Cyber Heroes

Chapter 406: Stealing the Country

The target of Xiangshan's assassination this time was called Livia Ivinsky. This guy was the holder of many pharmaceutical companies in the former Red Alliance, and he was originally only a person with "assets" left. But he actually seized on the technological innovation initiated by Yawgmoth in the 1930s and 1940s, followed up boldly, reaped a wave of dividends, and brought many of his factories back to life.

Iwinski holds U.S. citizenship but rarely lives in the United States. This person's whereabouts are unknown. But according to the information Zhu Xinyu dug up, he had recently been recuperating in a suburban manor in this Latin American town.

The pharmaceutical oligarch also became one of the many raw material suppliers under Superman Enterprises around the 1950s.

The "stealing of the country" that happened silently may have his shadow.

Whether he joins the thief's organization or is quietly replaced by someone else, this guy has nothing to do with it.

There is even a one in 10,000 possibility that this guy is the "country thief" himself.

And Xiangshan's mission this time is to kill this guy.

Even if the guy didn't have a biological brain under his prosthetic body, the assassination would still be meaningful.

I don’t know since when, capitalists, business managers, government administrators and even political figures in various countries have been gradually replaced.

Since the late 1940s, human prosthetics have become an irresistible trend. On behalf of Superman Enterprises, Xiangshan personally announced the timetable set by Superman Enterprises to people all over the world.

And in this process, there are naturally some people who want to "maintain the way it was in the past."

That is, "at least maintaining the appearance of a natural human being".

This helps ensure the mental health of early reformers.

There are many companies that specialize in this business.

But few people seem to have noticed that "technology that completely maintains the past appearance" can actually be used as "technology that completely fakes a person."

Xiang Shan later guessed that the first person to be eroded should be the staff responsible for identity verification for senior officials.

It’s not that there is no identity verification agency. People can identify themselves with just their cerebrospinal fluid. The prosthetic operating system itself also has a strict identity binding authentication mechanism. Disguising shouldn't be that simple.

However, this happened silently.

Therefore, the first one to fall should be the agency responsible for relevant verification.

These staff members themselves do not have a high status and are not so closely protected. But they are the eyes of all precautions.

Prior to this, humans did not have such an urgent need to "prove that I am who I am", and if a person is replaced, there must be obvious loopholes in his behavior.

But it all happened silently.

It was all premeditated.

In addition, Xiangshan is certain. That "tyrant" must have started from within Superman Enterprises. He might even be an executive at Superman Enterprises.

If you are blind, no matter how shrewd a hunter you are, it will be difficult for you to catch prey.

When he came back to his senses, the people who stole the country had already grasped the supreme power.

At this time, Xiangshan felt that there was still a glimmer of hope.

This is an unprecedented shadow ruler. The only basis for its rule is "technology". No one knows about it, no one supports it. Everyone lives in the illusion that "the world is still moving forward as usual." There is no change in humanity’s “common imagination” of society.

As long as the person who stole this supreme power is killed and the power is returned to mankind, everything can get back on track.

But, it's hard.

No one can tell whether a humanoid object is real or fake. If the kleptocrat needs a dead person, then it only needs to provide a bunch of parts and remains, plus a little animal nerve tissue and a genetic testing report. If the thief needs a living person, then even if the person is killed, his dummy will stand in front of the stage.

At this stage, the most meaningful assassination is to "kill someone in full view of everyone."

To make a person's death attract the world's attention.

And the same goes for Livia Iwinski, the target this time.

This courier car contained luxury goods ordered by Ivinsky's lover. Xiangshan's fully automated global logistics system is so successful that almost all remotely ordered items are delivered by it.

Zhu Xinyu secretly modified the cargo registration form. These three "express shipments" were originally "industrial machines" and were sent to the Americas due to glitches in the assembly line sorting machine. Here they were with a brand new path record, as if there were really three "premium toys" ordered by Iwinski's bodyguards.

Ah, yes, bodyguard.

With the rise of the extremist terrorist organization "Martial Arts", "security companies" are springing up all over the world like mushrooms after a rain. Most of these security companies use the banner of "being able to fight against 'martial arts'" and actually recruit a large number of martial artists to fill their ranks.

However, those martial artists of the old generation were too rigid in their martial arts. Whether they are inheritors of ancient skills who chose to become prosthetics under the stimulation of the "World's Best Martial Arts Tournament", athletes from the Paralympics or the World's Best Martial Arts Tournament, or those warrior kings, they only have "fighting skills" at best. Or one of "high-level tactical thinking" or "cutting-edge military technology."

But the first knights were the smartest. They are scientists, engineers or hackers.

When "muscle mass" no longer needs to be exercised by oneself, and when "preset programs" can replace neural reflexes, these smartest people will become the strongest warriors in the world.

Cyber ​​martial arts can be said to replace the role of "strength/physical attributes" in martial arts with "wisdom attributes".

However, Youdao cannot beat four hands with two fists.

Early knights like Xiangshan and others could instantly kill security personnel one on one.

But thermal weapons remain a huge threat.

Halfway through, the car stopped.

Xiangshan and the others got out of the car immediately. This is a forest path. But thanks to the roads built for the global logistics system. They connected easily.

The three of them hung up the camouflage net and quietly entered the woods.

[Okay, brothers, we can talk directly now. 】Zhu Xinyu’s voice appeared directly in the minds of the three of them, 【Let’s go over the plan again. 】

[Isn’t it just the same as usual? ] David said, [Mountain went to assassinate the target. After receiving the signal, I blasted the front with a hot weapon to attract attention and ensure that he would not die. Then Yog found a place to go around and rush in to attack Wushuang. 】

[It seems that the process is very familiar. Remember the results of supercomputer simulations. 】

Yawgmoth said: [Wait a minute, I will upload my martial arts insights on the road, and you can share them too. 】

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