Cyber Heroes

Chapter 415 Bonfire

After nightfall.

Xiangshan arrived at the east side of Jayhawk City according to the prearranged location.

This area is a garbage dump, and some scrapped domestic garbage is piled here.

Different from the space battleship-level garbage in the recycling station town, these garbage are very inferior, either very thin containers, or tools made of carbon fiber materials that are difficult to re-cast. The home version of these gadgets can hardly be processed by 3D printers, so they are piled together after they are used up.

And some people specifically rely on transporting these things to distant landfills. The people who pay these people's salaries are sometimes the patrons who find this area an eyesore, and sometimes they are the resources pooled together by residents living nearby. Anyway, I'm not sure.

Babbitt came over early. His prosthetic body was highly humanoid, unlike Old Crab who integrated broadcasting equipment into the prosthetic body, so he specially carried a set of equipment on his back.

There are also several young knights. Xiangshan could read some energetic and restless emotions in their postures. This is exactly the characteristic of young people.

Babbitt and the young knights were following the past tradition, picking up a basin and lighting a bonfire. The fuel is carbon fiber found in garbage dumps. A young knight disassembled a bullet and used gunpowder to ignite the carbon fiber waste.

For things like carbon, the ignition point constantly changes with the macrostructure and microstructure of the material. The more porous the carbon element is macroscopically and the easier it is to absorb oxygen as a combustion accelerant, the easier it is to ignite. Microscopically, the more other low-ignition point substances contained in the carbon element and the looser the crystal structure, the easier it is to ignite. The ignition point of charcoal is about 200 degrees, coal is 500 degrees, carbon fiber is about the same value, and diamond is more than 1,000 degrees.

As long as you search carefully in this garbage dump, you can always find some waste materials suitable for burning.

But Xiangshan felt that this kind of behavior was... rather...


Yes, he could understand the human attachment to the fire. In primitive times, millions of years ago, humans before they evolved into Homo sapiens learned to use fire. Human beings do not have time to write the "monthly salary" lifestyle into genes, but they definitely have time to write the "fire-loving" lifestyle into genes.

Therefore, even a Cyberman would want to light a fire when having a party.


Materials made of carbon fiber are really not very flammable.

The bluish-white blazing flames just adhered steadily to the large piece of material and spread slowly.

There is absolutely no "raging fire" effect.

However, this is understandable.

In this day and age, it is difficult to find a blade of grass in the wild. Maybe there are some green plants in the cold zone, but at least there is no better combustible material here.

"By the way, can't we connect to a local area network and then put an AR model of a campfire in everyone's field of vision?" Xiangshan couldn't help but said: "Or is this some kind of ancient... uh, ancient tradition?"

Obviously Xiangshan did not invent this tradition, so it cannot be older than him. Then there is no knowledge left by the Eighth Martial God, but it is also possible that the Eighth Martial God Tai Zhai does not know or the Eighth Martial God knows it but does not include it in the personality mask.

"No, no, no, we just think it's more atmospheric. We can't use lights too blatantly here. Even if we use AR, the bright effect of the flames can't be displayed. That's good." Babbitt replied, "No. Lord Nemu, you are indeed here."

Several young knights looked over in unison.

"Is this the Hero Nonemu you mentioned, Mr. Ba?" A younger knight looked over curiously.

These knights can naturally judge that "Nonem" is a pseudonym, or a new vest used by a hero. Based on Babbitt's description, they could tell that this "Nonem" hero had extraordinary martial arts skills and could not be an unknown person. If there really was such a hero operating in the New World, they would have heard about it at least.

It is not that no one doubts the true identity of this "Nonem". However, these knights agreed to the visitor's request to watch.

The reason is not difficult, because knights are not afraid of this form of spying.

In the age of natural man, if a group of rebels were meeting and a stranger bumped into the meeting, it would be a big disaster. But the knights are not too afraid of this situation.

The reason is "cyber martial arts".

Both internal and external skills greatly widen the gap between "masters" and "soldiers". Each master has high mobility and individual combat effectiveness, and also possesses varying but always extraordinary investigative abilities based on the strength of his internal strength and the quality of his prosthetic eyes.

It is difficult to hide the movement of large troops from the knights. They can rely on greater maneuverability than large forces for evasion.

Even if it is a tactical missile, these knights can avoid it.

If a hunter like a ranger comes, they may even have the guts to eat the spy in turn.

If they dare to hold such gatherings around the city, the knights are well prepared.

Xiang Shan nodded: "Don't pay attention to me, I just came to take a look and open my eyes."

Another slightly older knight raised his hand and said: "Senior, please don't be ridiculous. I heard from Mr. Ba that senior almost wiped out an entire green forest development team in a game a few days ago. This skill has surpassed ours. A lot. Moreover, the senior fought in places Mr. Ba didn’t know about, and I heard that he captured a lot of things, but he was unscathed.”

Xiangshan waved his hand: "It's not worth mentioning. In Nonem, what do you call the young hero?"

"Exit the flash gate, Yada Li." The young knight arched his hand, and then asked: "I heard that the hero Nonem has a relationship with the single-killer king of the Red Stone Gate? Then we can be regarded as friends. The Red Stone Sect that killed Senior Wang alone and our Flash Sect are also brother sects, and we are very close to each other."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Then we can indeed be considered friends. Brother Wang, the solo killer, and I only fought together in the government a few years ago. In fact, we are not very familiar with each other, but we can indeed be considered friends."

"Ha, you can't go too far right now." Another knight smiled: "This is Brady from the Blade Gate. Nice to meet you."

Xiang Shan also bowed back, and then asked: "The two sects are here. I heard that it is about the distribution of spoils?"

The two nodded: "Not bad."

Yada Li said: "I and their random blades intercepted a batch of goods not long ago, but the distribution issue does have some meaning, and that thing must be a master to be effective, so we are all waiting for the door The elders decide.”

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