Cyber Heroes

Chapter 344 Conditions for becoming Xiangshan

Xiang Shan had a glimmer of understanding.

This is the scenery of the eighth Martial God’s mind.

Those "memories" are the key to the personality of "Xiang Shan", at least the key to the "Martial Ancestor" during the sublimation war.

It is precisely because of these past accumulations that Xiangshan can become Wuzu Xiangshan.

This journey back through memory is not in chronological order, nor in logical order.

But in the order in which Xiangshan's thoughts hit him.

Xiangshan thought about what Jing Hongtu said in the 1930s to persuade him to become the person in charge of the Rama Project, and the extension of this sentence was what happened when he visited Jing Hongtu in the 1940s.

Then he thought about "the opportunity for me to visit."

In 1943, Xiangshan's mother died of a certain genetic disease. My father died of liver disease earlier. Therefore, he did not go home on New Year's Eve in 44 years - after Zhu Xinyu returned to his hometown, there was no one in the house. At a later point in time, due to excessive psychological pressure, he went to visit Jing Hongtu, hoping to talk to the elder.

In the middle, maybe there is something else...


Although it was only a little bit, he felt a trace of dissonance.

More... more memories.

Xiangshan travels through his past.

The "abyss" collapses into a "black hole". Then the "black hole" explodes.

Sound, picture, touch, smell...

Massive "memories" fell like a waterfall and surged up like a fountain.

Xiangshan constantly experiences the "past".

He realized that this was Xiangshan.

It would be too strange to say that "no one can take away" this memory, because it was the Father of All Machines who took away Martial Ancestor's memory storage device, so there was a Martial God. To say it is "unique" would be even less appropriate. This has been copied twice.

But it is indeed "the reason why Xiangshan is Xiangshan" and the "uniqueness" of Xiangshan as an individual.

After experiencing such time and history, the unknown man became the "ancestor of martial arts" and "the man who changed the world."

Of course, in other words - anyone can become a "Xiangshan" as long as they have experienced this.

Gain family affection, lose family affection.

Friendship is gained, friendship is lost.

Cling to perfection and let go of your obsession.

Create beliefs for yourself and then move beyond them.

I once gave up the beauty of the world and thought alone in the laboratory.


The lost memory was restored. Xiangshan's spirit gradually became complete.

"Xiangshan" is powerful because of this.

Then, Xiangshan landed smoothly.

He returned to an arm.

The young mother hugged herself and read the words on the wooden sign on the roadside one by one: "I am for people, people are for me... eh, so smart."

He saw himself playing with children's math toys.

He saw himself in 2013, holding a rocket model and excitedly watching astronauts giving live lectures.

He saw himself flipping through the elementary school ideological and moral textbooks.

--I see.

This is the origin of Xiangshan.

"'I am for everyone, everyone is for me'...'Helping others'...hahaha..."

This is the bottom layer of memory. The ideal Xiang Shan has practiced throughout his life started from here.

Then he saw something that shouldn't be there.

It was a little girl, only two or three years old. She was being held in her father's arms, and the father and daughter were watching children's programs on the computer together. The huge giant of light descended from the sky and defeated the vicious monster. The little girl was so excited that she grabbed her father's neck and imitated him. The father smiled and pretended to be defeated.

This is not Xiangshan's memory.

"Her favorite children's program..." Xiang Shan looked at a corner of his memory: "That's it."

He realized something was wrong.

Among the many memories just now, a considerable number of memories have been misplaced.

The main perspective of those memories is not "Xiang Shan", but "Zhu Xinyu with Xiang Shan".

"Martial Ancestor's Memory Maze" was uploaded by Yawgmoth's captured memories of Xiangshan, and then added by countless people. They uploaded their "memories of spending time with Xiangshan" as data to complete this historical figure.

Due to technical constraints, unexpected content may occasionally flow in.

Martial Gods often only have access to part of Martial Ancestor's memories - because the memories uploaded by people later far exceed the memories Xiangshan himself actually possesses. Every event Xiangshan experiences has memories from multiple perspectives.

What the Eighth Martial God received was Zhu Xinyu’s memory.

He is Xiangshan and "Xiangshan in Zhu Xinyu's eyes."

Perhaps, the impurities in this memory gave the Eighth Martial God a completely different perspective and opened up her future in the path of internal strength.

Or perhaps, the fact that the little girl who became the Eighth Martial God could inherit this memory means that her brain structure is similar to Zhu Xinyu's - she herself is a unique internal skill genius.

The moment he realized this, Xiangshan saw a third person here.

A dark-skinned little girl.

"I want to be a hero." The girl smiled brightly, "I want to dispel the darkness and gain light."

"I want everyone to be happy."

Xiang Shan knelt in front of her.

"I'm sorry." Xiang Shan said, "I am the one who is narrow-minded. You are me, Xiaoba."

"And then, thank you for rekindling me...thank you for keeping me alive in this day and age."

The girl smiled even more: "I'm a hero too, right?"

"Thank you for giving the loser a chance to stand up again."

The little girl looked at him and said exactly the same thing: "Thank you for giving the loser a chance to stand up again."

Xiangshan hugged the girl.

Then he sank into a new memory.

The girl who was already facing the mountain opened her eyes.

"So this is the setting." Xiang Shan said to himself.

Under the command of Wang Yi Amory, one of the volunteers of the Hospital Knights, an orphan adopted by Dr. Hu, and also his "long-term patient" and temporary assistant.

It really was an accident, absolutely true.

At the beginning, I just got an Internet device from Dr. Hu.

Then, she found a mysterious address in a corner of the Internet that no one knew about.

She linked, she read.

Really, just a little

The "happiness" that once existed in the old world transcended the obstacles of history and fell into her soul.

But it's not something that's out of reach.

That's what once existed.

——The current world is irrational.

The moment this idea appeared, the girl began to thirst for evidence. She searched through this memory to find something to support this idea.

Then she became determined.

She gave up herself.

Then, more than a hundred years ago, the most vicious and evil thug came to the world again.

A cruel righteous person is self-aware of himself. He realized that a large proportion of his memories contained "other perspectives."

And some of the special format data that came with these perspectives provided him with Zhu Xinyu's ideas, Zhu Xinyu's way of thinking, and Zhu Xinyu's perspective on the world.

The individual who would become the Eighth God of War was aware of this.

This body may have more powerful internal strength talents than "Martial Ancestor Xiangshan".

He made a bold decision.

Xiangshan, who held high the banner of rebellion and resisted with great momentum, had already sacrificed his life seven times.

But "Turing" has always supported the world.

Maybe he could try another path - he could try to gather strength in the darkness.

Of course, at the beginning, you definitely couldn’t go up directly.

The way this person chose was to join a martial arts gym.

There, she met a kind-hearted old man named Zheng Lunnao.

Under the guidance of Zheng Lunnaou, she regained the "Martial Arts Master Xiangshan's martial arts" - Mecha Steel Fist.

This is one of the martial arts that best fits "Xiang Shan"'s own philosophy.

Xiangshan learned it again, and with his superior understanding, he quickly stood out from the crowd of disciples.

Then there are the limited games.

To Xiang Shan's surprise, he saw Dr. Hu among the cheering crowd outside the stadium.

This made him quite happy. Perhaps it was the girl's remaining thoughts. In Xiangshan's eyes, Dr. Hu was an "elderly" with a good image - he could regard Dr. Hu as a father and brother.

Dr. Hu seemed genuinely happy for Xiang Shan's martial arts competition.

However, Xiangshan also understood that the martial arts competition was only temporary. He just needs to obtain enough resources to become fully cybernetic and have the savings to support advanced Internet browsing. He will not become a Paralympic champion and occasionally help other orphans, as Dr. Hu expected.

During the game, he made long-term plans.

Xiang Shan uses online meditation to strengthen his inner strength. He used his identity record as a "volunteer" to enter the hospital of Dr. Hu's colleagues several times and steal yeast and virus tool sets - which are convenient props for genetic modification. He made the enzyme himself, and then accumulated it bit by bit.

The most dangerous time is when you leave this city and enter the Internet of the earth.

His will must travel between satellites.

And the will of King Agni—that Hartman is also traveling here.

The moon is the fiefdom of King Agni. Legend has it that the only wish of the God of Fire is to always watch over the homeland of mankind and defend the origin of mankind forever.

To the vigilante, Earth is one of the worst places in the entire solar system.

The only good thing is that King Agni is very busy.

There were too many vigilantes that he needed to kill.

Xiang Shan moves among the networks. He gradually strengthened his inner strength.

When he reached the bottleneck, he began to steal technical information from the relevant scientific research knights, improve his understanding of "brain" and "consciousness", and learn the latest results of cognitive science.

Of course, this includes King Amory's Knights Hospitaller.

At first, Xiangshan didn't actually care about this.

However, when his tentacles reached outside the earth's network...

He took advantage of the moment when the Earth and Mars were closest to each other and stole the technical information of the Alaya Knights of Mars.

He learned the related techniques of Personality Overlay [Persona].

Then he realized a terrifying possibility.

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