Cyber Heroes

Chapter 403 The Story of an Old Friend

The art of destroying weapons was also jokingly called "Destroying Evil" by enthusiasts with homophones two hundred years ago.

This is a demanding martial art that requires a huge amount of engineering knowledge and maintenance experience to perform.

It harshly states that a warrior must rely on hearing and hearing to detect the operation of a machine, and then infer the mechanical structure.

Although there are indeed people who know the engine very well and can judge the operating status of the car engine by listening to the sound.

But it was a car.

It's impossible to rely on hearing to determine the operating status of an enemy's prosthetic body in a hail of bullets.

However, over the long months, human experience and knowledge continued to accumulate.

Ultimately, there are a few people who can actually do it.

By hitting hard at a fixed point, precision instruments can malfunction.

Moreover, since its principle is to "use parts of different masses to have different amounts of inertia, dislocate the parts through instantaneous acceleration, and artificially create misalignment or poor contact," so in theory, this method can bypass the outer armor.

But actually the problem lies here.

The "instant acceleration" the warrior gives to the enemy must be greater than the upper limit of what the prosthetic body can withstand.

It was like a piece of mechanical equipment falling from mid-air.

It's probably fine down there.

But if it falls from a height, the outer shell may remain intact, but the components inside will fail first.

This is because this mechanical device undergoes an instantaneous speed change from "high-speed falling" to "stationary".

But it is not easy to do this.

It is possible that the upper limit of the opponent's prosthetic design is greater than the endurance capacity of the outer armor.

And the shock absorber can also deal with this kind of attack very well.

Therefore, this hand usually also targets individual parts such as "hands and feet".

Especially the joints.

Some people also jokingly call it the "cyber hand that splits muscles and bones".

This is a martial art with an outrageously low cost performance.

Most people don't think about it.

Unless the game of external skills and the direction of the unity of nature and man are really impossible to improve, you will consider this kind of place.

Of course, most of the veterans still know a little bit of entry-level weapon breaking skills.

But it is only applicable to the situation where "the old Jianghu encounters a gangster and snaps his wrist off with a casual move".

It won't be of much use in front of experts.

In a competitive arena like the Paralympic Games where extremes are pursued, this kind of tasteless technology is naturally "tasteless".

In fact, any martial arts in a fighting situation, once the "rules" are pursued to the extreme, the strategy set contained in it will seem strange in a "death fight" situation.

Just like "fencing".

Olympic fencers are indeed very skilled in fencing. But when compared to actual martial arts, their swordsmanship is a "madman's style of fighting."

They gave up the steps and dodges that normal people would have, and devoted all their energy to the "fighting in the middle line". Every move was a style of fighting to the same death - or in other words, every move was a "fight to the center line". "Injury in exchange for life".

It's just that because of the rules of the sport, athletes don't really get injured.

But that doesn't mean they're easy either. Athletes can really remain indifferent to swords coming straight to their faces. If necessary, they can even completely overcome their instinct to dodge.

If an Olympic fencing champion and a street fencing swordsman were to compete in the same wheel battle, the Olympic champion might win every round, but one mistake would cost his life. The street swordsmen may suffer minor injuries in each round and face off for a long time, but every round is a near miss.

——Of course, the premise is that the fencing champion can overcome the fear of death and strictly follow the sword skills he has trained.

Transforming from an arena warrior to a street warrior is just like changing from a performing warrior to an arena warrior, and requires certain training.

But just as performing warriors also have strong physical fitness, even better than some actual combat warriors, the technical awareness of ring warriors is also stronger than that of street warriors. This by no means means they cannot fight.

At most, the way of "being able to fight" is different.

Therefore, in the Paralympic arena, which pursues perfection under the rules, very few people practice the skill of "breaking weapons".

TX-0 thought thoughtfully: "That's true. Is there an age limit for the Paralympic Games? I remember it's sixty? Most 'ordinary geniuses' will be able to compete before they turn forty." He has reached his peak. A few 'extraordinary geniuses' will also encounter bottlenecks at this age."

But that is far from the ultimate in external skills.

Just like Zhu Xinyu once described "the ultimate state of internal strength" as "the vast ocean where you can't see the other side."

The ultimate in external strength is like the Himalayas. Ordinary people would despair just by seeing it. Even if climbers only climb the upper section, they can still see the mountains at a glance. "Top" is also a larger range.

Even if you really "climb" to the top, the mountain will still grow taller at a feeble rate.

Of course, of course, Mount Everest must have its limits. The maximum height a mountain on a planet can reach depends on gravity and the texture of the rock.

If an eternal being looked at the mountains, it would feel that the rocks were flowing. Rock is a fluid, but it flows very slowly.

External power must also have its limits.

Matsushima Hiro said: "Why did you want to create such a useless method back then?"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "This is not 'created'. No one would want to deliberately design such a skill. It's just that someone naturally masters similar skills while fighting, and then refines it and becomes A new martial art.”

"I have an old friend who is an engineer. The best kind. Of course, so am I, but our directions are different. He is better at mechanics, especially transmission components under extreme conditions, and I am better at computer hardware."

"He was with us when the incident first started. At that time, we were lacking everything. Although the prosthetics were top-notch, all channels were controlled. It was really difficult to get new ones. It’s not easy. Everything has to be fixed.”

"So he took on the logistical pressure on everyone's behalf."

"And because there was a shortage of manpower at that time, even the logistics personnel had to join the ranks of 'assassinations.' This is how we prayed that we could eliminate all the thieves as soon as possible."

Xiang Shan said this.

"The more he repairs, the better he understands the prosthetic body. He can judge the operating status of the internal machinery of the prosthetic body just by the sound, and make a diagnosis just by listening."

"Then he has to go up and deal with the tyrant's 'bodyguards'."

“Gradually, I got the hang of it.”

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