Cyber Heroes

Chapter 294 Chasing the Murderer

Xiang Shan put his two guns on the ground and cupped his hands: "I accept."

The sound seemed to wake Robert. He stood up from the ground, lowered his head and said, "I lost. Only today did I know that there are really extraordinary people in the world."

Every bullet Xiangshan fired hit him in the air.

Every bullet is like that. Almost all the bullets landed between the two men.

This cannot be explained by simply "reacting quickly". These four antique pistols all have primitive mechanical structures, and the speed at which the magazine can press bullets into the chamber is limited. This further reduces reaction time. The distance between the two is less than a hundred meters. At this distance, it would be difficult for ordinary warriors to dodge the opponent's bullets.

This warrior "predicted" everything. He grasped every possible opportunity for Robert to shoot, and grasped the trajectory of Robert's muzzle movement. The muzzle of his gun was always chasing the muzzle of Robert's gun - and this required a very good understanding of Robert's marksmanship, better than Robert himself.

On this basis, he could determine the moment of shooting by observing the movements of his fingers.

Robert thought to himself that even if he faced his own reflection, he wouldn't be able to do this.

Even if that Green Forest was fast, he would have to use a firearm with a higher rate of fire and shoot more bullets to do similar things.

Regardless of internal strength and prosthetic body...

This knight's skill with guns and cannons makes people admire him.

Until this moment, Robert had a vague understanding. Perhaps in a life-and-death fight, this Jianghu man is much stronger than that Green Lin.

Xiang Shan stretched out his hand to straighten Robert's body and patted him on the shoulder: "It's urgent, I'm sorry. But please tell me carefully about the various things in the city these days, talk about the black market and the like information……"

Robert almost blurted out: "Okay, but please use an experience convolution of guns..."

Robert fell silent mid-sentence. The "information" just now was the bet made with this "nameless" person. He is not thick-skinned enough to add to the winnings of the competition.

"Okay." Xiang Shan said nonchalantly. His experience convolution of grasping the timing of shooting was nothing more than downloading the public information of this martial arts school while waiting for Robert, and then using his own martial arts knowledge to analyze and dismantle it. The martial arts in the world are designed according to one logic, and the technical details are ever-changing, but as long as you have an overall understanding, you can have a strategic perspective.

He said: "You can give me things, but please hurry up and give me the information I want."

With that said, he waved to Youki and walked into the darkness.

Robert thought for a moment, then bowed slightly towards the direction away from the mountain.


Borshu knew that he was being targeted.

He was wearing a black robe with his tail wrapped around his body, walking like this in the busy city. The woman he picked up was beside him.

But he knew he was being targeted.

The first wave of attacks was thirty-three hours ago, when a bullet fell from the sky and almost penetrated his prosthetic body.

At the last moment, he waved the tail made of artificial muscle fibers and shattered the bullet in the air.

However, this extreme blow also caused extensive rupture of muscle fibers, and the entire tail's power output was reduced by a full 7%.

Don’t underestimate this mere 7%. That was a bullet, a cheap bullet.

As for artificial muscle fibers, they can only be snatched from the hands of the government, and it is difficult to obtain a stable supply.

Borshu's tail consumes an unknown amount of artificial muscle fibers. One bullet can destroy nearly 7% of the fibers.

As long as the opponent fires a dozen more rounds, this tail will be considered useless.

But Borshu is not afraid. That bullet just took advantage of a "surprise attack".

He wasn't afraid at all. Borshu pushed the woman away with his backhand, and then waited there.

He was waiting for the second bullet. As long as people like Borshu, who are close to the first level of heaven and earth, are on guard, the speed of their nerve reflexes is enough for them to deal with bullets. The direction of the bullet can also reveal the sniper's location.

Borshu is a speed warrior. He can take a few bullets, rush to the sniper, and kill the sniper.

Borshu was not worried about this woman being affected, because he could guess that it was the knight who came to kill him. Those knights will not harm innocent people.

——It’s different from who I am now.

Borshu had some distracting thoughts at that time.

This was originally a flaw.

However, the second bullet did not appear at this time.

Borshu waited there for two hours, to no avail. If he waited any longer, he might attract unnecessary attention and be noticed by the protector, so Borshu moved again.

About another hour later, the second bullet did appear.

This bullet was slightly inaccurate and just embedded in the ground at Borshu's feet. This movement did disturb the surrounding pedestrians, but gangs often took out hot weapons in their fights, so no one paid much attention. Everyone just evacuated quickly.

Borshu guessed the direction of the bullet from the bullet hole.

Eight thousand meters away, there is a super building with more than fifty floors.

This is a very extreme sniper.

Borshu rushed over.

But the imagined "continuous attack" did not appear.

The gunman just disappeared after firing the first shot.

When Borshu arrived at the place, there were only some traces of the sniper point layout. In addition, there is a QR code on the wall.

This QR code is a URL pointing to an image.

Borshu looked at it and found that it was the traces left by his murder in Domingo City a few days ago.

In addition, this QR code also has some text information, which is parsed as "evidence?", a word, plus a symbol indicating a question.

Borshu remained silent.

When he killed seven people from two families, he actually had no "evidence". Of those two families, only one took action. Even if this person really deserves to die, he should only kill this person. But he couldn't help it.

But Borshu didn't make any excuses. He wasn't even going to come up with the record of the girl being robbed. Pointless. In the eyes of most knights, this is not necessarily a crime that requires "repayment with death." Besides, the knight who came to assassinate him was really a bit of a moral freak, and there was no point in thinking that man had a way to die. There are seven people in the two families, and at least one of them is considered innocent.

The knights all have a must-kill attitude towards Green Forest. In the view of the knight, Lu Lin is an incurable lunatic. Borshu knew this very well, he was a knight in the past. This time two families were killed. The two families had no civilized protection and the government would not care about it. But when the knight saw it, he refused to die.

Those seven lives were just the fuse, the spark that completely detonated the conflict between him and the knight.

Borshu quickly regained his composure. He thought it would be better to just die. But something drove him and he couldn't control it.

——I will try my best to see if you can kill me.

Borshu made up his mind.

The third bullet came four hours after the second. The fourth one took six hours.

Every shot is a super long-range sniper shot. When Borshu spotted the bullet and looked in the direction where the bullet came from, the sniper had already hidden himself.

Borshu vaguely realized that the opponent's martial arts was actually much inferior to his own, and his nerve reflexes and prosthetic body strength were far behind.

It is precisely because of this that the assassin did not fight with him at all, and did not even compete for the "golden hundred meters" of gun combat - the gap between the two people's martial arts was really too big, and the "golden hundred meters" "Inside, it is impossible for the assassin to hit the defensive Bor Technique.

So he is using strategies to make up for the gap in martial arts.

"Martial arts" is a technique for the weak. All techniques, ideas, and wisdom that can subvert the strong and the weak are part of martial arts.

The only thing that the assassin had that was stronger than Bor's skill was probably his eyes. Therefore, he kept shooting out of Borshu's sight. She doesn't ask for a single hit. He planned to keep Borshu in a state of nervous tension for a long time and weaken it bit by bit.

In addition, this also allows Borshu to degrade body parts due to avoidance and blocking.

Borshu also thought about using houses to hide. But not long after he stepped into the house, he felt the movement of infrasound waves. Snipers who attack beyond visual range generally control drones. Without a drone to monitor the wind direction, the wind can destroy the long-range sniper's aim. And that assassin had at least one drone equipped with an infrasonic radar.

This is definitely not a good sign. Most of the residential houses in Domingo City are not made of serious building materials. Facing the power of modern firearms, these walls are like paper and offer no protection at all. On the contrary, after the line of sight is blocked by the wall, Borshu cannot sense bullets. His "reaction time" to counter the bullet is only the short moment from "the bullet breaks through the wall" to "the bullet hits".

So Borshu simply broke through the wall and came out.

On the way out, Borshu searched the surroundings. But unfortunately, there are so many drones around. Common people who have some wealth, gang members, and martial arts masters all use this. Some people who make money from news and the like even use this as a production tool. When he came out, there were at least five drones around him, and he couldn't tell which one it was.

Another way is to drill underground. But Jayhawk City's complex underground network takes advantage of a semi-natural underground river. Not every city has such an underground network. The sewers in some cities are full of organic poisonous gases. It didn't matter that he had a full transformation rate, but that woman who was getting in the way couldn't stand it.

This path is not an option either.

And now, Borshu is about to pass through a crossroads again.

The lack of cover in this terrain makes it a good sniper spot.

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