Cyber Heroes

Chapter 364 Society

The handover process was actually much longer than Xiangshan imagined.

According to Xiangshan's original idea, the so-called "handover" should be a very simple process. A team of United States people led a United States person here, and then a United States official and a non-United States official came out from the Rama Project Park to hand over, confirm, sign, and it was done.

After all, this is not a formal diplomatic occasion, so there is no need to go through so many twists and turns.

But by the standards of the bureaucratic system, negotiations in diplomatic situations may be considered particularly efficient.

At least there aren't that many documents to sign.

First, Project Rama will check the identity of the hacker who arrived. After confirming that it is the person, they will sign a document.

But this is just the beginning.

The United States appears to have shipped several pieces of equipment. What Xiangshan couldn't understand was that each of these equipment had to be individually inspected for safety issues by the Rama Project's safety department.

In addition, the "equipment controlling Hartmann" also needs to be handed over in a separate column.

Specifically, Xiangshan and two other officials went to learn how to use the thing from the United States military personnel.

"...Okay gentlemen, this is the last 'dog leash'." The United States officer said: "But please note that this is the last emergency measure. It can only be used when the situation is irreversible." If that guy really rebels, then the procedure is to first seize his device - I repeat, seize the device to preserve evidence and manipulate his account to reduce the impact of 'any act of rebellion'."

"And this 'dog leash' is a last resort. It's a micro EMP transmitter. It's worn on the guy's hand. If the situation becomes irreversible, this thing can burn out all electronic devices within one meter around him. Within three meters. Smart products will be seriously affected. The equipment we prepared for him has weakened electromagnetic resistance. This trick is basically effective..."

"Ah, yes, I have to repeat that. Don't give him any equipment with high electromagnetic resistance."

Xiang Shan looked at the bracelet-like product in the officer's hand and said, "Isn't this power a little too high?"

The officer glanced at the bracelet, then at Xiang Shan, and nodded slightly: "Well, that's a good question. The internal metal parts will indeed generate instantaneous high voltage due to EMP, but they will only cause minor first-degree burns. "

Xiang Shan was startled: "You can actually burn people?"

"This is also for safety reasons." The United States officer said: "After all, he is a dangerous criminal with conditional bail because of his special skills. Compared with the damage he can cause, this is already very humane, isn't it?"

"I heard he didn't volunteer to join..."

"If every criminal could be treated like a regular soldier for saying 'I want to join the military establishment of the United States,' then we wouldn't have to open prisons, sir." The officer said, looking back at the man sitting in the corner. Hartman, leaning closer to Xiangshan, lowered his voice and said: "I think this boy has no sense of honor at all, sir."

Xiang Shan could only say: "Based on his resume, I think he still quite... loves the motherland?"

"That's another thing. But he has no sense of honor as a human being."

After the officer finished speaking, he continued to stand up straight and introduced the control devices in a formulaic manner.

Of course, he didn't really "come over and say" like this. On this occasion, if he really dared to do this to Xiang Shan, both he and Xiang Shan would probably be controlled. The officer actually ensured that the volume could be heard by others. Judging from the surveillance footage, what he just said was also said to the three leaders of the Rama Project at the same time.

What he meant by "lowering his voice" seemed to be directed only at Hartman. It’s not that he really “didn’t want Hartman to hear” but was “maintaining the appearance of politeness.” He didn't really care whether Hartman noticed this.

Xiang Shan has probably heard that the army is a relatively exclusive group. But he really doesn't understand why U.S. military personnel have such great malice toward FBI agents who are also violent institutions in the United States.

Of course, the set of limiters in the United States are not complicated. The handover process was smooth.

But it was only at this moment that Xiangshan knew that there was actually someone in the United States responsible for controlling Hartman. Another FBI agent will also stay here with Hartman.

Xiangshan felt really tired. He was thinking just now about how he would match wits with a top hacker, but in fact there was someone dedicated to doing this.

So what is the actual effect of the complicated control measures just explained to him? It's basically not his turn to worry.

The handover ceremony was actually not too long. But the gap between the "sign and leave" that Xiangshan imagined was really too big, so Xiangshan consciously let this time go longer.

Logically speaking, these procedures can actually be completed in different places. However, due to some considerations, these United States soldiers did not obtain permission to walk in the park. Xiangshan felt that this rule was somewhat unnecessary. After all, the research materials and deciphered information of the Orunmila Project and the Obatala Project belong to one country, so there is no need to worry about these soldiers suddenly snatching the materials.

——Maybe I’m the one with the problem?

Xiang Shan suddenly thought so. As a scholar, he walked around the park at will. When I first arrived, I was always surprised by the "peacekeeping force" soldiers walking around. At that time, it was indeed one post at five steps and one sentry at ten steps. But a few years later, the alert level has really been lowered, and researchers have turned a blind eye to surveillance cameras.

But this is still a restricted military area with a high level of confidentiality.

It's just that he stayed here for too long and forgot.

Human society does indeed operate according to a logic that is unfamiliar to him.

In the circle of researchers, things like "strength" and "status" are too quantifiable, so scholars still follow a set of survival logic that is more primitive than feudal society. It's just that scholars happen to be the most knowledgeable people, so the academic world is covered up by a most modern surface.

And this world he is unfamiliar with is part of "modern society".

Jing Hongtu once said to him that the straightforward primitive thinking is very comfortable because human ancestors have lived in that straightforward environment for a million years. The human brain finds this kind of thing intuitive and comfortable. Modern society is not so in line with this intuition, so there are always people who feel uncomfortable and develop mental illness over time.

But modern society, and the production model it matches, is the greatest humanitarianism. It provides the best possible standard of living for as many humans as possible. Another part of the human brain makes humans fall in love with modern cities that are not suitable for the other part of the human brain.

Xiangshan changed from a "strong primitive warrior" who was used to going straight to a civil servant, so he was at a loss what to do. In the circle of primitive people, "being able to fight" is the only criterion. But here, "being able to fight" is just a specialty.

However, the identity of "primitive chief" can indeed become the "capital" of civil servants in certain places.

——I originally took this position because of the "national needs"...

——However, since you have decided to do it, you still have to do your best!

Xiangshan felt that he really needed to correct his attitude.

After the morning's work was over, Xiangshan returned to the research department.

The "Hanuman Group" was formed specifically to deal with this leak. The reason why he joined this group was that, first, he needed people from the research department to evaluate what the hackers were doing at any time, and second, he needed a "nominal leader" to take the blame. There is so much unpredictability in this project. No one knows how much "Zhu Rong" stole and how much he released. The outside world may even cause an uproar in the next second.

For several other high-level personnel in the Rama project park, this matter is not a big achievement for them, and it can only be regarded as "making things right". And this matter relies more on professionals from various countries. Whoever sits in this position does not make much difference.

This job is naturally for Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan is nominally the leader of the "Hanuman Group", but currently he does not have much authority.

In fact, even when he forced the Internet Security Team to arrange for him to participate in discussions in "risk" communities, he was considered to be "charging the public for private gain."

After all, the "Orunmila Project" was cracked, and the person who benefited the most was him, the head of the research department. Although Xiangshan did go through the normal process and applied for assistance from the security department in the name of the research department, his identity was indeed the supervisor of the network security team.

Xiangshan's current task is to pretend to be another hacker who is interested in "Sita", participate in discussions, and induce those hackers to think.

In other words, steal the brain resources of those hackers.

Of course, there are certain things to say about what you say.

Xiangshan must ensure that what he says will not arouse hackers' vigilance or make hackers think, "Why does this person know so much?" They also can't let hackers discover what "Sita" actually belongs to.

This is actually not simple. Once a person knows "something", it is difficult to understand how someone who "doesn't know that thing" thinks. It’s like young people can’t understand why their elders can’t learn to use smart products.

The remarks of the Rama Project researchers may make hackers aware that "this person seems to be sure what part 'these codes' belong to," and then become alert.

The next day, Xiang Shancai took two other computer scholars to the office of the security department.

The people in the cyber security team seemed to be busy with other things. Xiangshan had no choice but to wait on the sidelines. He noticed that the guy named Hartman was wearing headphones and looking out the window boredly. Except for a surveillance personnel standing guard, no one came close to the big hacker.

Xiangshan thinks he should be able to have a chat?

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