Cyber Heroes

Chapter 454 Dyson Cloud Supporting Technology

Absolutely true. The reason why the Dyson Principle is called the Dyson Principle is just because the rule makers were thinking about Dyson Cloud at the time, so they chose such a name casually.

"Dyson" is not the name of the person who made the regulations, nor is it a place name, nor does it have any other symbolic meaning.

Just picked it up casually.

Thinking of this, Xiang Shan couldn't help but hold his head.

When he killed the old tyrant, was it this kind of power that he missed?

This guy……

"Don't forget, he is the emperor, the fucking god." TX-0 described Xiangshan this way, "So he can develop technology as he wants. The 'Dyson Cloud' is being built, which in itself is the only meaning. "


Xiang Shan originally thought that only he or David would do this. in his existing memory. Yawgmoth in the early 21st century saw no sign of this at all...

Well, maybe a little.

After Xiang Shan's death, it seemed that only the appearance of the second Martial God made the Father of All Machines shaken a little. He was planning this matter before and after the Fourth Martial God appeared. Beyond that, the Father of All Machines is interested in nothing else. He has no interest in dominating or enslaving humans. He prefers machines to humans and believes that machines can work more efficiently than humans.

He does not oppress mankind, but dismantles his own powerful organization and returns "freedom" to mankind. The last decision he made directly on mankind was to "destroy the nightmare of the dead that haunts the minds of the living."

After that, he rarely issued direct orders to the outside world.

When the Fourth and Eighth Martial Gods died, he issued a punishment decision because Hartman acted arbitrarily and caused huge losses.

But that's all.

In addition, he has been planning to build Dyson Cloud.

He would send countless questions to the Knights of Science, engineering problems he encountered while building the Dyson Cloud or other space wonders.

Material science, schedule management, energy conversion...

There is a need for research in all these fields.

And now, in recent orbit, a group of solar panels with a total area larger than ten times the earth's surface is already moving.

The satellites are very close to each other and move at the same rate.

It's just that "ten times the total area of ​​the earth" is just an insignificant number compared to the sun.

Not even more obvious than sunspots.

So much so that Xiangshan didn't notice this even after three years of waking up - because such a small size was not enough to cause obvious changes in the earth's temperature and light.

But if you observe carefully, you can actually see it a little bit.

Under this piece of information, Xiangshan finally saw the place where Yawgmoth was now on the earth.

The sun is where the throne is.

Xiangshan also knew that this also meant the terrifying extent of the enemy's power.

The energy that the sun irradiates to the earth in a day is about 1.49E22 Joules. In a day, only one hemisphere of the earth is always illuminated by the sun.

Some of this energy will be reflected out of the atmosphere, and most of the rest is driving the flow of water and atmosphere. The biosphere uses probably one thousandth of that. And a small part of this "one thousandth" will be buried and become fossil fuels after countless years of extraction by the earth.

But even so, the total amount of solar energy absorbed by photosynthesis in the biosphere is twice the energy consumed by the operation of human civilization during the same period.

If the earth is converted into coal, then the sunlight the earth receives in one day is equivalent to the complete combustion and release of 508.5 billion tons of standard coal. At the beginning of the 21st century, the world's proven recoverable coal reserves were less than one trillion tons, of which about 500 billion tons were anthracite and bituminous coal.

Yawgmoth's Dyson Cloud is small in front of the sun, but the area that receives solar energy is twenty times that of the Earth, not to mention that the sunlight in the nearest orbit is hotter than the Earth.

In the Dyson cloud, powerful current surges, which is then turned into high-energy lasers and directly transmitted to some space cities and spacecrafts.

The laser is directionally delivered, very stable, and has very little energy dissipation. Very useful in space where matter is thin.

Of course, this is also a weapon when necessary.

The Scientific Research Knights have also been working on "high conversion rate photovoltaic panels".

In addition, after these high-energy lasers are converted into electrical energy by some "transfer points", they can be converted into laser light again and transmitted in different directions again.

This process will inevitably involve a lot of losses, but compared to the terrifying overall size of the Dyson Cloud, this is not a problem.

Currently, there are thousands of space cities between the orbit of Mercury and the orbit of the Earth that rely on Dyson clouds to provide energy.

In addition, the operation of the Mercury mining area also relies heavily on the power delivered by the Dyson Cloud.

Of course, this power system also faces big problems.

First of all, a very important point is heat dissipation.

There is a lack of media in space, so heat dissipation is a huge problem. There is no medium in space, so we cannot rely on collisions between particles to quickly release heat energy. We can only rely on emitting electromagnetic waves for thermal radiation, and heat dissipation is very slow.

And the Throne is very close to the sun, so this heat dissipation problem is even more serious.

The Scientific Research Knights have also made efforts in two directions.

First, the heat exchange loop is used to collect the heat energy in the system and transfer it to the huge heat dissipation system.

Secondly, it is to reduce heat generation.

Such powerful power still needs to be equipped with a superconducting power transmission network - that is, to reduce the waste heat generated during the flow of electrical energy.

The circuit system in the Dyson Cloud System is a metal hydrogen alloy material circuit built by the Research Knights regardless of cost - a magical material that can maintain zero resistance in an environment of 20 degrees Celsius.

It is said that there was even a discussion in the asylum camp a hundred years ago about "whether to suspend research in the direction of high-temperature superconductors."

Because the technology of "normal temperature superconductivity" and the technology of "normal temperature quantum logic gate" are interoperable in a certain sense. If the Scientific Research Knights continue to dig deeper in this direction, then their results can easily be used by the knights to develop quantum systems that are "very difficult to produce, but have lower operating environment requirements and are more suitable for high-level individual soldiers without stable supplies." chip.

A considerable number of asylum seekers did not want to see this scene.

But in front of Yawgmoth, this issue does not need to be discussed at all. Except for the Ninth God of War, no knight has ever bypassed his defenses and entered the throne. He did not even personally issue the order to exterminate the knights.

He doesn't hate knights, nor is he afraid of knights.

Therefore, the Scientific Research Knights have been conducting research in this area.

Of course, the only compromise is that the research knight can choose to publish the paper in secret.

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