Cyber Heroes

Chapter 369 Zhu Xinyu (Part 2)

"Hahaha, then your childhood was really unfortunate, little girl."

In 2025, Zhu Xinyu met a hacker.

Zhu Xinyu didn’t know who this guy was. Until the end, she had never seen this person. She didn't know whether this person was a man or a woman, or even whether he was from the Republic.

That was Zhu Xinyu’s first time entering the hacker community. Her original intention was to uncover evidence of tax evasion or illegal activities in her father's company. Only in this year did children understand things like "economy". She is determined to take revenge.

She already had strong skills at this time, but her social experience was at the level of a sixth grade elementary school student. Some of her information was found out in just a few clicks.

But the "stranger" didn't do anything to her. Instead, he asked her if she wanted to learn skills from him.

So Zhu Xinyu followed "Master" to hang out online.

Master is a super cool "black hat". Unlike ordinary criminals, Master never harms the public. He adheres to the concept of "robbing the rich and giving to the poor", robbing the rich and giving to the poor. He especially likes to attack criminals. These guys don't dare call the police even if they are stolen.

Master is a very powerful hacker. At least he had few rivals at the time.

At this time, Zhu Xinyu actually didn't have much time.

Ever since his father discovered that she secretly flashed her tablet computer, he realized that his daughter "might be a genius."

The woman took advantage of this opportunity to sign up for a lot of training courses for Zhu Xinyu.

Zhu Xinyu actually didn't quite understand the woman's purpose. Is it a good intention? Or do you want to put too much pressure on her and make her collapse?

But they obviously underestimated themselves.

Zhu Xinyu can even use the so-called "Olympic Mathematics Class" and "Informatics Olympiad Class" to catch up on her sleep.

Her performance in these cram schools was neither outstanding nor bad. Every time I would fall asleep in a daze, skip a lesson or two, and only listen carefully when I encountered a chapter I didn't quite understand.

He had a grade that was barely considered excellent, but he basically didn’t pay attention to the lectures. I am also a loner in school.

At first, my father wanted to act like a strict father, but over time he just let it go.

Zhu Xinyu has made great progress only in her mathematics and programming abilities.

Of course, all this is to get revenge on his father.

Zhu Xinyu just wants to dig out the "evidence" of her father's crime.

After "Master" found out, he told Zhu Xinyu that he secretly broke into Zhu Xinyu's father's company overnight. If you want to talk about tax evasion, yes. But other than that, there’s not too much dark material. Those things can make Zhu Xinyu's father uncomfortable for a while, but they will definitely not bring him down.

In other words, Zhu Xinyu's father did not commit a crime that would lead to his downfall.

Zhu Xinyu felt it was absurd and incredible.

Could it be that the sins her mother suffered were nothing?

"Master" quickly pointed out that Zhu Xinyu's mother's money from selling the house was counted by his father as a "share investment." But that equity itself is very thinly diluted. Moreover, the accounts of Zhu Xinyu's father's company have barely managed to break even in recent years, and even suffered a small loss. So he really didn't have the money on his account to repay the debt he "borrowed" from her mother, so giving him a monthly dividend was already "quite generous". Moreover, Zhu Xinyu's mother chose to swallow the bitter pill herself, and it was difficult for others to help her.

Zhu Xinyu fell into confusion again.

Is his father a good man?

But why would such a "good person" harm his own mother?

Why would my mother forgive... no, in turn beg for forgiveness from such a person?

Why can an entrepreneur who has been losing money for many years live in a large villa of 400 square meters and hire several housekeepers and nannies, but a white-collar worker who makes money every day can only rent a house of 20 square meters?

Why is this world so different from the world described in textbooks and the world told by adults to children?

——The Giant of Light is really just something to deceive children, right?

The girl thought so for no reason.

However, "Master" told her that this world was indeed wrong.

Two evils prevail in the world.

One is despicable evil, and the other is mediocre evil.

Despicable people abandon their conscience and plunder from others to accumulate wealth. They are greedy, preach the dignity of people, make people yearn for nobility and power, alienate people into gears, and piece them together into tools for creating wealth for themselves.

The mediocre look at all this and do nothing. Instead, they are willing to become cogs in the plundering machine. They abide by morality and strictly follow traditional definitions of their own boundaries. They are not sinister or vicious. But they can push groups into the abyss.

The former is extremely evil, while the latter cannot even be eradicated.

"We are here to change the world, apprentice." This is what the master said.

Master taught Zhu Xinyu some principles of life.

It took a long time for Zhu Xinyu to realize that the "master" was actually a weirdo. He is also an abnormal person, and his way of life is even more abnormal.

However, Zhu Xinyu is not a normal person.

At that time, it was the era when hackers were at their most turbulent.

The story between "Firewall Dragon", "Loki" and "Agni" is told by every hacker. Hackers have expressed that they have found a place to vent their excessive energy. They began to fight for the ID of "Vulcan".

The hero competition with ID as the prize also reduces the risk of "digging out the real name" in various senses. Hackers began to tacitly "click and stop", and a new culture was beginning to form.

"Master" has always wanted to build a great reputation. He wants to use this kind of thing to promote his values.

What the master and apprentice do most often is to invade the company.

On the one hand, it is to practice one's skills, and on the other hand, it is to collect criminal evidence.

Occasionally they do find something meaningful. At this time, Master will either hand it over to the police or ask those companies to donate money to some charities, depending on the specific situation.

Zhu Xinyu felt that it was one of the few wonderful moments in her gloomy life until she was eighteen years old.

The biggest thing the master and apprentice did was in 2028.

Zhu Xinyu was sitting in the lounge of her father's company, using a tablet computer and an external Bluetooth keyboard to help her master complete the "Hero Challenge".

Zhu Xinyu's father's level is actually not that good. In the business world, technology does not determine everything. Zhu Xinyu has been able to understand that her father's skills are only "enough". What he possesses is courage and shamelessness.

But no matter what, this is a high-tech company.

On that day, technical personnel throughout the company were assisting in dealing with "intrusions from unknown sources" and "DDOS attacks of unknown significance."

In the world of hackers, "cheating" is not necessarily looked down upon. Moreover, there are no special rules for "Hero Challenge".

After three years of guidance, Zhu Xinyu is now a first-rate hacker.

The two masters and apprentices got the ID of "Huode Xingjun".

Zhu Xinyu remembers that her heart beat so fast that day.

She fell in love with the excitement.

But in the past few years, the world has changed again.

A few months before the two masters and apprentices took over the name of "Fire Star King", the original Vulcan ID "Agni" changed hands.

The new "Agni" is said to be a cop. He directly sent the Agni of the previous generation to prison.

A few months later, "Vulcan" was also arrested in India.

After winning the title of "Vulcan", hostility from all over the world emerged. The master and apprentice began to be targeted by more and more people.

Master thought this was good at first. He is increasingly using his influence to promote "progress" among hacker groups, calling on everyone to "rob the rich and give to the poor" and "transform this dirty world."

Zhu Xinyu had doubts at this stage.

She only saw her father still living in a mansion, driving a luxury car. The master just blackmailed my father into attending three Hope Primary Schools. This gave the company a reputation, but did not cause much substantial losses.

My father even became a decorated entrepreneur.

The more proud his father was, the more uncomfortable Zhu Xinyu became.

She feels that "robbing the rich and giving to the poor" has not really changed the world.

She was going to do something else.

Then, during an invasion, the master and the apprentice encountered the "enemy".

It should be a "strong enemy". Zhu Xinyu didn't know whether the person opposite the screen was a man or a woman, an individual or a team.

But "there was someone" tracing their tracks from the gangplank.

Zhu Xinyu only remembered that she was typing on the keyboard. Only later did she realize the danger of that moment.

But the master was very sensitive this time.

"That must be 'Agni'." The text message sent by the master through the chat software also revealed the meaning of "fear". He said it must be the terrifying lackey.

But Master is actually not sure that it is "Agni". Agni is a spy of the United States and will not meddle in other people's affairs.

Since then, the master has also changed. He began to persuade Zhu Xinyu not to work too hard. He became less and less enthusiastic about encouraging other hackers.


Zhu Xinyu realized that the master was actually a mediocre guy. Master's principles may not be so reasonable.

Zhu Xinyu once had a dispute with him. Master even said, "You are still young. You should do less of this kind of thing in the future."

On one occasion, Master even said to Zhu Xinyu, "When you grow up...we, master and apprentice, can open a small studio...your level plus my level. We, father-in-law, will be ours in the world." of."

Zhu Xinyu felt that she couldn't bear it anymore. She tore apart the master's many disguises. For a moment, she remotely controlled her master's equipment. As long as she wanted to, she could have dug out the real name of "Huo Dexingjun".

But Zhu Xinyu still didn't make a move. She didn't want to know the master's real name from the beginning. She didn't look at any data on the device, but just created a text document on the desktop.

"Master, don't come to me again."

When Zhu Xinyu was a child, her mother slapped her in the face and forced her to apologize to her father and that woman. After crying that time, Zhu Xinyu didn't cry for a long time. She cried a lot that day.

It could be like daddy dying.

The woman ignored her. But the nine-year-old brother said smartly, "Puppy love is not good."

Zhu Xinyu said, "Just die."

Later, Zhu Xinyu discovered that some of the springboards she frequently used showed signs of being hacked. Maybe it’s because Master wants to work hard.

But "Huode Xingjun" failed to find Zhu Xinyu after all. This Vulcan seemed to be scared too. He didn't know if Zhu Xinyu had stolen his real name. What he did would put him in huge debt that he couldn't repay.

He disappeared.

The following year, Zhu Xinyu opened her own hero competition.

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