the prosthetic body became much thicker.

There were kite shields nearly two meters long hanging on each of his arms. The inner edge of the shield has a tooth-like structure that can be spliced ​​together to form a good aerodynamic structure. Both of his legs also have armor hanging on the outside of the calves, which can be quickly turned into tail wings. The wing-shaped vector jet set originally used for space combat has also been modified, clustered in a circle behind the back, and the larger jets have also been moved to the waist.

As the most important "air inlet" of the prosthetic body in the atmosphere, it is hidden between the gaps in the layered armor. The gaps on the chest were deliberately designed to resemble the pattern of a ferocious beast's head.

The origin of this aircraft, you ask? Oh, of course it's a bomber fuselage cruising on the Asylum side.

This bomber and escort team were originally performing daily missions. However, they encountered a sudden EMP.

This time the EMP was small in scale and short in duration. But even so, the escorting warriors of this formation did not have time to send out any abnormal signals.

All the warriors had only one more wound on their bodies. Someone destroyed the biological brains of these martial arts practitioners with a sword.

Even the formation of the escorts of this formation did not have time to mess up.

The captain's machine was directly used to take away control of the prosthetic body using his internal strength. The moment communications were restored, the squad leader's controlled machine sent a "business as usual" message to the center of the ground.

The prosthetic bodies of martial arts warriors usually have the function of being able to be commanded by external signals. As long as the leader's aircraft can be defeated with internal strength, the entire military martial arts formation will be under control.

As for the brief loss of contact just now? Now that all communication satellites have been wiped out, isn't it normal to have a brief loss of contact?

"Not to mention that there are knights who have warned about 'Beware of EMP'." Tuoba Regulus educated several young knights behind him, "If our action is noticed by the government and is deemed to be the action in the trailer, , that’s a very meaningful act.”

Euphorbia and Youki nodded repeatedly. And Yin Zhewei was a little worried: "But... the EMP trailer that needs to be sent out in groups... can't be 'that'..."

"I hope it's 'that'. Rather, it is precisely because of this hope that I robbed this team." Regulus nodded, approving Yin Zhewei's judgment.

"What?" Euphorbia was a little confused.

"Weapons that can trigger large-scale EMP storms basically come from gamma rays that excite atoms in the atmosphere to produce a large number of free electrons." Yin Zhewei explained in a low voice, "Either a space battleship main gun or a high-altitude nuclear explosion."

Yuki nodded: "So that's it... The knight chooses a high-altitude nuclear explosion, which means... the target has the value of 'even if there is one less first-level warrior, it must be destroyed'?"

"Well, it is also possible that they want to hunt down the supporters of the patrons and obtain the reactors and other components directly from those warriors?" Tuoba Regulus said, "Compared with mature fusion furnaces, fission bomb materials are definitely inferior. The latter is more valuable. Learn to open your mind, and the protector can also be your parts library.”

"Have the key data been saved..." Yin Zhewei had some kind of attack and was actually a little anxious.

After Tuoba Regulus arranged these ropes, he hung them on his prosthetic body. In order to carry these fiber cables, he even installed additional suspension racks on the left and right sides of the prosthetic body.

These long ropes came from the escort formations that were stabbed to death. The physical ammunition that these air combat warriors can carry is limited, but they do not have a reactor of their own, and they cannot support high-energy weapons that are not live ammunition. Traditional cold weapons are also unrealistic. Therefore, many air combat warriors who fight in the atmosphere will choose "hook cannons". "This kind of weapon. The hook cannon is generally fixed on the main body of the fuselage frame, which is the most stable place on the warrior's prosthetic body. After launch, the hook with its own electromagnetic function will be fixed on the enemy aircraft, and finally fixed on the enemy aircraft's weak point, thus achieving the result of "attacking the weak point with the strong point", tearing off the enemy's parts and using them to Destroys the enemy's aerodynamic shape.

In space warfare, the hook cannon is a weapon that prevents the enemy from escaping and thereby fixes the relative positions of the two sides.

The first thing Tuoba Regulus did after taking control of this formation was to remove all the fiber cable hooks of the hook cannon.

These fiber ropes are made of the hardest carbon fiber, with a strength comparable to diamond and high flexibility. The only weakness is that they are not resistant to high temperatures.

Yuki said: "Brother, are you not worried about air resistance at all?"

"Ha, if I guess correctly, these ropes will be used after this attack. Besides, you warriors from Earth know nothing about aerial skills. Those who have not trained on Jupiter are not qualified to talk about air combat at all." Tuoba Xuanyuan 14 sneered at this, "Do you know the Super Mobile Corps under the command of the Jupiter Brave King? I used to fight with that group of people."

If he didn't want to keep his identity a little secret, he would even want to say "I fought with the Brave King himself." Although Tuoba Xuanyuan 14 couldn't beat the ruler in Jupiter's atmosphere due to the overwhelming gap in the performance of the body, he could still get away unscathed after knocking down the opponent's equipment in the worst case.

"I've heard about this. The air combat ability of Jupiter warriors is indeed much stronger than that of other places." Yin Zhewei nodded.

"Not only that. Although the average level is much higher than that of the warriors on Earth, I am also considered to be one of the warriors who have a very high level of aerial combat skills among the warriors born on Jupiter."

"Ah? Then your master is..." Yin Zhewei humbly asked for advice, "Should it be the Scientific Research Knight?"

"It can be considered as such." Tuoba Xuanyuan Shisi told a cold joke that only he and Yuki could understand at present, and said, "But I did learn the body movement from the Scientific Research Knight."

Daji didn't understand, and chatted with Yuki privately: [Why do they think that good aerial combat body movement means that they learned it from the Scientific Research Knight? ]

Yuki simply threw this question to Tuoba Xuanyuan Shisi.

"I've said it before. Even the base of the Jupiter Knights dares to be built at the bottom of the stratosphere, not in the troposphere. Apart from a few mining personnel, the ones who will take the initiative to enter the troposphere are basically a few scientific knights who study planetary physics."

Xuanyuan Shisi's tone revealed a trace of nostalgia: "It happened decades ago. At that time, I had just mastered martial arts and walked alone on Jupiter for a few years. One day I met a group of outlaws who were hunting a scientific knight, wanting to obtain the advanced parts of the scientific knight's prosthesis - you know, the performance of the parts of the scientific knights often far exceeds the actual needs..."

Yin Zhewei's tone revealed shame and resentment: "This kind of thing is It's not very common..."

"That guy also told me that." Xuanyuan Shisi said: "Although I don't like scientific knights very much, the Green Forest is more disgusting. So I showed up and intercepted a group of Green Forest. The guy turned and flew into the troposphere. At that time, I thought that the guy was panicking and killed all the Green Forest in frustration. As a result, after killing them, the guy also flew back. Judging from the time, he might have killed faster than me-it was obviously not a first-level artificial body."

"He said that he simply used the environment to kill. In addition, in order to avoid similar things from happening, he proposed to hire me as a guard. In exchange, he could give me some technical information and the martial arts he studied. I was only then I know that his research object is Jupiter cyclones - that is, super-large storms that may be able to tuck the entire earth in. "

"That's why he has no followers. Warriors who go to the government to eat this bite of rice are basically not idealists. Few people are willing to follow such a warrior who may die at any time. He did take apprentices, but if the apprentices can live to become masters, they will basically choose other ways out. "

Yin Zhewei groaned in a low voice: "'If you can live to become a master'..."

"He is generally a sympathizer of knights. It is said that he has been influenced by the ninth martial god, so he is willing to give me some technical information. I invited him to the knight side, and he said that after all, he is just a researcher who doesn't like fighting. Researcher. Being able to stay in the cult and do some research is the realization of his self-worth. If he confronts the knight, he feels that it is not unfair to be killed. But if possible, he still hopes to continue his research. "

Tuoba Xuanyuan Fourteen pointed at himself: "I am a human who almost rushed through a huge cyclone. Master was a little envious after hearing about it, and wanted to try it with me - but at that time, the brothers and sisters began to invest in the last big project. It was a pity that they failed to go. By the way, I don’t know if that guy has been admitted to the Speed ​​King Court after so many years - does the Speed ​​King Court recruit planetary physics researchers? "

At this time, Yuki saw a rocket rising into the sky through the camera outside the machine. He said: "High-altitude nuclear explosion!"

"Well, this position..." Tuoba Xuanyuan Fourteen quickly got into the state. He thought for a moment, "The satellite launch base... is indeed of great importance. Considering that it belongs to King Agni, the blow to morale... should be here. Then, I recall... I saw it from a distance about seven years ago..." In order to avoid the sudden arrival of EMP, Tuoba Xuanyuan Shisi threw a data cable directly: "Junior brother, I will teach you the "X-word Industrial Feng Shui Secret" now." "Ah? What kind of a name is this?"

"The secret art of industrial feng shui is a technique written specifically for destroyers. It requires learners to bypass construction-related knowledge and quickly master the skills of destroying industrial facilities. I originally wanted to call it the 'Secret Art of How Many Words'. But Master later revised it several times. I had a feeling that it would need to be revised in the future, and the number of words would definitely increase or decrease, so I simply used 'Unknown Number X' to replace the specific number." Tuoba Xuanyuan Fourteen said: "In the era of Wu Zu, everyone relied on solid basic knowledge to complete the destruction of industrial areas. Because Wu Zu Xiangshan was originally a top figure in the field of engineering, and he also participated in the design and construction of many industrial areas - he had a lot of fun. But now no knight has such learning conditions. The knowledge of the Martial Ancestor himself cannot be used without revision. "

"My master felt that the knights could not destroy industrial facilities and effectively attack the foundation of the protectors, so he simply used engineering as a black box, hoping to get a few universal models, so that the knights could know how to cause the greatest damage at a glance. "

"This is advanced knowledge, you can't use it or learn it for a while. I will give you a few preset answers for rocket launch bases, and you can do it yourself when the time comes."

Youji hesitated: "That... Senior Brother, do you mean that I will control this formation to bomb?"

Tuoba Xuanyuan Fourteen nodded.

"But... I have only driven a submarine in my life... and it blew up..."

"No, how can there be people who can't fly a plane? Isn't it enough to have a brain?"

Obviously, there is a huge cognitive difference between Jupiter warriors and Earth natives in some aspects, which is simply a sad thick barrier.

Tuoba Xuanyuan Fourteen looked at Yin Zhewei and Daji again.

The former scientific research knight and the local knight hurriedly shook their heads.

"No... How come I went out and caught three warriors at random, and none of them flew?" Tuoba Xuanyuan Shisi pressed his forehead, thinking that his luck might be a bit bad, "You must have used drones before, right? It's similar to that one..."

Yuki immediately thought of the drones he had controlled - most of them were fake targets to cover Xiangshan, and a few were high-speed shuttles for reconnaissance. Most of them have one thing in common, that is, they have never landed after taking off.

Daji seemed to have a similar association: "I have never recovered a drone in my life..."

"Wow, knights are so extravagant." Yin Zhewei sighed.

Yuki and Daji turned their eyes and said, "Do you understand?"

"I know a little bit about the drones that collect data... but I've never operated a manned vehicle."

Daji whispered in defense, "Those cheap things that serve as fake targets are not comparable to the stuff used by the scientific research knights..."

"That's it. It's not difficult at all. The ammunition on the plane can be used to call the Protector ground forces or to bomb the launch base. That's it, it will be too late if you drag it on." Tuoba Xuanyuan 14 handed over the control to Yin Zhewei, and then opened the rear hatch, "Be careful, if it doesn't work, jump out of the plane, the parachute is ready. I'm leaving. Finally, remember, if I send a flare, you must let the No. 2 drone pick it up."

Before Yin Zhewei responded, Tuoba Xuanyuan 14 jumped out of the window neatly. His body kept the same speed as the formation, and he fell just like that. The fighters and warriors of this formation were all connected to the captain's plane and bomber with wires to deal with EMP shocks.

"It's broken. If we connect them together, the operation will be a little more difficult. Those three young men should be able to handle it, right?" Tuoba Xuanyuan 14 suddenly remembered this. Originally, there was also laser coding communication between the escort formations to deal with the EMP environment, but for some operators, it would be difficult to maintain laser communication while maintaining the battle formation.

—— Which side is more difficult for a novice to operate... Never mind. It's impossible that a person of this age really can't fly.

The Jupiter Knight put his hands together, and the two strange-shaped kite shields were combined into one. He put his hands on his chest, facing the sky, and turned his calves to hang the shields and turned to the front. The whole person was like a weird missile, flying at low altitude and low speed.

EMP quickly swept in all directions. Then, it was the satellite orbit airborne troops.

Tuoba Xuanyuan 14 raised his altitude again after the airborne troops landed.

Tuoba Xuanyuan 14 quickly confirmed the identity of the supporters. Thanatos, Jianger... They were all masters under King Agni.

They all participated in the war to eliminate the Tenth Martial God. They are the survivors of King Agni's army.

Enemies meet...

At this moment, the entire base is in sight. Tuoba Xuanyuan 14 contemplated and took a deep breath, reminding himself to be serious. The strategic goal of the knights is the most important.


They can't escape.

After making up his mind, Xuanyuan 14 threw a bomb at a factory, and the grappling gun kept firing. After these electromagnetically propelled grappling claws touch the target, they will bite through the power of gunpowder and hold the target tightly. The grappling claws are made of alloy with diamond coating, which can bite almost all targets to death.

These grappling claws bite on key parts such as equipment bases and building load-bearing structures.

Once the grappling claws bite, they will detach from the suspension frame on him.

The bomb exploded at this time. As expected, the factory was casting the outer shell of the spacecraft. Large pieces of metal plates flew across.

At this time, Xuanyuan 14 spread his arms and transformed into two kite shields again. Due to the significant change in aerodynamic shape, he suddenly slowed down and rotated in the air like a drill.

Janger seemed to react. But Xuanyuan 14 was faster. He pulled out the sword from the kite shield, and the moment the hilt and the sword were connected, the surging particle flow from the reactor completed the heating.

One sword, one kick.

The senior officer of the Hell Flame Fist turned into an incendiary bomb and crashed into the launch tower.

The launch tower suddenly exploded like a small firecracker, and the flames shot up to the sky for a hundred meters

Xuanyuan 14 had transferred most of the momentum, but he still had to slow down. In the process, he kept throwing out the claw gun. After circling half a circle in the air, he had thrown out all the claw fiber ropes.

Xuanyuan 14 roared from the bottom of his heart: "Cheer up, brothers! An unexpected savior like a deus ex machina!"

In response to him, there was a terrifying exclamation like a dream. Jianger was even scared. He said, "How is it possible...'Regulus'...the descendant of the tenth Martial God actually came to Earth?"

After the tenth Martial God was executed, his disciple Regulos was declared missing. The King of Heroes and King Agni's subordinates did not produce the kill record. But Jiang Geer felt that he must have died in the asteroid belt.

"Oh? You? I would have cut you with that sword if I had known. You...who is that?"

A slightly frivolous provocation.

But Jiang Geer only felt terrified.

His martial arts were inferior to that of the disciple of the tenth Martial God. Just looking at the appearance, it can be seen that Regulos has now transformed his prosthesis into a special one for the planetary environment, while Jiang Geer still took into account the shape of the space battle. He does not even have the air intake gap that is almost necessary for the first-level prosthesis in the atmospheric environment.

In addition, he has been injured.

The strange warrior with extremely high external skills left scars on his eye and the shoulder camera on the same side. He now has a large blind spot on one side. If Regulus took advantage of this...

Matsushima Hiroshi even spoke at the same time as he thought of this, saying loudly: "There is a scratch on his right eye, and the camera on his right shoulder is damaged. Although there are some supplementary cameras hidden in the gaps of the armor, there should be a blind spot..."

Janger no longer hesitated. He threw his thermal axe with all his strength, used this weapon to block the enemy, and then turned around and took off, accelerating.

Xuanyuan Shisi made an OK gesture to Matsushima Hiroshi, turned around, picked up the still spinning thermal axe, and rushed to the place where the bomb exploded just now.

He picked up a piece of outer armor and then quickly circled it.

Countless carbon fiber long ropes were wrapped around this piece of outer armor.

Tuoba Xuanyuan Shisi raised his hands and pressed them on the outer shell of the spacecraft wrapped with chains, and stared at the direction where Jianger fled with his feet on the ground. He whispered, "A wise choice, Jiang Geer... but you still can't escape."

"Safety protocol, lifted. Alarm off. Full! Overload!"

Matsushima Hiroshi was about to talk to this strange disciple of the God of War when he was pushed away by the sudden explosion.

No, it wasn't an explosion. The man's chest was like a whirlpool, sucking in the air in front of him. Maybe even Homo sapiens could see the inhaled cyclone with the naked eye. But this guy didn't store air in his body. Once the air was inhaled, it was immediately heated by the reactor and then clustered into a circle from the thruster group behind him. The strong wind absorbed the spacecraft armor in front, making it almost unshakable.

The plasma air sprayed out from behind him. In the first moment, the jet emitting white light opened behind Regulos like a peacock spreading its tail. The thruster fine-tuned its position, and at the same time, the strong magnetic field was excited to converge the jet. The thermal axe and Xuanyuan Shisi's own thermal sword thrown by Jiang Geer were both attracted to the back by the power of magnetic levitation. The blades were directly heated by the jet, and the most heat-resistant material in the solar system was even gradually melting.

The spacecraft armor in front had long been deeply trapped by the diamond-strength chain, making a sound that could not bear the heavy load.

The EMP attached to the acceleration even made Matsushima Hiroshi feel a little uncomfortable.

The earth shook.

The ground was shaking,

The foundation of the entire launch base was shaking in front of this warrior!

"Fuck, lie down!"

Tolstoy had completely understood what the hero Regulus was going to do. He shouted at Matsushima Hiroshi.

The moment the two of them lay down, a large number of buildings and equipment flew into the air like a tsunami.

And at this moment, Regulus completely released his speed and turned into a ray of light.

Jiang Geer thought he could resist. No matter how fast the battle in the atmosphere is, it should not exceed the battle outside the atmosphere. He can become famous in the universe, so there is no reason why he can't react in the atmosphere. But even at such a terrifying speed, Xuanyuan Shisi's first axe still cut along his blind spot. The other sword pierced his stellarator. The 150 million Kelvin plasma instantly evaporated the core components in his body.

The two weapons shattered at this moment. The hot shotgun shells exploded. Tuoba was spinning in the air. The fragments could not catch up with him. But the troops still nearby exploded one after another.

Behind him, half of the launch base was directly blown away. The wreckage of this half of the base hit the other half of the base in mid-air, like a domino, and the destruction eventually extended to the last half of the base. The splashing fuel was ignited by the previous fire and exploded again.

The flying rocks even smashed into the formation of the Protector army. The dense formation originally used to deal with the knights immediately suffered a huge blow - no one thought there would be artillery fire from this direction. In order to avoid accidental discharge and damage to the space launch base, the muzzles of these low-level soldiers were not facing the base. The damage was basically maximized.

In the entire base, only two warriors, Matsushima Hiroshi and Tolstoy, could stand up.

"As expected of a great hero..." Tolstoy looked around: "I'm afraid he doesn't even plan to leave the foundation for that old dog... If this foundation is blown up again, this plot of land will be unusable in a short time."

Before he finished speaking, there was an explosion.

"He really hijacked the Protector bomber to drop bombs." Tolstoy said: "Let's go, there is nothing we need to do anymore."

On the other side, Thanatos was also in shock. He didn't know what happened, but he witnessed the scene of Jiang Geer being killed by the enemy who suddenly appeared. Although Jiang Geer was slightly weaker than him, the two were generally on par.

He couldn't think of any power that could defeat Jiang Geer instantly.

"Martial God... Could it be the Martial God? The 12th Martial God?"

The EMP storm blocked most of the communications. No intelligence. "Unknown" amplified the fear.

Yang Zhenhao had no intention of letting him go. In the previous fight, Thanatos had already had a wound on his body. Yang Zhenhao's fingers flew across, and the magnetized metal aerosol drilled into the wound like a venomous snake or a leech. Thanatos was frightened by fear and could not avoid it in time. He immediately felt that his arm was not working properly.

He screamed and asked two subordinates to cover the rear, and the wings behind him were fully powered and retreated immediately.

At this time, he heard the wild laughter that shook the world.

Everyone was shocked.

After killing the enemy around him, Yang Zhenhao looked at Thanatos who was going away, feeling a little helpless. Although the prosthesis slightly slowed down Thanatos's speed, the opponent could completely fly at high speed by relying on his great strength.

But Yang Zhenhao couldn't catch up.

"Really... I'd better go meet that new friend. It would be nice if he has a way to chase me."


In fact, Thanatos didn't need to run away at all.

Tuoba Xuanyuan 14 is in a very bad state now, very bad.

The moment he landed, several pieces of armor automatically popped open, and the coolant steam flew out like a shock wave. His condition was the worst of the worst. His whole body was overheated, so he had to release the vaporized coolant to achieve rapid cooling.

After killing Jiang Geer, Xuanyuan 14 couldn't even maintain the superconducting state of the magnet frame. When this important frame maintains the superconducting state, it also shoulders the functions of electromagnetic protection, inertia compensation, etc. Some important transmission parts can only achieve zero resistance operation under low temperature conditions.

There are also superconducting quantum chips, which can only operate under ultra-low temperatures.

As the temperature rises, the precisely superimposed magnetic field in Tuoba Xuanyuan 14's body can't even maintain operation, and the transmission parts can't maintain the original working conditions, and ordinary battles will quickly wear out. The function of compensating inertia and stress has also failed. Even fighting with the Rangers might cost Xuanyuan Shisi his life.

After landing, Xuanyuan Shisi immediately let out a pre-synthesized laugh, pouring all the remaining energy into the speaker. He hoped that such an arrogant behavior could deter the enemy. But his troubles were more than that. The scalding steam emitted made the surrounding temperature almost as hot as him, but soon after the temperature dropped, he would become the hottest guy in the area. By then, anyone could see that he was not in a good state. He had to quickly replenish the coolant.

If there was no coolant, he would even have to release some precious liquid helium to reduce the internal pressure of the core refrigeration system. But doing so might reduce the refrigeration performance of the core refrigeration system and even cause the superconducting quantum chip to be completely damaged.

Tuoba Xuanyuan Shisi immediately sent out a flare.

A moment later, a drone flew over. Xuanyuan Shisi suddenly felt like seeing a relative. He wanted to open his arms and hug the drone: "Hahaha guys, I knew you guys... Damn it!"

The plane almost crashed into him. If a warrior of the first level of heaven was seriously injured by a transport drone, it would probably become the biggest joke of the century.

Fortunately, Tuoba Xuanyuan Shisi avoided it. He was speechless for a moment.

"No, you can't even record a script in advance to help the drone stop automatically? The atmospheric environment here is not complicated, right?"

These earthlings... pathetic souls bound by gravity...

Tuoba Xuanyuan Shisi didn't care about anything else. He immediately took out a barrel of coolant from the drone. His outer armor popped off. He pulled off the interface and poured it directly into his body.

Then, more violent boiling hot air was released from his body.

Xuanyuan Shisi drank three barrels of coolant in one breath. Then, he looked up to the sky and roared: "It feels great!"

He took out the last barrel of coolant, turned around and asked: "Brother, do you want one too?"

This chapter should have been written a few days ago, but my solid state drive died and the data was not saved...

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