Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1153 The Sufferer

The black swordsman let out a meaningless roar, spread his wings at the same time, and swung his sword wildly, the blade almost broke away from the hilt and flew after the hilt. The complex aerodynamic shape of the prosthesis gave this move a strange path.

But Thanatos just waved it casually.

The two figures crossed each other, but the blade in the swordsman's hand was broken.

The disadvantage of the phonon knife is very obvious. Its lethality can only be released at the blade. If the sword spine is slapped horizontally, it is just a piece of extremely hard ceramic alloy. Only the blade can release fluctuations of a specific frequency.

The blade of the thermal blade does not have this limitation. Even if it is the sword spine, the heat energy released is not much different from the blade. Its shape is more about structural strength and aerodynamics.

"That swordsmanship is not bad, but I have seen through it." Thanatos sneered, "If there is no other means, then die."

The black swordsman just looked at the half-broken sword in his hand. After Thanatos approached, he suddenly reacted, and the vector jet in front of him exploded, driving him to retreat quickly and avoid Thanatos' attack.

A rope suddenly shot out from the swordsman's shoulder. Thanatos didn't know what this trick was, and he stopped attacking and slightly lowered his altitude. The hook shot from the swordsman's shoulder cannon accurately hit a triangular drone with a wing-body fusion structure, and used the drone as a fulcrum for leverage.

Thanatos chased after it. The drone crashed down - it seemed that the rope shot from the shoulder cannon also served as a data cable. Thanatos was afraid that the explosive equivalent in the drone was large, and the live ammunition on his shoulder hit the drone and blew it up, and then rushed through the flames and wreckage,

What came towards him was the sword light.

The black swordsman has obtained a new phonon sword blade.

- There is a blade hidden in the drone... No, there may even be several blades?

Thanatos could only raise the thermal sword to block.

With a "clang" sound, the thermal sword broke immediately, and half of the sword body turned into a ball of red light under the action of inertia, flying past the wings of the black swordsman. The feather-shaped alloy sheet used to heat the air has a heat resistance similar to that of the material of the thermal sword, and will not cause great damage.

There is only one alloy used in the thermal sword, and the corresponding phonon knife frequency under the heating state is fixed.

However, a gap appeared on the blade of the phonon knife.

The black swordsman retreated again and threw away the blade of the phonon knife in his hand without hesitation. A gap and some areas are subjected to high temperatures, which are enough to destroy the overall and microscopic structure of the phonon knife blade, reducing the performance of the blade.

The other blade just fell behind the black swordsman at this moment. He caught the blade with the handle.

Thanatos adjusted the shoulder camera upwards, and the heat dissipation system almost stopped. Due to the continuous coverage of EMP, the radar was restricted, and Thanatos's senses were compressed into a narrow range. He only saw the numerous drones above his head now. The performance of these drones is not powerful, and it is almost static for the warriors of the first heaven.

But what made Thanatos feel uneasy was the way the opponent used it.

This thing was almost a disposable sword case and a disposable shield for the mysterious warrior on the opposite side.

The second blade of the Six Dragons Swordsman should have been extracted from the drone. The third blade was dropped into the air before the drone dived and began to fall from an almost static state.

Thanatos only had two replacement parts for the thermal blade.

"Hey, hey, hey... This is not right..." Thanatos unbolted the fixing bolts, and the blazing blade fell, "You are so extravagant? Using the phonon knife blade to exchange the thermal blade blade? What the hell are you?"

This question seemed to pierce the mysterious black swordsman. He originally fell into a state of delirium after cutting off the blade of the thermal blade, and did not pursue to expand the victory. He just fell into a state of indecision after taking the third blade. He turned to look at Thanatos and said, "...Who am I...Who am I? I...Xiangshan?"

"Martial God? Why did the name of the Martial God suddenly appear?" Thanatos felt terrified.

At this time, the black swordsman also screamed in sync: "No! No! No! I'm not! I'm not! I'm sorry! I'm not!"

The swordsman hugged his head in pain, and his wings lost balance under the trembling. The auxiliary system of the warrior's prosthesis has a lower priority than the brain input command. He just fell headfirst. The swordsman rolled in mid-air and shouted: "It's so painful... So scary! I'm not! I'm not! I'm not!"

As he rolled, ten missiles scattered in all directions without distinguishing between friend and foe.

This scene made Thanatos completely lose his patience: "Ah, that's it. I guessed it. Six Dragons Sect, Six Dragons Sect. The experimental product of Xiangshan's memory, right? The madman who used Xiangshan's memory-Xiangshan is very strong, but he can't become stronger by using that memory, idiot."

He even lost interest. A blade popped out from the back of the fuel tank on Thanatos's back. Thanatos took advantage of the black swordsman's madness to fix the blade again, heated it instantly, and then pounced.

Thanatos wanted to put an end to this madman who absorbed the memory of the Martial Ancestor immediately. As a subordinate of King Agni, he had seen this kind of semi-finished product.

But this action was also captured by the black swordsman. He immediately howled: "No no no no! Sorry!"

At the same time, the phonon knife rose.

The Six Dragons' defenders cheered in mid-air. Even the one fighting Xiangshangou couldn't help but divert his attention. Although the black swordsman's response seemed frantic and swift, it contained a lot of changes.

In the eyes of martial artists, a large number of phantoms extended from the swordsman's body like "delayed exposure" or "overlapping layers". That was a "possible strategy to choose". Thanatos raised the thermal sword to respond. Under his response, the choice of "response method" was reduced and destroyed.

This is a matter of course. When the phonon knife is against the thermal sword, the sword cannot be exchanged - to be precise, a blade can only be exchanged once. All swordsmanship developed based on the phonon knife is explored on the basis of choosing between "precise stabbing" or "long-distance dragging".

Such a storm-like fanatical swordsmanship should not be the swordsmanship of the phonon knife.

However, a scene that surprised Thanatos happened.

The sword force was really like the wind.

The heat sword failed to intercept.

The exquisite swordsmanship was like the wind that could not be contained, bypassing both sides of the heat sword, and the tip of the sword touched the outer armor of the lower abdomen on the same side of Thanatos' shoulder wound. It was as light as a dragonfly touching the water.

Such chaotic swordsmanship only left such a slight result.

But this was enough. The phonon knife does not rely on the momentum of the sword body, nor does it release heat energy. The specific vibration waves on the blade for specific crystal structures are released very quickly. As long as the contact time is several times more than the vibration period, the power of the phonon knife can be well exerted.

"No, no, no... Sorry! Sorry!" The swordsman howled and pointed a sword at Thanatos' waist, but he did not expand the victory. Instead, he continued to howl, "This... I don't want to use it... I give up! I give up! This should not be used on myself! I want to give up! I want to leave! Sorry!"

He waved the weapon in his hand frantically, as if fighting an invisible enemy.

Thanatos didn't even react for a while. He rushed out more than 70 meters before he reacted. The outer armor had been torn apart, and the live ammunition in the ammunition magazine was vaguely visible between the gaps.

Thanatos was shocked and angry. He really couldn't imagine that he couldn't even take down such a madman!

"There's nothing like the God of War in his movements." He was angry, "Is it this kind of... this kind of madman who eats Xiangshan's memory that can step on my head?"

The thermal blade was raised again, and Thanatos brought a narrow tail flame, like a blue-gold streamer. The incandescent sword light burst like an explosion.

He immediately changed his mind and decided to attack.

When facing the thermal blade, the phonon knife has the weakness of "cannot exchange swords". This means that it has no blocking effect on the enemy's weapons. Naturally, basic techniques such as "sword entanglement" and "sticky power" cannot be used. Of course, few people use weapons to intercept attacks. When "weapons" are more valuable than "limbs", the thinking of ancient martial arts should be completely overturned.

Under such a violent attack, the phonon knife, which cannot be head-on, will suffer. Even if a piece of the thermal sword is cut off, it can still be used as a short sword. But if a small part of the phonon sword is heated by ultra-high temperature and then cooled again, the performance of the entire blade will decrease.

Thanatos should have attacked long ago.

He fired all the live ammunition in the damaged magazine and approached under the cover of the live ammunition group, but the swordsman rolled in the air, avoiding Thanatos' attack by a millimeter every time.

Even this almost irregular stall movement!

The swordsman screamed: "No, no, no... I'm sorry! I didn't! I shouldn't!"

"Ha, idiot!" Thanatos laughed loudly, and the grappling claw gun on his body fired. Hope to fix the position of both parties.

But the swordsman stretched his wrist, avoided the grappling lock, grabbed the carbon fiber rope, wrapped it around his wrist twice, and shouted: "I admit that I am a coward, why don't you let me go? I'm not a superman! I've already admitted it! I've already admitted it! I'm not a great person! I'm a loser!"

The two approached quickly, and the sword lights intersected.

The hook cannon fixed on the right shoulder of the swordsman was turned into an irregular metal ingot by the thermal sword.

The crack caused by the phonon knife appeared on the right wing of Thanatos.


Thanatos kicked his opponent away, extinguished half of the feather heating module on the wing, and barely maintained the balance of the wings on both sides. The fixed component behind him popped out, and the entire wing module was detached from his back.

Now he only has the vector nozzles all over his body to use. This can barely fly, but it can't maintain high-speed combat.

He quickly retreated, fixed himself on the double helix building of the Knights with his hook, and gritted his teeth: "How is this possible... Why..."

On the other side, Xiangshan also fell into deep thought.

——What on earth is this?

——Ah, actually I saw it clearly when he made the move. This is also a kind of me. The Six Dragons Cult used my memory to brainwash the believers and cultivate struggle maniacs from the beginning. The leader of the Six Dragons Cult is also Xiangshan, so it is foreseeable that they will study Xiangshan's memory and do various non-compliant experiments.

But... what is this thing in front of me?

Is this also a kind of martial god?


Who is it? Who has such a Xiangshan in his mind?

What kind of Xiangshan is this?

Why would he create such a... product?

The swordsman wailed in mid-air: "Enough, David, enough! Let me go back... We lost... I just want to die in my home..."

Xiangshan: "Ah, I seem to remember this sentence..."


One night in 2066.

Albania, a mountainous country in Eastern Europe. This poor country built fortifications crazily in the second half of the 20th century. There are so many concrete bunkers that every three people in the country can share one. In addition, there is an incalculable amount of underground space.

Superman Enterprise has intervened here. Xiangshan loves every inch of land where order collapses. In the process, Xiangshan also mastered many unrecorded underground air defense fortifications-the files on these fortifications disappeared in the terrible turmoil from the late 20th century to the early 21st century.

Now, Xiangshan, who has been robbed of his life's career, is curled up in a bunker. He shivered, and several data cables were connected to his prosthesis.

Xiangshan felt that his "self" was gradually melting away... "Self" seemed to become uncertain and unpredictable again.

He didn't know if he would be the same person in the next moment. It was completely uncertain. The individual "Xiangshan" seemed to be cut into countless slices along time, and the "self" in each slice was shouting.

"I don't want to disappear."

"I don't want to disappear."

The sensitivity and fragility unique to adolescent humans reappeared on this old man fifty years later.

Then, a strong sense of guilt overwhelmed him.

Xiangshan was defeated by despair.

On a rainy night, he shouted loudly: "Enough, David, enough! Let me go back... We lost... I just want to die in my home... Let me go back..."

In order to regain the powerful learning ability possessed by adolescent humans.

In order to transform from a "scholar" to a "warrior".

Xiangshan used "high-dose Huandan enzyme" and "direct data input" on himself, two technologies that have not yet been verified, with questionable safety and unknown side effects.

This miserable state now is what Xiangshan looks like.

David picked up Xiangshan and punched him in the face with anger. The prosthesis he is using now is very different from his natural body, which is generous and friendly. His relatives and friends in the past could not recognize his identity from his appearance. Even his temperament is completely different from his past self.

The pain of his relatives being stolen made him almost crazy. He grabbed Xiangshan's collar and shook it: "This is different from what we agreed! Why do you think I should trust you again? Do you understand the current situation?"

Xiangshan's facial features were almost squeezed into a ball. This prosthesis is not very good. It does not have the effect of simulating tears and snot, otherwise Xiangshan's half face would be covered with liquid now. He danced with joy and was emotional, but he could not say mature words.

David punched Xiangshan in the face, then covered his head, inserted his fingers into his hair, and clasped his ten fingers on his scalp.

"Okay... okay... Shan... this direction may not be correct... let's take a break. Anyway, it won't be a few days..."

With a "bang", Xiangshan's forehead hit the mattress. His facial features were distorted, and he slammed his head on the mat desperately, as if to shake something out of his head.

David glanced at the monitor: "You are fucking crazy!" He rushed over and pressed Xiangshan's upper body and neck: "I can't use tranquilizers in this state - damn, you are still inputting data?"

The Huandan enzyme was dissolving Xiangshan's dignity and willpower. Xiangshan continued the experiment ugly.

He needed this power.

He felt that he had not reached his limit.

Xiangshan's head was pressed into the mat by David. He said vaguely: "There will be no concussion... I expected this situation. The head is just a decoration, and my brain is in the chest."

"Is this a concussion? What can you do in your current state?"

Xiangshan shook his shoulders twice, and said vaguely in a voice that no one could hear: "I'm sorry..."

"Mom... I'm sorry..."


"It's really my memory..." Xiangshan calmly approached and shot, blowing off the root of the wings of the Six Dragons protector in front of him. The Six Dragons warrior screamed and fell down. He looked at the swordsman who was holding his head and wailing, and felt sad.

If you want to say who saw Xiangshan in that person's eyes...

That was Xiangshan in Xiangshan's eyes.

The side that he didn't want anyone to see. He was ashamed of his parents, friends, and country. A pathetic loser. A shameful instigator. He was weak at heart and often wanted to give up.

After those years of painstakingly developing early martial arts, David always believed that Xiangshan was the man with the strongest willpower in the solar system.

Yes, that's right, the strong side is Xiangshan.

But as an early experimenter, Xiangshan who was wailing on the ground with his head exploded was not Xiangshan anymore?

Even David chose to forget Xiangshan.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this "weak Xiangshan" was another side that existed to set off the "strong Xiangshan". It was as cliché as a certain artistic technique commonly used by artists.

Perhaps it was because people had such a cognitive model deep in their hearts that they had such an artistic technique.

But "weakness" is also something that cannot be completely eliminated.

Until today, Xiangshan is still fighting against his own weakness.

In a place where no one can see.

Only Xiangshan knows how weak and incompetent Xiangshan is in nature.

"But when I think about it carefully, it doesn't seem quite right. This guy was created to deal with Thanatos. In other words, the purpose of the Six Dragons Cult is to create Xiangshan for fighting." Xiangshan gave himself a watch without caring. The prefix of purpose, "Since it is 'Xiangshan for combat', it should not be 'Xiangshan's weak side', but should be 'strong side'..."

Amid the mass production Xiangshan's wail, the battle situation changed again. Thanatos had to borrow hooks to hang on the building. In space battles, electromagnetic hooks can fix the relative positions of two flying objects. For melee players, this is one of the basic weapons. Now that Thanatos has lost his wings, he has no choice but to use this method to keep himself in mid-air.

This is the effect of planetary gravity.

This isn't the best environment for Thanatos to thrive.

However, the swordsman performed even worse. He is still covering his head, as if he were covering his face and crying. This action did not conform to the flying posture, so he was carried by his flight module and rolled randomly in mid-air. It's just that he can always pull himself back from the edge of death with his exquisite adjustments.

If the opponent didn't take the initiative to attack, he wouldn't even know how to take the initiative to expand the results.

The remaining two Six Dragon Cult warriors were trying their best to attract the black swordsman's attention to Thanatos. At this moment, no one even came to restrain Xiang Shan.

There was an anti-aircraft gun in the building that fired at Xiangshan, but Xiangshan easily avoided it. There are people inside the building trying to destroy Thanatos' hook. Before Thanatos could take action, Xiangshan took the lead and killed those enemies with lasers.

Xiangshan quickly cleared the firepower point temporarily set up by the Scientific Research Knights while continuing to think.

"In other words... they created the 'Weak Self in Xiangshan's Eyes'. They didn't really want to create such a character, but were limited by technology and could only create such a character? From the perspective of the Holy Lord under the sea The Six Dragon Sect's technology for creating fake personality masks is mature. However, this is the earth-moon system, and they do not want a fake personality mask to operate in a place where there is a network. Therefore, a fake personality mask like the Holy Lord is used. The data will not appear here."

"The technology for making this guy appeared here for other reasons. In addition, the purpose of making this guy is not simply to create a god of war, but to explore other verify some conjecture."

Xiangshan easily retrieved the relevant information in his database.

Since he wanted to set fire to the Six Dragons Sect, Xiangshan simply transferred all the knowledge left by the Holy Master.

Although the Holy Lord deleted a lot of content, he still retained some of it.

It was like tearing half of a page out of a book. Although we don’t know the content of the other part of this page, we can still make inferences from the context. If you encounter text that has been torn out, you can also roughly infer where this part of the text may appear.

There is a certain connection between "knowledge" and the memory of "events".

Xiangshan didn't know the full extent of this technology, but he seemed to be able to retrieve information that was strongly related to the phenomenon in front of him.

Scientific research has found that when people experience pain, the amygdala region of the brain becomes active. The amygdala is an important part of the brain that processes emotional responses, especially when faced with dangerous or scary scenes. Additionally, painful experiences can cause changes in the connections between neurons in the brain. The amygdala works hard to engrave painful memories between clusters of brain cells.

From an evolutionary perspective, remembering painful experiences is beneficial to avoid future danger and harm. This memory can help individuals avoid repeating the same mistakes, thereby improving their chances of survival. Human ancestors used this mechanism to mark encounters with enemies and learn how to avoid danger.

The range of big cats, the appearance of venomous creatures, the scent of predators...

Hunter-gatherers will remember this information and be more cautious when encountering similar situations in the future to avoid being harmed again. This deep impression of painful memories will bring about a greater survival advantage and make related genes more likely to be inherited.

This is also the reason why humans are "averse to losses". Loss hurts more than never having gained.

Painful memories are often accompanied by strong emotions.

These emotions enhance memory encoding and consolidation processes, making those memories more difficult to forget.

In the memory of the event, the negative part is actually... dominant.

What they endured was the pain they felt when pushing the entire human race toward the mountain to ascend.

Guilt, powerlessness, the feeling of losing relatives and friends forever...

Xiangshan himself did not have such terrible feelings. Because his actions brought him a sense of accomplishment that was even greater than the pain. The satisfaction of "completed the mission" is enough to offset all the pain.

But the inherent mechanisms by which humans encode memories change this. The "pain" part is more highlighted, while the "gain" part is downplayed.

Even the "glory of the past" and the "misery of the present" themselves are a source of pain.

Even Xiangshan himself, when his character was softened by the side effects of Huan Dan Enzyme when he created the "Martial Arts", was also overcome by the pain accumulated in his heart that broke through his psychological defenses. And the pain at that time was mainly due to the theft of Superman's business and the denial of his life's work.

And this technology of the Six Dragons Cult will probably make the recipient experience the pain that Xiangshan has experienced for a long time in a short period of time.

Xiangshan cleared the Six Dragons Cult's support forces, and his vision focused on the swordsman in pain.

Xiangshan's psychological defense line was gradually built up through success and satisfaction over a long period of time, and was constantly strengthened in the fight against pain.

Swallowing the pain of the life of the martial ancestor Xiangshan at one time, but lacking the corresponding sense of accomplishment, will become like this.

The sense of accomplishment obtained from memory will be diluted, and the comparison between "past" and "present" will become a new pain.

This poor thing hopes to deny that it is Xiangshan, and thus gain spiritual comfort.

This brain has not had time to establish a mechanism to fight against the pain from memory.


There is no doubt about his martial arts.

According to the theory of Xiangshan, the leader of the Six Dragons Cult, human personality, ability, knowledge, and experience are relatively independent and mutually influential modules.

I am afraid that this technology is exploring the module of "ability". The Six Dragons Cult wants to obtain Xiangshan's "ability".

What they really want is the ability of Xiangshan, the founder. And "personality" is what they originally don't want.

Now they keep this personality, probably because they can't completely separate "personality" and "ability". The technology is not mature yet.

This is the result of absorbing a large amount of Xiangshan's memory in a short period of time.

It's not a specific fragment that reflects Xiangshan's success, but a complete memory that is enough to form a personality.

And many martial gods probably became martial gods under this situation.

Their "acquired memories" are scattered over a longer period of time. On the basis of lacking a sense of achievement, they continue to fight against pain.

Fighting against pain itself is their sense of achievement.

Those martial gods covered with true personality... They all came this way.

"Just from the point of view of 'toughness', the original body of the martial god may be stronger than the martial god himself, much stronger." Xiangshan turned sideways and avoided the gunfire of the six dragons. He flew over, grabbed a Six Dragons Cult protector with a first-level heavenly body, and then turned on the power behind him, carrying the Six Dragons Cult warrior into the building, "So why bother. Is Xiangshan really that strong?"

He had to explore the building now.

He had to know what the Six Dragons Cult was doing now.

Perhaps because he still had the obsession of "protecting the Knights' headquarters" in his mind, the swordsman in pain howled: "Stop, stop, stop, stop... Stop! Ahhhhhhh!"

He turned suddenly in mid-air and actually wanted to follow.

"Well done, Lord Gaotian!" Thanatos' electromagnetic grappling claw immediately locked onto this guy. Three grappling claw cannons hit in succession, destroying the swordsman's posture and locking him tightly. The swordsman lost his direction and crashed into another floor. He propped his arm on the wall of the building and turned around.

Thanatos immediately followed, the thermal sword opened and closed, the plasma air mixed with the surrounding atmosphere, violently distorting the last reliable way of perception - vision. The swordsman swung his fist on the wrist holding the sword.

After Xiangshan killed the warrior who used the first-level artificial body, he didn't even collect the spoils, but just picked up the gun and rushed out immediately. He pulled the trigger, and the bullet was like a surging metal tsunami, tearing up everything in front of him.

During the time when Xiangshan was undercover, he had been carefully observing the internal structure of the building. He knew very well that the Six Dragons would not place such a high-level secret in a place where he could access it. It must exist in a place that "Knight Frey" could not touch in the past.


After hearing the movement outside, Palmien realized that the time was almost up.

Facing a master like Thanatos, the martial god personality armament that was still in the experimental stage would not have a very good effect.

He stood up and picked up the phonon knife. This weapon is extremely sharp. If the frequency is correct, even a slight touch can cause considerable damage. The scientific research knights can obtain the performance parameters of common alloys and the corresponding frequencies of phonon knives through various channels.

Being able to kill here means that the matter is almost over. He raised his sword and looked at the door: "Come on, I'm not afraid..."

With a bang, the wall suddenly exploded, and Palmien's posture was blown away, and he flew out sideways.

A black shadow rushed in, jumped up, held Palmien and threw him to the ground.

The powerful force immediately shattered Palmien's upper limbs.

Xiangshan shot Palmien to death, then swung the phonon knife and cut the body from the back.

He shot Palmien's biological brain to death. And what he really needed to find was Palmien's storage device. The brain of the scientific knight's prosthesis is not placed in the head, but in the body cavity, and some memory and processors are also arranged near the brain.

At the same time as killing Palmien, Xiangshan had already turned off the EMP on his body. After extracting the storage device in Palmien's body, Xiangshan carefully kept it.

After quickly reading a part of the memory, Xiangshan finally extracted some clues from the recent memory.

Those were the contents that had not been deleted yet, and they were the core thoughts of Palmien before his death.

"Very good, this should be it." Xiangshan nodded.

In fact, the safest way is to keep Palmien alive and use the internal force hacking method to clean up the information in Palmien's brain.

But now Xiangshan is just an AI, without the ability of internal force attack and defense.

"If I had known earlier, I should have let the main body come." Xiangshan picked up the phonon knife and fixed the blade behind him, "Let me see what you want to do, you bastards of the Six Dragons Sect."

Recently, I am going to stop taking the medicine at the doctor's suggestion. It is said that summer is a good time to stop taking the medicine. It's just that the reaction is a bit strong, and the insomnia has suddenly become particularly serious.

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