Cyber Heroes

Chapter 371 “Extinguish the Fire”

Ichigo: [Do you know Ms. Ndebele? 】

Zhu Xinyu quickly selected the name, Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V, and then opened the search engine.

Zhu Rong: [I’ve probably heard of it. But isn’t her name Nia Goodi Voigt? 】

[She is divorced. Some time ago. ] Ichigo quickly replied: [She is an African-American and a woman, but she is able to gain a foothold in the rigorous and rigid academic world and even become the world's top biologist. She is obviously only in her twenties, but she can make such great achievements. I adore her. 】

Zhu Xinyu looked at it. It seems that on the Internet, "Nyaguti Ndebile" is regarded as a "model of independent women in the new era." Without relying on a man, you can easily achieve success after divorce. Some media even emphasized that "she is more outstanding than her incompetent ex-husband." The less ethical academic tidbits even vividly described how her white male "waste ex-husband" was jealous and despised his wife.

But that doesn't seem likely.

Zhu Rong: [In other words, this is Ms. Endebile’s information? 】

Ichigo visibly hesitated. After a few minutes, the man said: [I'm not sure. Because there are at least three proteins that I never saw in Ms. Ndebile's paper. 】

Zhu Rong: [What do you mean? 】

Ichigo: [I’m still comparing them one by one. Two of the specific proteins listed appear in Ms. Ndebile's paper. But the other three never appeared. 】

Zhu Rong: [Ms. Endebile’s undisclosed information? 】

Ichigo: [No. Ms Ndebile is keen to use preprints to share her research at any time. She no longer needs to care about the impact factor of a paper. So she has absolutely no reason to hide her progress. And she actually hopes that others will get involved in this field. She studies archaeal organisms that survive in extreme environments. Many scholars think it is of great significance, but not many are really determined to study it...]

Zhu Rong; [Didn’t you just say that she is the only one on earth doing research? 】

Zhu Rong: [Did I steal alien information? 】

Ichigo: [I’m not sure. This is so weird. 】

Zhu Xinyu opened the information and looked through it hard.

She didn't think anything was wrong.

But before closing the data, she took a look at the name of the person who recorded the data.

——Yawgmoth Voigt... Voigt...

Zhu Xinyu clicked on the encyclopedia again and searched down the entries.

Sure enough, Yawgmoth Voigt was Nyaguti Ndebile’s “waste ex-husband.”

——Could it be that those media outlets are true? Did he really steal his ex-wife's research direction?

Zhu Xinyu quickly told Ichigo about this discovery.

Ichigo didn't pay attention to the writer's name. He reacted immediately.

Ichigo: [Is this... a shameless plagiarism incident? 】

Zhu Rong: [I’m not sure. You'd better make a backup first and then contact that Niyaguti lady. By the way, as a fellow academic, you should have channels to contact me, right? 】

Ichigo: [My mentor may have. Is this the legendary one? Academic misconduct...]

Zhu Rong: [However, since you think it is worth tracing back, then it is up to you to make it public. Be careful not to reveal my identity. 】

Zhu Xinyu closed the window and refreshed the forum.

The ID called "Ramanujan" has a new reply.

When Zhu Xinyu saw this, she immediately became energetic and her anger increased.

Of course, there was also a smile on his lips.

This "Ramanujan" is a powerful person. He should be one of the newly registered users in the "Risk" community. He uploaded some scripts and plug-ins he wrote. Zhu Xinyu looked at it, it was very level.

But the topic that "Ramanujan" discusses most often is the "unparsable data" he released before.

This "Ramanujan" spends at least a third of its time on the theme of water.

In addition, he seemed to have an unusual understanding of this piece of data.

Although so far, everyone's discussion of this data is still at the level of "bragging and spanking", and no way to get started has been found.

But it is obvious that "Ramanujan" likes such aimless brainstorming.

Zhu Xinyu checked "Ramanujan"'s speech. He did answer a variety of topics.

The level is very high.

She was even a little skeptical. Could this be a guy who has already acquired the title of "Vulcan"?

But some of "Ramanujan's" answers have the flavor of "standard answers". Zhu Xinyu guessed that this guy might have a certain "academic" background.

This is not very consistent with the known "Vulcans".

Academic programmers prefer to be engineers rather than hackers.

Hackers are rule breakers.

But there's something good about "Ramanujan."

This guy has a bad mouth, knows how to cause trouble, and knows how to stir up the atmosphere.

At least the discussion under the topic posted by Zhu Xinyu was quite lively.

Zhu Xinyu began to browse through those thoughts.

An hour later, the chat software vibrated twice more.

Ichigo: [Zhu Rong, there is bad news. 】

Ichigo: [Yawgmoth Voigt is now serving the federal government of the United States. 】

Ichigo: [Be sure to hide yourself well. 】

Zhu Xinyu thought for a while and replied; [Don't worry, no matter how strong the United States is, it will never get to me so quickly. They may not even be able to complete the procedures. I will soon be physically leaving the place I am currently using. 】

Ichigo: [Be careful. I just learned that Yawgmoth Voigt actually fought alongside our comrades. I don't know what this is all about. Perhaps he betrayed? This is so strange. 】

United States? Zhu Xinyu really didn't take it to heart. The relationship between the United States and the Republic has been improving in recent years, but the relationship is definitely not good enough for a group of United States police to arrest people on the soil of the Republic.

Thinking of this, Zhu Xinyu's stomach growled.

The sky was getting dark.

Zhu Xinyu left the room and prepared to eat mango sticky rice.

At the same time, at the end of the street, in a mobile electronic warfare platform disguised as an ordinary truck, Colonel Lei took out some military rations from the storage box. Colonel Lei gave one copy to another United Nations military staff officer from the United States, and then handed one to Xiang Shan who was holding a tablet.

Xiang Shan asked for another portion for Hartman. He placed the portion in front of Hartman and said, "Are you sure?"

"If my judgment is not wrong, that hotel is her current real IP." Hartman took a deep breath: "If you continue to chat with him, it is best to attract his attention. I will try not to alarm him. He found a breakthrough under his premise.”

Xiang Shan nodded.

He made the right bet.

In the past few days, he had been busy for a long time just for this moment.

And he actually got the best situation by remanding him.

Hartman is really strong. Fortunately he is strong enough.

He found the other party before anyone else.

Hartman does two things these days. First, he analyzed Zhu Rong's virus.

Zhu Rong's virus itself will not cause damage to the system, and will also delete itself, so it is difficult to be locked. In the past two years, this virus has never been analyzed.

But Hartman is really strong. With preparation, he successfully analyzed the virus and came to the conclusion that the virus would upload the stolen data to a specific cloud server. That cloud server can also be transferred freely.

Hartman once again targeted the cloud server and confirmed recent access records through multiple network operators.

All network entrances and exits are controlled by the consortium behind Project Rama. Zhu Xinyu is not fighting Hartman alone. She is fighting all operators, all engineers, all network security personnel. The Hanuman Group even has emergency powers to bypass the legal restrictions of a single country and obtain the log files of all operators.

Second, under Xiang Shan’s instruction, Hartman followed Zhu Rong based on her speech in the “risk” community.

These days, he mobilized many technical experts, including Hartman, to use the account "Ramanujan" to answer multiple topics in the "Risk" community, and showed great affection for "Sita" s concern. This looks more natural.

Xiangshan then used words to arouse "Zhu Rong's" anger and interest, and continued to talk with her.

At this stage, Xiang Shan "naturally" asked Hartman, "Can you trace Zhu Rong's location based on the information uploaded when he spoke?"

Hartman certainly expressed his willingness to give it a try.

But Zhu Rong is extremely careful. Any data she uploads must go through multiple springboards, and then uploaded to the "risk" community through an "onion" composed of three random springboards.

With the joint efforts of multiple departments in multiple countries, the "onion" has been peeled back.

Hartman only needs to solve Zhu Rong's own multiple springboards and encryption.

By comparing the database uploaded by the virus and the sources of information uploaded by the "risk" community, Hartman narrowed the target scope to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Afterwards, Xiang Shan quickly wrote out the application.

Without waiting for a reaction from higher-level officials, Xiangshan had already set off with a peacekeeping force together with several officers from the United Nations Military Staff Group.

Of course, through Lei Chaoyang's line, he had obtained permission to follow the team a few days ago.

Almost immediately, they received assistance from Thai officials.

In fact, the Thai government is not very clear about what happened. But a few days ago, the Thai diplomatic mission to the United Nations had received a notice from the Security Council. There was already a group of people ready to go.

And now, they have entered the final stage.

Hartman wanted to find the last level of real access and lock it into an individual without disturbing "Zhu Rong".

Xiang Shan nodded: "Then, the 'fire-fighting' operation has officially begun."


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