Cyber Heroes

Chapter 324 Earth-Drilling Dragon

In a dark underground cave somewhere, a line of electromagnetic waves passed quickly.

Then, an indicator light flashed twice.

A short prosthetic man stood up from the ground. There were many ore fragments stuck to his body. Plus the prosthetic body has a unique shape. Even internal warriors whose image recognition abilities have been strengthened for the second time may be able to be concealed.

The short warrior walked quickly and went out first.

A few minutes later, he came back and made a few gestures towards a certain corner. Then, he pulled a person into the cave.

The newcomer was wrapped in a gray robe. He was tall and had to stoop to walk in the cave.

He asked very anxiously: "Brother, can you please let me see your speaker quickly? This matter is really important..."

The short warrior said: "Please abide by our procedures, hero. It is precisely because of these complicated certifications that we can exist in this area for a long time." After saying this, he puffed up his chest proudly: "Even back then, Ah King Jini did not uproot us."

This area is cut off from the external network and is the true "LAN place". Therefore, even if you say some sensitive words outside, the crawler will not be triggered.

It's just that if a person's body has been infected with the poison of surveillance, after recording the data, he will still be exposed when he returns to the outside.

But most knights are not even able to control the uploaded data.

The knight sighed, feeling uneasy.

The two of them walked all the way down, maybe several hundred meters. The road gradually widens. There are also many forks here, all supported by crudely made metal frames. The knight noticed that there were special QR codes on several forks in this mine, which were some kind of code words. He didn't know what it meant either. The short warrior glanced at him and told him that it was best not to record this on the hard drive.

——It should be a mark, so as not to get lost...

The knight thought so and decisively deleted the relevant memories.

Although "it's best not" in the context of the knight is equivalent to "it doesn't matter even if you write it down", it is always good to reduce the risk of the code being deciphered.

Soon, the two came to a three-way intersection.

This fork in the three-way road seems to have expanded. A short prosthetic man was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the road. He had a stick in his hand and a lamp on the top of the stick. The lamp was directly connected to a wire from his body and was on like this. This prosthetic human's head is the size of a normal human's, but his stature is very short, making the head-to-body ratio appear cartoonish.

But his "temperament", or the "mental state reflected in every move", is already a twilight person.

The old man locked his vision on the knight.

"Where did the guest come from? Who introduced him?"

"My name is Scott, and I came from Antarctica. The Earth-Drilling Dragon who introduced me is Chief Drilling Wind."

The old man was a little surprised: "Is it actually the hero Scott from Nantian Yida? Are you here too? Do you need to use radioactive elements to establish a sect?"

Scott nodded, then shook his head: "It's no longer necessary." The knight said sincerely: "I originally wanted to open up a sect in the Antarctic underground ice. I originally found it under the ice. An abandoned warehouse that may have been left over from the old world. But... the comrade who was going to establish the sect organization with me has been killed."

The old man nodded: "I regret this, hero. However, we do not retain isotopes. For us earth-burrowing dragons, the only meaning of crudely refining isotopes is to hand them over to people in the world. We now have it in our hands There are two crude metal embryos, which after refining can barely reach the critical volume of a small fission reactor. According to the process, you should take one with you."

This is the internal rule of the Earth-Drilling Dragon. Every time they accumulate a certain amount of rough metal embryos, they will spread the news through the channels they secretly built, and then let the knights who can pass the password verification enter here [this verification was completed when the electromagnetic wave first came out] , take away those crude metal embryos.

Under normal circumstances, the Earth-Drilling Dragon will only release news through familiar knights, and the knights will only obtain information about the Earth-Drilling Dragon from trustworthy people. So in many cases, this information is very hidden and difficult to spread.

When the knight enters the territory of the earth-burrowing dragon, he must actively suppress the activity of the hippocampus area, and at the same time, he must delete the memory according to time after leaving.

After the Earth-Drilling Dragon gives away the minerals in its hands, it will cease its activities and hibernate for a long time, slowly accumulating radioactive elements from the depleted uranium ore.

The Asylums used advanced prospecting technology and huge drone corps to search the entire earth, and most of the rich minerals have disappeared.

If you can't grab the reactor from the senior Asylum officer who already has control of the reactor, you'll have to rely on the burrowing dragon.

There are not many knights on earth who have crossed the world. At the worst time, there wasn't even a knight on the planet who had a reactor - King Agni had been sitting on the moon for so many years, but there were still results.

The knight's logistics are inherently weaker than those of the patron. Unless the internal strength is completely suppressed, a knight without a reactor will not be able to defeat a senior officer with a reactor anyway.

As for hacking into the enemy's logistics system to steal the reactor, don't even think about it. Although King Agni has to be responsible for many things, he can still dedicate a thread of attention to protecting the logistics chain of the reactor.

And as long as the Earth-Drilling Dragon is still there, knights across the world will always be reborn.

Of course, there will be government eagle dogs disguised as knights to obtain radioactive elements, and there will also be eagle dogs disguised as earth-burrowing dragons and release false news to lure knights into taking the bait.

However, as long as people do not die, the fire of resistance will always be rekindled.

"We don't care about radioactive elements now, senior." The knight shook his head: "There were originally four of us in our group, and each of them was a good fighter, and even more experienced. Their martial arts were only slightly worse than mine. But, Since yesterday, they have lost contact one by one. When I met your guide, my last brother was standing less than twenty meters away from me. Then he also disappeared... I am just a When I turned around, he was gone! I don’t even know what killed him!”

The old man was a little moved: "Is that so?"

The ability to kill a person silently is not uncommon. Cyber ​​martial arts is originally an assassination technique. Although it also needs to undertake some "propaganda war" tasks, the general direction is not wrong. It is possible to avoid sight, hit with one hit, transport the prosthetic body silently, or remotely steal control of the prosthetic body and let the target fall into a trap.

But according to Scott, his brothers were only slightly behind him.

To be able to kill a knight of this level silently...that opponent is by no means simple.

"Are you being targeted by a master among hawks and dogs?"

Scott shook his head: "The so-called 'Nantian Yida' is just a favor given by friends in the world. Scott still knows himself. I haven't leaked any flaws recently, so I won't provoke the pursuit of such eagle dogs."

The old man nodded: "Oh, I know. They are coming for us."

He shook his body and stood up. It seemed that due to long-term meditation, his joints made a rusty and sluggish sound.

"It looks like we have to withdraw." The old man looked around and sighed: "I have been guarding here for a long time."

The knight was a little anxious: "Old senior, we have to hurry up. Those hawks and dogs are very powerful..."

"It's easy to make mistakes when you're busy. You also need to be well-organized when retreating." The old man said: "This tunnel is the most unfavorable environment for the government to use its methods. We have already occupied a great advantage."

Underground mines are a special environment. In this place, the use of large-scale prosthetics is limited, thermal weapons can easily cause collapse, and explosives are absolutely prohibited. Baseline humans have overcome the hypoxia problem that natural humans are prone to face, and the earth-boring dragons that collect radioactive metals will not Missing isotope battery. In this place, the government's resource advantages are compressed as much as possible.

The old man issued several orders in succession. There are metal veins in this place, and the rock walls are very good at absorbing and reflecting electromagnetic waves. The effect of electromagnetic wave radar and wireless communication is greatly reduced here, but the sound can be transmitted very far. Of course, wired communication can also be used, but it is easy for the enemy to follow the wires to reach his hometown, so the Earth-Drilling Dragon only uses this method in a few cases.

The old man gave instructions directly in secret words. All Scott heard was the old man rattling off numbers.

After a moment, a small sound came from the darkness.

The old man was silent for a moment, and then said: "Six."

A prosthetic man walked out of the darkness: "Grandpa."

"Grandpa will give you a death mission, are you willing to accept it?"

"Going to save Lao Cai and Zhao Lian?" The man nodded: "It is obligatory."

"Those children are shallow, but they must not be abandoned... No, it is better to say that they cannot be abandoned." He said: "The legs your fifth aunt left are for you. You put on those legs, Change into matching outer armor, rush forward, send a message to the two children, and escape for your own life. If you still have life, be a knight."

The young man trembled: "Grandpa?"

"According to the rules, I won't tell you where we will go later." The old man said, "Go ahead and make a name for yourself in the world, which can be regarded as a sign of peace for us."

The young man nodded, turned around and ran towards the depths of the cave.

Scott hesitated and said: "Old man, this... I can just go, right? When I retreat, by the way..."

"No, hero, your martial arts are much better than that brat. That grandson doesn't have much talent either, and he may not be able to reach your level, hero. If we really want to measure it, the added value of your life is more than He is older." The old man said in a neither happy nor sad tone, "Get ready to retreat."

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