Cyber Heroes

Chapter 315 Side Effects

Xiangshan stood under the stone and looked at the QR codes.

Basically it's all name and time.

According to the information left by Pixiu underground, this is also a rule. Using this same passage, after coming from the opposite side, you will leave such a trace. It is up to the knights who enter from this way to judge whether this passage is still reliable.

Xiangshan thought, and several drones flew out silently. At the same time, he started checking the QR codes.

"In early 193, the knight Kunlun Xin appeared here."

"In 193, chivalrous Freeman went north here"

"Norman passed by in 196"

"In 204, the knight Yu Lin went north here to assassinate Amilcarre."

"This should be the last record." Xiang Shan said.

These records are the usage records of this road in the past ten years.

It is said that the burrowers will also conduct regular inspections and dispose of roads that have been overused and may no longer be classified enough.

They will disguise themselves as collapse caused by natural weathering.

These QR codes will also become the internal records of the Earth-Drilling Dragon and be passed down as part of historical materials.


Xiangshan's finger crossed the record of "In 204, the knight Yu Lin went north here to assassinate Amilcarre."

This Amilcarre is probably the one he knows, the lord of Jayhawk City. Of course, it is possible for a knight to lurk around a target for several years to plan an assassination, but there were many incidents such as Tao Enhai's landing and the Red Stone Gate's ambush in Jayhawk City some time ago. It's possible that the knight is hiding something very deep, but it's more likely...

Xiangshan gently touched the QR code and recalled the drone.

But after a moment, he seemed to remember something.

——I seem to have overlooked something very important...

Then, his hands trembled.

Xiang Shan quickly rushed into the car and reconnected to the space where Borshu was.

Because human beings' sense of time is also controlled by certain nerves. The periodic discharge of nerves and even the smoothness of neurotransmitter channels will affect human beings' sense of time. This feeling can also be adjusted to a limited extent through external intervention.

Of course, the effect of this kind of adjustment is limited for internal skill masters.

A master of internal skills can completely separate a thread to count time, and at the same time separate the "physiological sense of time" from the "rational sense of time". But to a certain extent, this can be regarded as suppressing the performance of internal skill masters.

However, Bo Shu was very conscious of going to jail and did not use his internal energy. In his subjective time, Xiangshan was only gone for a while.

He was still immersed in the memory of the Martial Ancestor given to Xiangshan.

Xiang Shan held his forehead and asked bluntly: "How did you find me then? I mean, when you took that girl with you."

Borshu was stunned and said: "You don't seem to have deliberately hidden your traces, right? Is this some kind of tactic? You have an overwhelming advantage over the rangers, so you lure them to chase?"

"Hey, I only realized now that something is wrong!"

Xiang Shan hit himself hard on the forehead and left quickly.

Borshu was left in a daze.

Xiangshan quickly summoned the original person: "Comrade Obara, let me ask you a question, and you must answer me truthfully. This may be related to our survival rate in the next few days."

The original newsman nodded nervously.

Xiangshan asked anxiously: "When I drove the vehicle to retreat these days, did I do a good job of hiding my traces? Isn't there anything outrageous?"

The original source thought for a moment: "I often patrol around and didn't notice that our vehicles left obvious traces."

Xiang Shan held his head: "That's good..."

The original reporter asked: "Did something happen?"

"No, I just feel a little strange, why was I found so easily by a green forest at that time. But the incident of 'a green forest came and surrendered to save people' was so shocking that I actually forgot about it..." Xiang Shanzhi Holding his head, "Hell, I just feel like I've forgotten something. Fortunately, I'm not on earth did I survive to this day?"

The original reporter was even more surprised: "Is this...what happened?"

"That Green Lin found me on his own, do you still remember?"

The original informant nodded: "Senior, it seems that you didn't hide your traces deliberately?"

In the underground of Jayhawk City, she had seen Xiang Shan's level of assassination skills.

"Originally, 'hiding traces' should be an instinct for me, otherwise I wouldn't be alive today." Xiang Shan hit his head hard: "Huan Dan Enzyme actually washed out the relevant circuits for me... Unlucky, unlucky ah!"

Every time you use the enzyme, there is a certain probability of losing the existing memory. This "memory" includes not only your own experience, but also various habits, or acquired skills and knowledge.

It is precisely because of this that some guys who are mature in martial arts are unwilling to use the pill-returning enzyme to continue practicing their internal skills. If the internal strength is not improved and the existing skills are forgotten, then the gains outweigh the losses.

This risk coexists with the risk of "big change in temperament", and they are both "devil obstacles" that must be faced when practicing internal strength.

"It's actually this key skill point..." Xiang Shan knelt down on the ground: "No, when I think about it carefully, the 'knowledge' related to the skill is still in my mind. I still have the correct understanding, but I can't be like I used it without thinking like in the past. I need to retrain...I am alive to this day, so lucky...Maybe I have to thank Hartman for not killing him..."

The original reporter was stunned: "Senior..."

"What are my predecessors and what are my seniors..." Xiang Shan said in a tone that said he hated iron and steel, "You also have a hand in this matter! Originally, after using the pill-reducing enzyme, I had to test whether I had lost important memories or skills. As a result, I ran to save you as soon as I got out of seclusion! Reflect on your reckless behavior!"

With that said, Xiang Shan returned to the car and said: "You take over and check the surroundings to see if there are any signs of being spied on by the protector."

It turns out that the person is holding his forehead. This senior has strong martial arts skills, is well-informed, and has a chivalrous heart, but... sometimes his temper is so weird...

Maybe this is the style of a superior person.


The will of King Agni suddenly echoed in C. Shivaji-21's mind.

The lineage of King Agni has completely given up the human body. Most of the time, they have little expression and no body language. King Agni will not use video unless it is a meeting with other kings and patrons who still retain their human form.

[I have received the report of GA-R03’s sacrifice. Is there anything else you would like to add? 】

【there is none left. 】

[Unconfirmed knight, an individual codenamed C-D3, once assassinated the deputy leader of the Knights in Jayhawk City, and had outstanding performance in the defense of Taunhai. ] King Agni said [This is really a guy who is not afraid of death. But then again, the gene bank defense forces over there are too useless. What they are best at is not killing knights, but being killed by knights? The knights who participated in the defense of Taunhai actually still stayed near the New World. 】

C. Shivaji-21 said: [Should we ask the local asylum seekers to cooperate? 】

【unnecessary. ] King Agni said: [I will send another special team to hunt down this knight. You must put existing tasks first. 】

C. Shivaji-21 said: [Yes! 】

[The only thing worthy of attention is the knight's unusual internal strength. It can actually be compared with GA-R03. This is very unusual. He might even be here for the legacy of the Eighth Martial God. Maybe he will also cross paths with you. We must be vigilant about this. 】

【yes! We are fully prepared. When he appears before us, we will destroy him! 】

C. Shivaji-21 is quite confident about this. The number of troops on their side is more than twice that of GA-R03 at that time, and they have the combat data of GA-R03. They can make various plans for the martial arts displayed by the knight, which is far from the GA-R03 in the encounter. comparable.

The internal strength level of C. Shivaji-21 is also slightly higher than that of GA-R03, and it has touched the edge of the mathematical realm.

In the internal battle, their advantage this time is even greater.

[But you don’t need to get involved in this matter until he actually appears in front of you, or before the second team contacts you. 】 King Agni.

【yes. 】

[Then, I wish you good luck. Go ahead and eliminate him. 】

【wipe out! 】

C. Shivaji-21 performed a military salute to King Agni in his consciousness - he knew that these nerve impulses would also be felt by his teacher. This is a unique etiquette among internal martial arts masters.

Then King Agni's consciousness began to recede.

Seeing the leader starting to move, the rangers relaxed a little. Although the conversation between King Agni and C. Shivaji-21 only occurred at the conscious level, it meant that the King was watching here.

The king's internal strength is second in the world. He can steal any camera he can. If he wanted to, he could observe others through the eyes of anyone here.

And King Agni has always been known for being strict.

The Rangers would feel frightened when they thought that they were probably being watched by their boss.

Of course, this king may have been using someone's vision to spy on others - the "other" here may be anyone in the world except "Turing". As long as others are in a place where there is a network signal, they are likely to be targeted by King Agni.

It is precisely because of the existence of this terrible master that the earth can remain generally stable, the rangers can always be diligent, and the protectors can always be loyal.

This is what this "human firewall" does to protect the world. No one can deny his contribution.

"We must work harder." C. Shivaji-21 said to his men: "Go, let's continue to search for traces of the earth-burrowing dragon!"

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