Cyber Heroes

Chapter 299 His words

GA-R03 took his mind back from the network, and then said to the ranger beside him: "The search is completed. We have obtained the general information."

The other two rangers bowed their heads in front of him and said, "Please give instructions."

Just now, GA-R03 used its expertise to hack into various nodes in Domingo City through satellite signals to collect the intelligence it might need.

The hunting team led by GA-R03 is on a hill several thousand meters south of Domingo City. They occupied a commanding heights and were using electronic camouflage to build a rest area for many soldiers to maintain their prosthetic bodies.

"The target is a warrior with a high-speed and lightweight prosthetic body. His real name is unknown." GA-R03 packaged and shared a piece of information with his subordinates: "According to the records, this person was a knight at least a year ago, and there was a 'Tiaozixia' Title. During this period of time, he may have been affected by the Yidao consensus algorithm. His current behavior is close to that of the Green Forest."

The two rangers did not speak, and their minds were already quickly thinking about possible countermeasures.

"The martial arts is the 'RX Pegasus' system, which includes the 'Comet Running Technique', the 'Meteor Fist', the 'Spinning Punch Technique', etc., and perhaps the 'Archer' gun martial arts, but the previous records did not show him He has mastered the relevant skills, but maybe he has not learned them all." GA-R03 continued: "In addition, the performance of his prosthetic body does not support iso-particle beams. In addition, he also installed infrasonic sound generators in his body according to his own wishes. non-lethal weapons such as weapons and strobe lights.”

One ranger asked: "Why install these weapons? Who is his imaginary enemy?"

"He is very obsessed with the Fourth Martial God's concept of 'obeying the law' and longing for the strict rule world of the old era, so he imitated the enforcers of the law at that time to face the enemy. He may have fully considered the fact that in the face of 'nothing can be done' How to deal with it when killing the enemy."

"Unkillable enemies" is still a very new experience for the rangers. "All knights should die" and "all those who should not die should survive" are the principles imprinted in their minds. They never thought about that kind of weird situation.

"Understood." Although You Qi didn't understand the knight's crazy idea, he still recorded it.

GA-R03 appreciates this aspect of these rides.

The system of "wandering" was created by his teacher King Agni. Later, patrons in various places also followed suit, setting up roving teams within the groups they commanded to hunt and kill Jianghu people. Although this system was promoted, the rangers under King Agni were always the most elite rangers.

And their senior brother, Fe-901, is simply the leader of the Iron Hand Rangers.

Performing tasks with these elites can save a lot of effort. He can even continue to explore the way of internal strength while performing tasks.

"Don't underestimate this martial arts. 'RX Pegasus' and Speed ​​King's 'Moonlight Butterfly' are from the same source of martial arts, and they can both be traced back to the ultra-high-speed fighting techniques created by the Martial Ancestor. Of course, there is no need to be too restrained. It has only been one year since he was last recorded. In this year, even if he is extremely talented, he will not be able to cross the first level." GA-R03 said: "Especially the internal strength. At this point, we have no idea at all. Need to worry."

"The only thing worth worrying about is his hiding ability."

A ranger thought for a moment and said: "The data shows that this guy killed seven unsheltered people in the city in order to vent his murderous intentions. Can you find other reasons to mobilize the local gene bank defense forces?"

GA-R03 hesitated for a moment, then refused: "No. I am a close confidant of the teacher. My appearance on the earth may be regarded as a signal. From their perspective, it is impossible for me to do it for seven innocent people. A protector or a green forest just goes to the ground for a special trip. This matter must not be known to the officers who are protecting the armed forces."

This is also a huge puzzle. King Agni's attitude towards the legacy of the eighth warrior god was very strange. According to GA-R03's thinking, if the entire search force of the New World Protectors is launched, the entire continent can be plowed several times within a few years. Even if the eighth Martial God builds a tomb according to ancient legends, it should be dug out.

But King Agni did not. He would rather send out a small team to investigate bit by bit than want other asylum seekers to know that he is looking for this thing.

GA-R03 still remembers that about sixty years ago, a mid-level officer in the city of Dela Cruz discovered their existence and proposed the idea of ​​assisting. Almost immediately, King Agni's royal guards came to the door, saying that they suspected that he had contact with the knights, and took him away for investigation. By the time the officer reappeared, he had lost his memory of the past few years. His internal strength was completely disabled and his thinking was affected. He had to retire early and go to a space city in the orbit of Venus to retire.

The biggest beneficiary of this incident is the scientific research knight King Yi Emery. Therefore, many people who do not know the inside story suspect that the so-called "city lord has contact with the knight" is the fault of His Excellency Wang Yi Emery. King Agni's style of "would rather kill ten by mistake than let one go" was famous more than a hundred years ago.

GA-R03 never understood why his teacher would do such a thing. But he knew that he must not ask this question, otherwise, it might be his turn to lose his memory for several years. King Agni admired the "military culture" of the old era very much, and he most admired people who obeyed orders and who did not ponder secrets.

But one thing is certain, as one of the "Kings of Sanctuary", King Agni's will to protect the world is very firm and unshakable.

They are protecting the world.

At this time, a life-chasing ranger suddenly raised his head, seemingly observing something.

Then, an application popped up in GA-R03's consciousness.

[A high-power infrared source was observed, and the possibility of active infrared detection is high. Request a search. whether】

GA-R03 allows it.

No matter what the Rangers did, eight six-rotor medium-sized drones took off. The shell of this drone is strong and can bear the weight of the prosthetic body for a short period of time, and can even be used as a foothold for performing Qinggong movements.

A few seconds later, the picture was transmitted back.

The Life-Chasing Ranger was a bit unbelievable: "Is this our goal?"

"What?" GA-R03 immediately connected to the screen.

He did see the target. Although the "infrared source" in the picture has some damage to the outer armor of the prosthesis and the paint has been changed, it is indeed almost exactly the same as the prosthetic body of "Tiao Zixia".

“He was engaging people, but he was not a patron, and there was no record of any sorties from Domingo City.”

"According to information, there may have been a hunting-style sniper battle that lasted for several days in Domingo City. He may have fought against the knights."

"In order to express his murderous intention, he killed seven unprotected people. This incident may arouse abnormal hostility among knights."

Without the need for GA-R03 commands, these elites relied on a highly information-based thinking network to complete the restoration of the entire thing.

Subsequently, a request with an emphasis prompt box covered GA-R03's field of vision - this would only appear if half of the experts unanimously applied.

【Attack. whether】

GA-R03 thought, and then moved to an extension.

This prosthetic body is a structure similar to a spider's legs, which is one meter long. There is an expansion slot directly under his prosthetic body, which can be connected to this mobile expansion part. This extension can effectively overcome a variety of complex terrains including "stairs".

Then, several figures merged into the darkness silently.


Borshu huddled behind a rock. The outer armor on his back was almost completely destroyed. This piece of armor had already withstood several rounds of bullets in the city. Even if you have the skill to hold the body, the metal is close to its limit. The bullet hitting him on the ground just now was really hurt.

The outer armor of other parts is not much better.

The girl almost cried: "Hero, why did you..."

"Shut up!" Borshu yelled rudely, "You know nothing!"

The girl really cried: "I'm sorry, hero... I'm so scared... I don't know... I don't know... ah!"

She wanted to get closer, but was burned by the high-temperature gas emitted from Borshu's body.

Borshu ignored him, took out the temporary armor from the cabin on his waist, and then took out the temporary coolant from the girl's bag for her to take. He really didn't expect to provoke such a master. It would be fine if there was only the first shooter. According to the situation of the battle just now, after he killed the first gunman, he could still maintain complete mobility. At that time, you can go back to Domingo City, kill a few people from the martial arts hall, replenish metal resources, piece together temporary outer armor, and then plunder the competition prosthetics of those warriors.

If you have internal strength, it is not too difficult to deal with those warriors.

But the second one...even if he was in perfect condition, he wouldn't dare to deal with it.

He didn't know why, but he just escaped behind this rock. Just a piece of stone still cannot constitute an effective defense in the face of real heavy firepower. Even if those knights care about the girl's life, it won't be much better. The defense this place can provide is limited. And if he hides behind the stone, he will lose sight of those knights.

The warrior's mind made him feel humiliated by this behavior.


——It seems that I have something to say...

Borshu suppressed the thought of slapping the girl on the face and said calmly: "Listen carefully, I didn't actually save you. I just wanted to kill someone, and then killed a group of people along the way. I didn't kill you, Simply because I didn’t see you.”

"Huh?" The girl was stunned.

"I'm a bad guy. I'm a Green Forest. Does Green Forest know that?" Borshu pointed at himself and then behind the stone: "Those guys are the real heroes, do you know?"

The girl was stunned again. Her world view seemed to be challenged in some way, and her whole body was trembling.

"Are you finally afraid? That's right." Borshu didn't know why he was talking so much. He wanted to say more now than he had in the previous few days combined: "Those people are knights and heroes. Go out and tell the truth, they won't kill you. I killed someone, and they came to kill me." …”

"But you are a hero!" the girl said stubbornly.


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