Cyber Heroes

Chapter 359 Hacker Community

Xiangshan was in the room, picking up his tablet and visiting the hacker community "The Risk".

There is also a string of blood-red characters on the front page, "Catch Me If You Can" - "Catch me if you have the ability."

In short, from the community name to the material on this front page, there is an "illegal" atmosphere.

There are many communities of hackers. The hacker community is naturally divided into many types. Some simply discuss some computer knowledge, some programming experiences, and share some programs written by themselves. Plug-ins and patches are not dangerous places.

But others are completely different. They teach remote control technology, anti-virus technology, and even provide remote control, anti-virus, and DDOS services. They will teach people to steal accounts, invade, penetrate, write Trojans, reverse engineering...

This kind of website is "illegal" in most countries. If it is large in scale, it will attract the attention of the security departments of major countries, and then the website will become inaccessible under various attacks and disappear from then on.

There are so many such websites and they will not exist for a long time. They are born and destroyed, but they are endlessly killed.

There is never a shortage of restless souls.

Of course, Xiangshan didn't have so many thoughts at this moment.

His first impression of this website was...

The creator must be a chuunibyou addicted to old movies.

"Risk" is a documentary about a famous hacker, and the provocative "Catch Me If You Can" are both somewhat minor titles for crime movies.

Xiangshan clicked in. A few days ago, under the supervision of the Internet Security Department, he temporarily registered an ID of "Ramanujan".

This kind of website is a standard "guerrilla base" and does not require users to provide any identification, only an ID and a password are enough. Xiangshan originally thought that he was the person in charge of the "Rama Project", so it was appropriate to use an ID of "Rama". But unfortunately, the ID "Rama" was seized by someone. So Xiangshan had to choose "Ramanujan"-the name belonged to a great mathematician. And before that mathematician, there was a Vedic saint also named. He is the founder of the Ramanuja sect. The name means something like "Rama's younger brother".

Xiang Shan swore that he really just used the search engine to look for keywords and didn't deliberately choose a cool ID. After all, the people from the network security department were still watching, and he was too embarrassed to look through the dictionary to find words that pleased his eyes.

What Xiangshan was watching now was the hackers' discussion of the series of unknown codes.

By the way, the stolen data will be referred to as "Sita" in subsequent documents.

In mythology, "Sita" is the wife of "Rama". Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, the ten-headed demon king. With the help of the monkey Hanuman, Rama found the ten demon kings, defeated them, and took back his wife.

Hackers are actually very sensitive. Although they saw a string of data that could not be run by Earth's computers anyway, under the guarantee of "Zhurong"'s prestige, they read the codes of "Sita" and really felt the "laws" inside.

This seems to be a feeling highly based on "experience" and "intuition".

After this fact appeared, the hackers became excited. They began to speculate on "what kind of black technology" is this "Sita".

After all, Sita really doesn't look like something that would run on current-generation computers.

And that translation software company in Europe is said to have been beaten like a sieve by hackers. Those hackers were looking for protocols, tools, plug-ins, etc. that could provide operating conditions for these codes in every corner of the translation software company's equipment.

Of course they found nothing.

But "finding nothing" itself piqued the interest of these hackers.

In the eyes of some people who don't mind the excitement, the thing is probably...

"To hide it so deeply, there must be some dirty secret."

So the hackers proposed to work together to solve the puzzle. Several hackers were already discussing on the spot "Can we write a simulator to run this data?".

Xiang Shan is quite concerned about this issue.

Because someone in the R\u0026D department has been making similar attempts in the past few months. Xiang Shan also participated in part of the work.

Of course, Xiangshan thinks the most promising direction is to restore the original appearance of the alien garbage, and then make other attempts - such as writing a compatibility agreement between it and the earth's computer, or programming the earth's system in the alien computer .

After all, the alien garbage tentatively codenamed "Orunmira" is also an engineering realization of a Turing machine. It is still possible to start coding from scratch.

Put a modern bare metal in front of computer researchers in the 1960s, and it was possible for those researchers to figure out how to program it. Although it is certainly not as good as modern programmers, it can at least run.

However, the wild imagination of these hackers still touched him.

These hackers do not know the full picture of the data exported from "Orunmila", let alone the "function" of the data contained in "Sita" [after all, even Xiangshan doesn't know it]. To them, these data are just a "black box" with a very strange shape and that is temporarily inoperable. They cannot see what is "inside the box" at all.

But this does not prevent them from using various techniques to mess with the codes contained in "Sita".

It is precisely because "Sita" is so mysterious that more and more hackers want to take a closer look.

At this point, it no longer matters what the data contained in "Sita" really is. It has become a carnival that only exists among a few technical geeks.

Hackers are also working hard to crack it.

These movements eventually alerted the security department of Rama Project.

To be precise, it was the technical staff of the network security department who discovered this data when they were browsing this community. They were keenly aware of the problem, then downloaded the data disclosed by "Zhurong" and compared it with the internal data of Rama Project.

Only then was the "leakage" discovered.

When the incident occurred, several major countries thought about taking down this website. But "Zhurong" uploaded the data a few days ago and has been downloaded and accessed thousands of times. This data may be shared again within some more closed communities.

In short, things are irreversible.

Experts analyze that taking down this community now will only further stimulate those hackers.

The best way is to turn a big deal into a trivial matter and pretend it doesn't exist.

And Xiangshan was able to see these discussions because of this.

I have to say, some of the ideas are quite interesting. Xiang Shandu made a note of it secretly, planning to communicate with the people in the research department and try it himself.

This involves a somewhat embarrassing reality. Project Rama was launched in a hurry. Except for the United States, which was the first to end and had planned in advance, all other countries were disrupted by such an incident and only sent "trustworthy and capable" scholars. First of all, it is “trustworthy”. Therefore, although the scholars in Rama Project Park are all at the top level, there are also many people at the same level outside, and it is impossible to include them all.

What's even more pity is that the guys who have a special talent for "cracking" are all unrest elements. These hackers may be able to make a small mark in the field of computer science, but it is almost impossible for them to pass political review and enter the Rama Project campus.

Their perspectives and technical concepts are very different from those of Xiang Shan, who came from a professional background and emphasized "construction". Therefore, many of the ideas they proposed were ones that Xiang Shan had not thought of in the past and were easily ignored.

This even gave Xiangshan the idea of ​​"it would be great if they could also participate in the research."

But that’s just thinking about it.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Xiang Shan said.

It was Director Hu who pushed open the door. Xiang Shan was already familiar with this cadre responsible for coordinating the Republic's scholars and park organizations. After Xiang Shan took over the position of head of the research department, Director Hu became almost full-time responsible for dealing with him.

Director Hu said enthusiastically: "Director Xiang, this is a comrade from my hometown. I heard that you have met him before."

Xiangshan was a little surprised when he saw the person behind Director Hu: "Director Lei?"

The person who came was none other than the sword-browed star-eyed soldier who originally recruited him into this project. After several years of not seeing each other, the soldier's face had not changed at all. He stood at attention, saluted Xiang Shan, and said: "Lei Chaoyang, People's Liberation Army of the Republic, Military Staff Corps to the United Nations. I'm really sorry, researcher, but I didn't tell you my real name when we last met."

"You even wore your epaulets this time." Xiang Shan glanced at him: "Should I call you Colonel Lei? You shouldn't have worked for the United Nations Military Staff in the past few years, right?"

"You can call me Staff Officer Lei, Colonel Lei, or you can call me Lao Lei if you like." Colonel Lei smiled and was easy to talk to, but did not answer the question behind Xiang Shan.

Soon, with the explanation from Director Hu, Xiang Shan quickly understood.

Colonel Lei is here this time to participate in what is tentatively named the "Hanuman Project Working Group." This working group was temporarily created in response to the "leak incident", and the theoretical person in charge is Xiang Shan.

Colonel Lei is the person responsible for Xiangshan's connection with the Republic's military.

Xiang Shan frowned: "The military...this matter has something to do with the military? Does the military also want to come forward?"

"It's still unclear." Colonel Lei shook his head: "This incident has been classified as a 'terrorist attack'. If the truth about the 'Rama Project' is spread to society, I really don't know what will happen. Turmoil. Therefore, all countries will work together to resolve this incident."

"At least, the dangerous element 'Zhu Rong' must be controlled."

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