Cyber Heroes

Chapter 451 Youhe

In the next few months, Xiangshan maintained a life rhythm of "taking martial arts classes and taking time to study modern prosthetic technology."

There is actually no upper limit to the improvement of external skills. However, as one's own level improves, it will become increasingly difficult to improve external skills. The return per unit time invested will also be reduced. Matsushima Hiro didn't know how far Xiangshan planned to practice, but as long as Xiangshan's level could be improved, he would naturally not stop charging tuition fees.

Four months passed like this.

Later, Takahashi Ziyi came to Songying City again.

This time Takahashi Ziyi came and shared a secure communication link with Xiangshan face to face.

Xiang Shan also received information from the knights in the north.

After a long time, the Solo Killer King contacted Xiang Shan again.

This is a good thing.

Since Hartman stepped up the blockade three years ago, the contact information that Xiang Shan had exchanged with other knights in advance has become unstable. This is something that occasionally happens in this era.

Knights also need to maintain contact with each other in various ways.

Jardel expressed friendship to Xiang Shan on behalf of the Northern Knights, and was then squeezed out. The leader of the Flash Sect appeared in Xiangshan's chat interface and conveyed good news.

There are several sects that are willing to go to Paradox City.

In addition, these northern knights also brought unexpected information to Xiangshan.

They figured out how to get refrigeration equipment.

The Northern Knights believe that they can start with the Youhe Knights.

The Youhe Knights are located in northern North America. It is said that there is a large group of paleontological fossil remains within the Knights' location.

The Knights of Youhe are a large knighthood, mainly responsible for the study of biology and deciphering the mysteries of life and evolution.

Unlike the relatively fringe knights such as the Marna Knights, the Youhe Knights are a super large group and have a certain say in the Galapagos Temple of Biology. Many cadres, including the leader, work at the Youhe Knights' residence on Mars, providing remote guidance to the headquarters on Earth.

The main research directions of Youhe Knights include paleontology, molecular genetics, taxonomy, etc. They will perform genetic sequencing on the fossils, use the latest technological means to piece together and restore the genetic material of the ancient creatures, and even actually clone it. In addition, they are also responsible for exploring modern creatures in the ocean.

The headquarters of the Youhe Knights are inland, but they also occupy a large port.

There are several submarines in that large port, responsible for searching and observing modern marine life in the sea.

And every once in a while, aircraft take off from the port and head towards the headquarters of the Youhe Knights.

There is intelligence that the knights of the Yoho Knights operating in the ocean will deliver valuable research materials to the headquarters.

Some of these research materials were sealed using laser freezing. This freezing method uses laser to offset the thermal motion of molecules to achieve refrigeration, which can even reach low temperatures of mK level, very close to absolute zero.

This means that these materials are also kept at ultra-low temperatures during transportation.

Even if it is not ultra-low temperature at mK level, the whole process must be ultra-low temperature.

There was once a knight from the north who observed the Youhe Knights. The small aircraft they used could not put down large refrigeration equipment.

In order to prevent knights from snatching them, the government will not install reactors on aircraft at will. They would rather spend more energy refining microorganisms into aviation fuel. Knights rarely use this kind of thing. Fuel is more difficult to replenish than electricity, which can be provided by the sun anyway, and electricity can also supply part of the brain's consumption. In contrast, fuel is too difficult to obtain stably. Almost none of the knights who act alone use internal combustion engines.

At this time, the knights only need to intercept those aircraft, and it is possible to obtain small refrigeration equipment.

Of course, the storage devices used by the Youhe Knights to store organic matter cannot be used directly to cool quantum chips.

But for a knight, what can’t be modified?

"Modification" is the essence of Xiake Engineering.

The knights have long faced the current situation of "three years of modification and revision" and developed their own set of engineering thinking.

"If that's the case... it should be possible to lower the reactor in my body a little bit..."

Xiangshan thought for a moment and decided that this idea was feasible.

The biggest difficulty in this plan is "bringing down the aircraft."

The transportation team of Youhe Knights includes more than just one scientific knight apprentice who is guarding the research materials.

There were many warriors accompanying him. These warriors either ride on other small aircraft, or independently mount flying wing plug-ins.

If you want to snatch it, you have to face these elite guards.

In addition, in some areas, local lords will also provide certain protection. This is also one of the tasks of the gene bank defense arm.

Occasionally some Rangers would join in the fun.

For Xiang Shan, this is not an unsolvable problem.

The thing Xiangshan is least afraid of is this kind of "elite team". Killing a master is much easier than killing a hundred trash fish - unless the master reaches another level.

So, this time, Xiangshan hit the road again and set off to the north.

The person who heard the news followed.

Yuki was left in Jayhawk City by Xiangshan.

Although Yuki has passed the assessment, and Xiangshan also said that he will consider letting him do more things, at this stage, Yuki still has a lot to learn.

And there happens to be a guy in Jayhawk City who is very good at teaching people. This guy also has tutoring institutions that deal with different stages and meet the learning needs of warriors of different levels.

With such a scientific and reasonable educational institution, you can go to school with only a few resources.

Is there any better opportunity than this?

For the same reason, Liu Ri and others were also left here.

Especially Iron Wolf. He felt that his external skills would soon progress to the next stage. He is currently in that head-scratching bottleneck period and may improve at any time.

Takahashi Ziyi also stayed for the same reason.

Xiangshan doesn’t force anything either. In his opinion, this action was not dangerous. What he has to do is shoot down a small team in the wilderness, not solo against a large army on the edge of the city. He can handle this kind of thing himself.

On the other hand, the two young knights from the Flash Gate and the Blade Gate also asked to follow.

After a period of intensive tutoring by Matsushima Hiro. The level of external skills of these two guys has been greatly improved, and now is the time to accumulate practical experience.

Xiang Shan also felt that these two children needed to fight with the protector.

It's not that Hiro Matsushima isn't strong enough. Hiro Matsushima is very strong, but Hiro Matsushima is a warrior in the ring, and some of his experience may not be suitable for the battlefield where knights fight.

So, Xiangshan took a few helpers and embarked on the road to find refrigeration equipment.

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