Cyber Heroes

Chapter 296 Leaving the City

The original reporter was curled up on a roof, wrapped in a layer of electronic camouflage. She split her firearm into two pieces and fixed them in the box, then curled up into a ball. From a distance, it looks like a pile of garbage.

Today's urban residents often pile up unused gadgets on their roofs. The original person almost blended into the environment.

She senses information on the Internet. When she started chasing the green forest, she purchased the network service of the gang and used the port provided by the gang to implant a data link in the server to assist the operation of the drone. There are dozens of drones working for him in the city. And these drones can also be used as transit. Relay some remote camera footage.

This ensured that she would never lose sight of that green forest.

The original newsman once again captured the green forest.

The guy seemed to be turning south.

The picture returned was just a fleeting segment, not very clear. The original newsman hurriedly adjusted the positions of other drones to ensure that he could intercept the green forest's information at the next location.

At the same time, she set her sights on a woman being pulled by the green forest.

"Who is this guy?" Yuan Wenren stared at the Green Lin Dahao in the picture and murmured, "Why did you take her with you?"

It turned out that the reporter had tried it out and found that the woman was an ordinary person.

Borshu didn't know that when the original newsman was closest to him, he was only seventy meters away. At that moment, Yuan Wenren controlled the modified spare prosthetic body, pretended to be an ordinary martial arts academy, and squeezed past the girl.

The strengthening of the ability to "perform" or "control one's own behavior" is also a by-product of the deep development of the brain through internal strength. As assassins, Jianghu Knights know some relevant knowledge.

Lu Lin may have seen that she possesses martial arts skills, but it is not too far-fetched for a martial arts apprentice to have certain martial arts skills.

However, Yuan Wenren did not choose to use this method to assassinate the green forest. There is a big gap between her and the Green Forest's external skills, and the performance of the Green Forest's prosthetic body is even more crushing. In addition, the prosthetic body has far fewer vital points than the physical body, so that kind of assassination is almost meaningless.

As he walked by, Yuan Wenren's remote-controlled backup prosthetic body lightly bumped against the girl.

In that moment of impact, Yuan Wenren calculated the mass of the girl's body. At the same time, she also calculated the approximate position of the girl's center of gravity when she was standing.

Too light and the center of gravity is too high.

Combined with the visual weight of the original reporter...

This girl is probably an unmodified natural person.

Or, it could be a prosthetic with a low transformation rate who uses cheap prosthetics.

However, when Yuan Wenren rubbed her arm, he did feel that the surface of her limbs was soft and could absorb the impact to a certain extent.

It is basically impossible for cheap prosthetic materials to have such a texture.

But why would a green forest bring an ordinary person with a low transformation rate?

The original reporter really couldn’t think of a reason. A natural person has almost no value. They can't fight, their working ability isn't very high, and they can't take their limbs apart and sell them for money. The only ones that are more useful are the spine, which is a natural signal transmitter, and the brain, which is in demand by some scientific knights. In theory, the special counter-messenger drug also makes it possible to transplant spines in this era without the need for matching.

Even if that girl is a resource, she is not worthy of a Green Forester's troublesome protection.

"Could it be that the girl is a martial arts genius, so he wants to take her to the village and train her to become the next generation of green forest tycoons?"

This idea once shocked the original informant. For a few seconds, her crosshairs rested on the girl.

If she really wanted to, she might not be able to keep the green forest this time. And if he died, then Lu Lin took the girl away, and then really cultivated the girl into a new Lu Lin, the original person must have committed a sin.

But the code of being a knight prevented her from pulling the trigger.

The identity of the girl has not yet been determined, and the girl has not shown any intention to attack her, so she must not be killed.

——No, it’s not necessarily as bad as I imagined.

Until now, Yuan Wenren is still thinking of ways to convince himself. Maybe that girl is a relative of the green forest tycoon? For example, it was his sister or something, and then this green forest tycoon took his long-lost sister and planned to join the cottage in the future.

But there is something unreasonable about this. The original news person thought to himself that if he had a lost relative who was fifteen or sixteen years old, the first thing he would do after meeting him would be to help him improve his transformation rate.

At this time, another drone sent back the picture. Still heading south.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was far enough. It was impossible for Green Forest to detect this place through sight.

The original person jumped down from the roof and moved towards the south.

Ah, there is another possibility. The girl might be some patron's plaything. Although the popular aesthetic among the Asylums does not appreciate the appearance of natural people, this is a rural place after all. Maybe the Asylums' habits are more rustic and perverted?

It turns out that the person was thinking wildly along the way.

"Indulging your own thoughts" can also be considered a relaxing way. The original reporter continued to pursue the green forest, which also accumulated physical and psychological pressure. Although it was easier for her to find opportunities to rest because she was in the dark, she was also tired.

In order to ensure a safe state, it is also beneficial to "think wildly" a little bit in this situation.

Tens of minutes later, Yuanwen entered the next prepared sniper point, then set up his long gun and waited for the target.

The original reporter's gaze fell on the flash suppressor on the muzzle of the gun.

——Speaking of which, this guy started heading south half an hour ago...

When the target walked through the intersection, Yuan Wenren tightened his grip on the sniper rifle.

Her crosshairs passed over the strange girl with a water bag hanging on her body, and she aimed at the green forest again.

The green forest seemed to be aware of the drone's gaze. He started to speed up. There were far fewer pedestrians in this neighborhood than before. Yuan Wenren fired twice.

The bullet left two small craters in the ground. The sound of gunfire seemed to have disturbed something, and several warriors with low transformation rates came to check. That should be someone who was working as a gangster. Yuan Wenren saw from a distance that after Green Lin killed several warriors, he picked up the girl and rushed out quickly.

Afterwards, the original informant saw sporadic firelight.

"Entered a gang-controlled area?" The original reporter waited for a few more minutes. Here she directs the movement of the drone swarm.

But at this moment, she realized a problem.

This is already very close to the outskirts of the city. Further south, there should be slums.

It was a place where people lived with barely separated spaces using plastic sheets, old fabrics and other things. It was an extremely chaotic place.

There are many homeless people in the slums. The reason for this is that the property of those who have lost asylum is not protected. Anyone can rob the property of those who have lost asylum. And if the people who have lost their asylum dare to fight back and kill the people who are being protected, then the government will come to kill the people who have lost their asylum. After a person loses shelter, he will become more lazy, earning only the resources to survive and not accumulating anything.

Since the government has no obligation to protect these people, the number of cameras in slums is very low.

——A more favorable environment for him? Not too bad...

At least there are a lot of drones in the slums. According to the original source's understanding, only the poor on earth live in the open air like this. It seems that there are many humans on other planets who would be curious about the lives of these guys. There are really a lot of drones coming here to collect materials.

Tens of minutes later, the original reporter lifted up a plastic curtain and got into a relatively closed space.

The owner of this space looked up and saw that it was a completely prosthetic warrior, so he ignored it and continued to sleep with his head down. He should be the one who has lost his asylum and is used to it. There is nothing to take away from this "house" except for a little bit of rags.

The original hearer sighed, then walked directly through the "house" and walked into the "next door".

She just went straight.

Suddenly, the original news person froze.

In a quite peripheral area, she once again captured traces of the green forest.

Still heading south.

The green forest continues to go south.

——He is going into the wilderness...

The original person lowered his head.

The wilderness is no different than the city. In the wilderness, drones assisting snipers are too conspicuous. There may be rich people on other planets who like to see the poor people struggling on earth, but there are absolutely no rich people who like to see the same deserts of this generation. The battery life of most drones is not that great, and they will not be far away from their owners easily.

And it is impossible for Yuanwen Man to hide himself among the crowd. In a natural environment, the existence of a prosthetic man is very dazzling. She was too easy to spot in the wilderness.


To be honest, the original reporter has achieved his goal. At least because of her hunting operations, Green Forest didn't have time to kill ordinary people when she was in Domingo City. She has protected some people.

In Wu Zu's words, "This is also a victory."

Besides, it's almost time to leave seclusion as mentioned by the seniors. The day after tomorrow at the latest, that powerful senior will be able to come out of seclusion. When the time comes, you can ask him...


——Not willing to give in.

The world is too big, and prosthetics are too easy to replace. If the old man comes out of seclusion tomorrow, he may not have a chance to track the green forest heading south.

The original informant once again thought of the seven people who were killed and the tragic death method described by the scientific knight.

Yuan Wenren held the gun and walked south without hesitation.


Borshu chose to leave Domingo City away from the main road and walked towards a cliff.

His prosthetic body is very small, and objects of this size are generally not targets of satellite surveillance. This is why he went on the road alone.

The girl seemed to be unaccustomed to being held by him. She struggled a little and said, "Hero, where are we going?"

"Where to go..." Borshu thought for a moment: "Well, maybe you can find a job in the next city."

Suddenly, he tilted his head, then thought about it and said, "Whether it can be done or not, we will see soon."

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