Cyber Heroes

Chapter 311 Green Forest Will

Yuan Wenren stared nervously at Bo Shu in front of him, holding a gun in his hand and saying nothing.

Now it was just the two of them outside the vehicle. Borshu's body is wrapped with a nano-rope. This nano-rope is kneaded into several nano-carbon fibers with different crystal structures, and its performance is terrifying. It is said to be a similar material to a space elevator. The original source also seized it from the government by chance. She even considered using it as a secondary weapon.

A few hours ago, Youki was carried to the operating room with a confused look on his face by Xiangshan, and the little guy was placed on another vehicle, and that vehicle was several hundred meters away to ensure that Borshu could not explode. Hurtful.

Just a few hours ago, Borshu and Xiang Shan came here together. At that time, Borshu held the girl, and then Xiangshan pointed a gun at Borshu's head. After arriving at the place, Xiangshan asked Yuan Wenren to find the strongest rope to tie up the green forest.

Yuan Wenren thought that Green Lin was Xiang Shan's prisoner at first, and was a little surprised. From the knight's perspective, Green Lin was a hopeless individual, and his capture was of little significance. Even if you need information, you can just take away the memory storage device. Maybe the senior wants this guy's complete prosthetic body? But in this case, this green forest will choose to self-destruct, right?

Then, she heard Xiang Shan say that this guy actually ran over and surrendered because of that girl.

The original informant was shocked.

She felt that the scene before her was not very consistent with her understanding of Green Forest.

Xiangshan didn't explain any more. After adding some lubricant and coolant to himself, he carried Youki into the operating room.

Only the original informant was left to guard here alone.

The original reporter was a little nervous.

Yuan Wenren and Bo Shu already knew each other's level from previous matches. The original source knew that in close combat situations, Borshu could render oneself incapable of counterattack within three moves. However, Borshu is now in a great position. The position of these ropes just hinders the power of Borshu. Theoretically, before Borshu could break free, Yuan Wenren could shoot him three times and one point, blowing his head off.

But the original reporter will still be nervous.

All long-range gunners will feel to a certain extent that the error tolerance rate in close combat is too low and is not suitable for the style of "one hit cannot hit a thousand miles".

But Borshu just closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a few more hours, Xiangshan walked out of the car with Youki looking sleepy. The girl remained in the car. Xiangshan asked Youki to go to another vehicle to rest, and then walked up to Borshu.

Only then did Borshu look at Xiangshan: "How is it?"

"The situation is now stable." Xiang Shan clasped his hands on his chest: "I asked my apprentice to transfuse her some blood and gave her half of the prosthetic lung he is currently using, and then everything will be fine."

This is largely thanks to Yawgmoth, the inventor of the baseline human genetic modification surgery. He unified human blood types.

Prior to this, humans had thirty-six blood group systems and 346 red blood cell antigens. The ABO blood group system alone has four blood types: A, B, AB, and O. In addition, there is the Rh blood group system, which divides humans into Rh negative and Rh positive. Calculated in this way, the number of blood types can be said to be countless. However, the immune response triggered by blood group systems such as MN, Diego, Kidd and Kell is not too strong and will not have fatal consequences such as "hemolytic reaction", so it is generally ignored and only ABO and Rh are considered. The most important blood group system.

Some special red blood cell antigens can even cause harm to themselves. For example, if the blood types of a fetus's parents are too incompatible with each other, the fetus's blood type antigens will invade the mother's body and activate antibodies. If these antibodies are filtered through the placenta and enter the fetus, they will in turn attack the child's red blood cells, causing hemolysis of the newborn and even miscarriage.

However, these blood group antigens are also expressed in some non-specific immunity. For example, people with non-O blood types seem to be more likely to develop severe malaria than people with type O blood, and so on.

People with different blood types have different adaptability to different situations. If there really is a severe infectious disease that only type O blood can survive, then Homo sapiens with type O blood will be better able to adapt to this world and have greater advantages.

Species diversity is the basis for ensuring that a species is more competitive in most situations.

However, on the basis that human medical technology has become relatively developed and the medical method of "blood transfusion" has become increasingly mature, the design of the "blood group system" is somewhat cumbersome.

So Yawgmoth broke the rules and made changes to the blood type system. The blood types of baseline people are unified. Unless the ancestral DNA of two people is too different, hemolytic symptoms will not occur in the baseline person.

After Xiangshan repaired the main bleeding points on the girl's body surface and body, he replaced her lungs.

A large number of alveoli in her lungs were ruptured, which was irreversible.

The efficiency of half "Dragon Breath" is not weaker than her native lungs, so this is enough.

Xiangshan increased Yuki's transformation rate in advance, mainly by converting or removing some of his organs.

In this way, Yuki's need for oxygen will be further reduced.

After doing this, Mukayama injected the blood extracted from Yuki's body into the girl's blood vessels.

This is already quite extreme.

For the rest, we can only hope that the girl can survive the hypoxic injury.

Otherwise, Xiang Shan can only use the enzyme to recuperate her brain.

But Xiangshan didn't really want to do this. On the one hand, dandruff-reducing enzyme is a relatively precious material. On the other hand, doing so will cause the girl to lose a lot of her memory. It seems that the girl has never done any memory backup, which is really too cruel.

After hearing this, Borshu seemed relieved. He made no more movements and just sat on the ground, as if waiting for death.

Xiang Shan said: "Don't get too happy too soon. I just used fixations to fix her rib fractures. This is just a first aid measure... She may not wake up for a while. The physical damage is too serious. If you want to save her, it’s best to transform into a prosthetic body.”

"I can provide a part of the virtual currency, which should be enough for basic prostheticization." Borshu's tone seemed a little happy.

The words "hastily nailed" are a bit harsh when it comes to Homo sapiens, but to a certain extent, baseline Homo has an advantage in prosthetic transformation due to its ability to resist mechanical damage by "adapting to foreign objects in the tissue." It can be said that it is not a big problem.

It is enough for a girl to survive until she reaches the next city and completes her transformation into a prosthetic body.

Xiang Shan nodded: "It seems that you have no regrets about the result on her side. Then, let me talk about you again."

Xiang Shan sat opposite Bo Shu, "Tiao Zi Xia Bo Shu... was this the name before?"

"Tiao this really who he is?" the original news person exclaimed.

It was also a little sad.

When she was looking for information on Borshu, she had suspected that the green forest was created by "Tiao Zixia".

According to the information, Tiao Zixia is... a "good neighbor" type knight who prefers to use non-lethal weapons to prevent civil disputes.

This kind of person turns into a bandit, it is really...

"It's no longer a name. If you let me live until the next update of the Green Forest Tiger List, it will be the Sky Speed ​​Star Borshu." Borshu said.

"According to the records, you just recently became a member of Green Forest? And it's your first time to go on a mission?"

"Yes." Borshu nodded.

"How many people have been killed?"

Borshu pondered for a moment, and then said: "I don't remember."

Xiang Shan nodded: "I understand. What about Domingo City? You killed two families..."

"I don't remember who was there specifically. After I had the intention to kill, I killed everyone I saw. I couldn't control it. I didn't count them specifically...or did I count them and didn't pay much attention to them?" Bors said in a very sad tone. Wu Xi: "It should be a family of seven, right?"

Xiang Shan nodded: "And the means... forget it. This is no longer important. You came from the Old Continent and passed through many cities along the way. Has this happened several times?"

Borshu nodded: "That's right. Although I can control myself and only kill when I see someone doing evil, but... once I kill, Green Forest will not control myself. Are there any passers-by? I don't know? Are there any? Who shouldn’t die? I don’t know either.”

Xiang Shan nodded: "You are very honest..."

After saying that, he put his palm on Borshu's head.

At this distance, the ultrasonic waves generated by Xiangshan's palm can be transmitted into Borshu's cranial cavity, destroying this green forest's brain at the cellular level.

The original person suddenly shouted: "Senior!"

"Shut up!" Xiang Shan roared: "I know what you want to say! But this is a green forest! We are not sure! We have no confidence!"

"But he has repentance!"

"So what if you feel repentant?"

"Yes, so what if you feel repentant?" Borshu said: "Some people can commit suicide because of impulse. But if he fails to commit suicide successfully, the anger in his heart is vented, and he can commit suicide a second time. It’s even more difficult. Of course, there are some people who really want to die and can commit suicide again and again. However, Green Lin’s will will prevent all of this.”

In other words, the content instilled in the Yakuza Consensus Therapy itself contains "anti-suicide" sentiments.

This in itself is a technology that exists to treat "mental illness."

"You..." Xiang Shan looked at Borshu.

"Do you know what I'm thinking now?" Borshu lowered his head and said: "Now, my Green Forest Will tells me, 'Be more sincere,' 'Repent sincerely,' 'Only those who inspire these two With the compassion of a knight, your probability of survival will be higher', 'survive at any cost'."

He paused and said, "'Wait until they relax their vigilance and then kill them.'"

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