Cyber Heroes

Chapter 466 Attack

After hearing the roar of the aircraft, Master Blackhand did not move.

He didn't even activate any abnormally activated prosthetics in his body.

--calm down……

This is what Master Blackhand told himself.

Even if there are signs of leaving, it cannot be said that those guys have really left.

In this era, you only need to place a camera in place to observe the situation from a hundred meters away.

If you are willing to build a few relays, this distance can be extended to a long distance, perhaps several thousand meters.

In contrast, even if the advantageous terrain is not considered, sniper rifles often have an attack range of several kilometers.

This is not the time in ancient times when "you can come out with peace of mind when you see people leaving".

Master Blackhand even forced himself to sleep again.

Nothing else matters now.

His most important job is to leave alive and go to any place where he can connect to the Internet.

A large settlement, or simply a city, will do.

Because this information is really important.

There is actually a power that no one else knows about in this area.

This force was not a knight, and did not provide support in the Tao Enhai breakout battle. They are parasitic within the government system, and can even interfere with the decisions of the Youhe Knights, and then let the Youhe Knights influence the patrons.

At the same time they also drove green forests.

The last point is the most difficult to imagine.

The most notable feature of Green Forest is its “uncontrollability”. They are a highly cohesive group that relies on technological means to artificially create a common memory. They have a high degree of trust and friendship with the members of the team, but are extremely resistant to anything outside the group. Unreasonable hatred and violence against non-group members make them completely unable to be controlled by outsiders.

Even if they are coerced by force, many Green Forests will only think that "the worst case scenario is death."

Only by destroying their will with absolute fear and despair will these green forests stop for a moment.

But in that state, people are like clay puppets. Just like the prisoners who were executed collectively in a concentration camp, they would even obediently dig a hole for themselves to be buried alive. You cannot expect a person in this state to perform any complex tasks.

——Can drive the green forest... What kind of black technology is this...

In addition, there is the mysterious "Saint Aunt". A guy who can escape from the speed king.

Although the two mysterious people also admitted that the "Holy Girl" did not do this through hard power, but like Tao Enhai, because she had some affection for the Speed ​​King, so the Speed ​​King would not take action against her.

But this at least shows that the "Holy Aunt" is at least an old monster that has existed since the chivalrous war and has been living to this day.

When Tao Enhai landed on Earth, he had been seriously injured by the Speed ​​King, and his brain was infected with Ivoro cells.

But according to those two people, the "Saint Aunt" could "escape intact."

She might be able to bring a full fighting force.

Such a force may have some huge conspiracy.

And now, because of this huge conspiracy, they want to drive Green Forest to deal with the knights.

This information is very critical and must be passed back. The knights must change their course of action in response to this situation.

Otherwise, not to mention the refrigeration equipment, even the Northland knights and even the unknown hero himself will be in danger!

A few hours later, Master Blackhand's body made subtle startup noises and the sound of parts rotating.

He suddenly exerted force, and the surrounding soil scattered like an explosion.

Master Blackhand jumped up and rolled on the ground. The direction he was rolling was down a steep slope. The warrior followed this steep slope and suddenly fell ten meters.

Then we came to a small and complicated area.

A construction machine that looks like a big spider slowly climbed up. But the Blackhand master did not recycle it. Instead, he used a wireless signal to format the device and then restarted it. Immediately afterwards, he gave an order to let this thing clean up the traces he left.

Another multifunctional engineering robot climbed onto Master Black Hand's back, then folded its limbs and embedded itself in Master Black Hand's outer armor.

"Perhaps I'm overly concerned..." Master Blackhand used unconventional means to hack into the construction machinery he released and scanned through the construction machinery's cameras.

There was indeed something like a camera less than thirty meters away from him.

"I wonder if there are snipers waiting in the distance... Do you want to destroy the camera? Based on experience, the possibility of an electromagnetic pulse mine under the camera is too high."

"When I came out of the ground just now, I was photographed. But I still have a cloak covering my outer armor, and the spray paint is also deceptive. They shouldn't lock my identity so directly. But if I come back to deal with the traces, It will expose more.”

"If you think about it based on the premise that there are snipers, you shouldn't go towards the plains now... into the mountains."

Master Blackhand thought so as he kept climbing up the steep mountain road while using the surrounding rocks to shield his body.

Before leaving, he gave the robot one last instruction - to dig under the camera.

Half an hour later, Master Blackhand felt an electromagnetic pulse coming from the distance.

"There are indeed mines." Master Blackhand sighed, "Those people really have bad intentions."

It is not true that knights do not use landmines, but they do not advocate planting mines in areas where people may pass by.

If one day, some civilians who are making a living in the wilderness pass by and see the camera and think it is valuable and want to pick it up, that will be at least one life.

The knights would lay mines in front of where civilians would not appear and troops would march.

In order to prevent this kind of thing, Master Blackhand asked the engineering robot to dig under the camera.

Master Blackhand moves on. He took a detour in the mountains. Now he couldn't follow the planned route to the rendezvous point.

Suddenly, Master Blackhand heard an explosion.

——This area is not a place where civilians pass by on a daily basis...isn't it a place for fighting?

Master Blackhand hurriedly ran towards the explosion site.

What exploded was a non-standard vehicle with a very personal style, a common knight's vehicle.

The six-legged vehicle designed to adapt to the mountainous terrain was now on its side, burning.

And a knight was huddled on the edge of the wreckage, looking around nervously.

Master Blackhand's concealment was very good, so the vigilante did not notice it. The knight jumped up and tried to roll behind another bunker.

But the rock behind him suddenly exploded and shattered.

A large-caliber bullet hit the knight in the crotch, directly breaking one of his legs!


Master Blackhand was shocked and angry.

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