Cyber Heroes

Excellent testimonials

Before I knew it, all 3,000 yuan had been ordered, and I finally got the premium badge.

It’s really emotional, it’s not easy.

Maybe for great masters, 3,000 subscriptions are something they don’t need to consider at all. They can finish it by themselves after uploading a VIP chapter. Even making thousands of orders is easy.

But I do want to make a comment.

Because the first order for Cyber ​​Heroes is 600.

It is really not easy to go from six hundred to three thousand.

Thank you for your continued support.

Thanks to the operations officer and helper for their help.

This time last year, this book had just been uploaded, and my hometown Wuhan was also in a period of panic.

Even sending contracts was difficult at the time.

At that time, I wrote out the injustice in my heart in the style of martial arts, and injected it into the shell of science fiction that I am most familiar with. This is a very unreliable attempt. A similar book has never appeared on the market, at least it has not become popular. I was in a state of fear of an uncertain future.

Immediately afterwards, it was when it was first put on the shelves. After the first order came out, I felt a bit depressed at the time. After all, a subscription of six hundred is not enough to support oneself.

At the same time, plague also swept the world. No one expected that the world in 2020 would show the same resistance to disease as it did in 1920.

What a tough year it has been.

Fortunately I didn't give up.

Fortunately, no one gave up.

I was really relieved when I got the premium badge.

Ah~ As soon as I relaxed, I couldn't find my state again!

At the same time, it has indeed been stuck for several days recently. So, today I plan to take a day off to calm down and adjust my thinking.

Anyway, I'll take it easy first.

That's right, a testimonial and a request for leave

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