Cyber Heroes

Chapter 307 Assassination

This happens in one second.

Originally, the knight had already made a move to "break out", and everyone was adjusting their posture, hoping to seal this breakout again and block the knight's escape route.

But no one expected that the knight's route suddenly made a 180-degree turn and sprinted directly behind him.

The center of gravity of the entire Yuanyangdang bandit formation has shifted, and now the heavy defense line has fallen behind Xiangshan. The weak point is right in front of Xiangshan.

Xiangshan held a big gun in his hand and dragged the original owner of the big gun around to sprint. A warrior in front of him didn't react in time and had no time to dodge. Xiang Shan shot him directly in the chest. The metal jet destroyed the armor and completely destroyed the power system in the prosthetic body.

The ranger holding the gun's tail staggered. His hands instinctively tightened, trying to take back the weapon.

But Xiang Shan's left hand suddenly hit the front of the big gun, and the knight's feet left the ground, and he was actually picked up by Xiang Shan.


His consciousness was only enough to flash the word.

Xiangshan held the exploded head of the spear in his hand, and stabbed the spear in the opposite direction, making the tail of the spear touch the neck and chest of the ranger, and then smashed it forward with force.

This is equivalent to a half-ton warhammer head.

The two rangers who blocked Xiang Shan were knocked to the ground, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

Xiang Shan instantly abandoned his spear and sprinted again.

At this moment, there were only two rangers left in front of him who had protected GA-R03 at the beginning. Although the two rangers were frightened, they still came forward.

Xiang Shan lowered his head, just following the footsteps of the two warriors.

Several radar waves approaching all the rangers' frequency bands came from different directions and hit several of Xiangshan's armors. There were also several completely different beams of electromagnetic waves and ranging infrared rays coming from different angles, vaguely pointing to the weaknesses of the two rangers' moves.

In the eyes of these two rangers, Xiangshan's figure was erratic, and his movements seemed to be murderous. Within the field of view of "Prejudgment", a continuous stream of moves came from the front. The knight seemed to be able to strike at any time and from any angle.

This heavy phantom seemed to hit the two rangers directly. If there are upper and lower jaws, their teeth will definitely chatter.

He raised the sheathed phonon knife towards Shan.

The two rangers had already come to their senses. This knight's first sword will definitely take away a combat power. If it hits the head, a life will be taken away. But whoever falls, the other will break the blade of the phonon knife.

The two rangers cheered up with all their strength and attacked the terrifying knight.

But Xiangshan made a diving movement and avoided the joint attack of the two men. At the same time, he slapped the other man's ankle with the sheathed sword. The knight lost his balance, and the side kick he originally planned to follow could not be kicked out anyway.

Xiangshan passed the two men in an instant and rushed towards the final target.

The gunmen also reacted. They poured bullets directly in front of GA-R03. They knew that with the knight's skill, they would most likely not be able to hit the opponent. These bullets only serve as an "iron curtain" to block GA-R03.

But Xiangshan didn't care. He used the hand not holding the sword to protect the back of his head and rushed directly through the area blocked by fire.

As long as you don't lose your mobility, everything will be fine.

GA-R03 has actually been moving for a long time. But the aerodynamic shape of the pepper pot-like prosthetic body is really terrible. Even if he moved desperately, it would be difficult for him to reach the speed of sound. The pure internal martial artist aimed his prosthetic eyes at Xiang Shan in despair. But Xiang Shan lowered his head and didn't look at this guy at all.


GA-R03 had a glimmer of hope in his heart. His chest suddenly expanded, and a gun barrel popped out. There was only one armor-piercing round inside.

——At this distance, if there is no vision...

But at the moment he launched, Xiangshan fell to the left. While his legs were still moving rapidly, the sheathed sword was a little on the ground. He instantly transformed and moved to the back of GA-R03, facing the enemy head-on.

He was very familiar with the urine properties of King Agni. He knew what the guy on the other side might do.

His body was blocked by GA-R03 itself, and the snipers were unable to bypass the commander and attack him.

The armor-piercing bullet missed Xiang Shan and knocked over a ranger who rushed too far forward.

The two escorting rangers screamed inwardly and wanted to catch up. But their position is always a little different from Xiangshan - because their entry moves really affect the steering.

It's just a speed delay of tens of milliseconds.

The bright stream of light slides across the surface of GA-R03. Xiangshan didn't know the alloy crystal parameters of the outer armor used by GA-R03, but for some reason, he knew that King Agni liked materials similar to "battleship outer armor". He selected several parameters of the outer armor used by King Agni in the past, tried a few swords, and then made slight adjustments.

GA-R03's outer armor fell apart instantly.

This cylindrical prosthetic body has a nuclear battery and a gun barrel inside, and the cooling system accounts for a considerable part. In addition, it is a biological brain wrapped in a large number of electronic devices

The two rangers no longer expected to be able to defeat the knight. They almost used their bodies to block between Xiangshan and GA-R03, trying to snatch back the chief's biological brain.

GA-R03 also changed direction and ran towards the formation, hoping to seek cover from the rangers.

But Xiang Shan stabbed out the phonon knife in his hand without mercy.

The outer armor of the two guards was sliced ​​open like cheese. They twisted it as hard as they could, but the blade of the sonic knife was so brittle that it almost broke into pieces.

However, the tip of the sword still hit GA-R03 by virtue of its inertia.

The material of the phonon knife is delicate and fragile, and it is only compared to ordinary outer armor. Those electronic components were split open directly by the blade. The tip of the sword pierced the brain-machine barrier. The internal power of GA-R03 stagnated, and all the riding movements stopped for half a beat.

——Impossible... How could I be... among the heavy guards?

This was the last thought of this internal martial arts master.

Then, Xiang Shan put his hands on the two guards, turned them over, and kicked them directly on the tip of the sword.

The shattered phonon knife blade stirred up the brain of GA-R03's creature, and then completely shattered.

An indescribable pain overwhelmed all the rangers. They seemed to be a group of nerves that had lost the core of their brain, like octopus arms and legs that had been chopped off from the main body.

All the rangers' eyes were fixed on Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan clicked his tongue.

——Now I really have to run for my life.


The death of GA-R03 not only caused intense pain to the rangers who were close at hand, but also made fellow disciples who provided internal strength support from afar feel the severe pain.

Squad leader C. Shivaji-21 felt the pain of losing his nerve plexus. He roared: "How is this possible..."

Due to the direct connection, C. Shivaji-21 witnessed almost everything that happened there.

He sees everything "with his own eyes." He "saw" how the knight fell into a disadvantage, and "saw" how his own side consolidated the situation.

Then I saw how the knight completed the counterattack on GA-R03 in one second.

C. Shivaji-21

Instruct another junior brother to maintain long-range internal strength support. The network delay from here to the battle site is only a few tenths of a second, which will put internal skill masters at a certain disadvantage, but it is not completely impossible to fight.

Of course, C. Shivaji-21 does not expect this junior brother to be able to do what GA-R03 cannot do. He had no hope of hacking the vigilante.

He just didn't want those rangers to be easily hacked by the knights after losing the support of long-range internal skills.

The Rangers often hunt and kill Jianghu people in the Jianghu, so they still have internal strength, but they are usually in the compilation realm.

And that enemy is at the top of the mechanical realm.

The internal strength gap between the two sides is a bit big.

"Damn it, why did it become like this." C. Shivaji-21 was very frustrated. In his mind, this mission should be a relatively easy, low-risk matter.

Why would a knight who had not crossed the first level of heaven and earth appear, staring at the suppression of the Yuanyangdang bandit formation, and assassinated his junior brother in a dignified manner?

This should not be done at all...this is unreasonable...this...

Some kind of nameless fire burned within his spiritual world.

And burned toward a real-world target.

Under his thoughts, an instrument began to pressurize, pushing the liquid into a certain place - that was someone's brain.

This instrument is fixed on the head of a prosthetic person. The man's skull was peeled off, most of the hardware equipment was unplugged, and an instrument was fixed on it, and the entire brain-computer interface was monitored by induction probes. At the same time, this device can also inject various drugs into the target's brain to make the target lose self-control.

This is not something that willpower can fight.

The target felt it too. However, his brain was unable to send even one bit of signal to the prosthetic body. His prosthetic eyes moved around a few times, showing a little bit of despair.

He is a knight. Just today, this strange protector savagely hacked into his prosthetic body - and this protector seemed to use this trick on an entire area. Then, his internal strength automatically counterattacked.

This knight's internal strength was insignificant compared to C. Shivaji-21, and he was suppressed in an instant.

But this sudden movement was enough for C. Shivaji-21 to notice his presence.

Just today, C. Shivaji-21 arrested several people using the same method.

Then, the device that monitored his brain connected to a speech synthesizer.

C. Shivaji-21 didn't really want to do this.

A complete knight can still create some value if thrown into a prisoner of war camp. Unlike his teacher, C. Shivaji-21 does not like waste. King Agni is a guy who "does whatever it takes", but C. Shivaji-21 likes to care about every detail.

But now, he was in no mood to care.

He asked irritably: "Do you know the legend of the Eighth Martial God? Knight."

"I have no idea……"

There was a trace of despair in the knight's dull voice.

Some of the receptors in his brain's neurons had been completely destroyed. His brain is permanently missing certain functions.

He is no longer human.

C. Shivaji-21 continued to ask: "So, what about those earth-burrowing dragons?"

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