Cyber Heroes

Chapter 430 Igni Seal

This time, Xiangshan once again touched around a server that originally belonged to a gang.

This server is currently unattended. Originally, there were some people who wanted to dismantle parts from above for petty gain, but they were stopped by nearby warriors. There are several families around this server who are martial arts apprentices, which gives them an overwhelming advantage over ordinary people. It's just that the martial arts apprentices here are more timid than those who occupied the previous server. They don't dare to set up an organization on their own, and there is no way to find people who know programming to control the server themselves, so this server has been running continuously for three years. Year.

"It's still working." Xiang Shan sighed: "The technology of this era is quite incredible."

Xiaoba appeared behind him again: "I think this is normal. Although cutting-edge technology is becoming more and more fragile and has higher and higher environmental requirements, those shoddy civilian technologies are indeed sparing no effort to improve Stability, lower requirements for the operating environment. This is a very simple civilian server with very low power. It is surrounded by ordinary people, and the requirements for the network are not that great. It has been running smoothly for three years with low power... That’s understandable.”

Xiang Shan shook his head, used his ability to hide his figure to sneak into the circle, and then secretly opened the server.

"At least the dust filter really needs to be cleaned...otherwise it won't last long."

Xiao Ba said: "There are frequent sandstorms here. Isn't the dust filter box full? This is a very clever design, not bad."

Remove the dust filter box from Xiangshan and pour out the sand and dust inside. The climate here is arid, so there is no need to worry about excessive humidity.

And there was no sign of fungal growth.

However, Xiangshan's visit this time was not just to provide free maintenance to the surrounding residents.

From the subjective perspective, the "native" raised his arms, and then Xiaoba came over and gave him a high-five.

The next second, Xiangshan's righteous eyes were rekindled. His posture had changed slightly.

He pulled a line from his wrist and connected it directly to the server.

While waiting for the progress bar, Xiaoba said to the original person beside him: "I think we can do more symbolic content to distinguish each other's personality coverings?"

Yuan Yu folded his arms and leaned against the server: "What is this? Aggravation of dissociation symptoms? You and I are just profiles of Xiangshan's consciousness actively constructed by technical means. We are one person, and we are complete only if we add one piece. Doing that would cause psychological problems. Besides, with the development of internal strength, 'Xiangshan' no longer needs personality masking technology to use all our skills."

"Will the development be so smooth... Forget it, let's talk about it later, I'm going in."

In an instant, a waterfall of data fell from the sky, covering the two people's field of vision.

The server, which had not been maintained for three years, buzzed and started running again.

Xiangshan has another problem to solve this time.

King Agni, Jakub Hartman.

Hartmann's internal strength is so high that ordinary people can't even imagine it.

The Eighth Martial God eighty years ago was not as good as him because he had no time to grow.

Although Xiangshan has been training hard for three years, he can't say he can win.

Of course, the distance between the earth and the moon is about 1.3 light seconds.

Even if you ignore the delay caused by signal jumps and processing, this is extremely far.

At this distance, Xiangshan can definitely beat Hartman now.

But the key is that Hartman does not necessarily have to defeat Mingshan in the aspect of "internal strength" in that battle.

He just needs to "defeat Xiangshan".

And Hartman is always on the side of power.

In other words, as long as he interferes with Xiang Shan or other knights, it may tilt the tide of the battle.

In addition, he is also a master of military martial arts.

By that time, King Agni can completely take over the command of the army and conduct it from a distance.

The formation of troops is different from the internal battle, and a one-minute delay falls into the "acceptable" category.

Although Xiangshan planned to attack Paradox City during the sandstorm. In that case, sand and dust will block part of the electromagnetic waves and cause communication obstacles.

However, there are no absolutes. Be prepared for everything.

The Asylum also knows that sandstorm weather is a good time for knights to attack Paradox City, so when the sandstorm really breaks out, Paradox City's defense will be stronger than usual.

It's also possible that Xiangshan acted before the sandstorm started.

Just make sure you can rush into the sandstorm coverage area on the way to escape.

At this time, Hartman's power must be considered.

And TX-0 provides an intelligence.

"There is something called the 'Igni Seal'... it seems to be some ancient term." Ah Ling said, "This thing only appeared after the birth of the Eighth Martial God. You can think of it as an alarm. Mechanism. This set of mechanisms is linked to a dedicated data link for Hartman to use his inner powers. Hartman seems to directly connect it to his own nerve impulses. When the Patron uses the Igni Sign, His inner strength will produce an almost instinctive reaction. And this instinctive reaction will affect countless devices between the earth and the moon, bringing about a torrent of data."

"After the death of the Eighth Valkyrie, Hartmann gradually equipped all major satellite stations on the earth with this gadget."

Xiang Shan asked: "What effect?"

"It's very simple and straightforward. Within the coverage of that satellite signal station, the non-protector prosthetic body was overloaded and caught fire."

Just like the real god of fire coming to the world, all living things on the earth will burn.

Only individuals with a Asylum Firewall can defend against such attacks.

Ah Ling was extremely cautious before, which also had something to do with this.

However, from eighty years ago to now, this Igni seal has never been triggered.

Probably the first patron to trigger this seal will become a certain kind of shame, and then his future will be bleak.

In fact, this effect was also speculated by Turing's lineage based on the information found.

It is said that before the establishment of this global system, King Agni arranged several exercises that required the cooperation of the earth.

Considering the infrastructure involved in this system, it may even be a simple and crude combo of forcing DDOS to be added online.

There must also be an Igni Seal in Paradox City.

Xiang Shan had to find a way to contain this thing.

"It would have been better if you had obtained the things left by the Eighth Martial God a few years ago." Xiaoba sighed, "I actually made backdoors for some satellites back then. But eighty years have passed, and I don't know how many satellites there are left. One of them is still in orbit. With the frequency of activation of the Heavenly Punishment System, it might have been shot down as a cannonball."

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