Cyber Heroes

Chapter 472 Shotgun Application

Although the Knicks have a low evaluation of Suzuki Swift, Suzuki Swift still has some abilities.

Otherwise, she would not be able to secure her position as Tian Qiao Xing.

Before Nyx arrived, she had inspected the area surrounding Skyburst's death scene for signs of battle.

"There are many bullet holes around, but most of them were left by Tianbao himself." Suzuki Yuyan said, "Blackhand Haoyan only fired a few shots."

Nix also put down Skyburst Star's storage device and said: "No trace of Gu was found. There were no other internal skill masters to help."

He stood up and looked around. This is a relatively complex mountainous area, with several discontinuous steep slopes and a gap in the middle. There appear to be traces of excavations from hundreds of years ago below.

The terrain of this place is relatively complex, but it is a good place for a fight.

"Blackhand chose such a location." Suzuki Swift said: "During this journey, he kept cleaning up the broken armor pieces on his body and throwing them out. This was to reduce weight and to move the most maneuverable armor. Lu Lin led him out to get that guy out of the main force."

"Then when he got here, he first prepared a counterattack. It seemed that he used an engineering robot to create a trace fifty meters away, while he huddled in a hidden corner. There were traces of shotguns on the ground. There should be two shotguns hidden in his body. "

"Shotshot?" Nicks was a little surprised. "Guns masters rarely use this, especially those who are good at sniping."

The shortcomings of shotguns are very obvious. The magazine capacity is small, the effective range is low, and the penetration power is weak.

The so-called shotgun is a bullet containing multiple projectiles inside. In the past, the main shotguns included single-head shotguns, dart shotguns, bag rounds, special rounds, tear gas grenades, non-lethal rounds, etc. Shotguns are very popular when hunting medium and large animals.

In addition, after breaking into the trench, the shotgun can also show great power in close combat. For example, the famous Winchester M1897 pump-action shotgun. After breaking into the trench, soldiers can shoot at the enemy several times, each time with a cone of lead bullets. Even soldiers with basic shooting training can use it to shoot down grenades in the air.

It can be called an integrated offense and defense.

Another advantage is that it requires very little bullets.

But in this era, there are very few people who use shotgun.

The reason is very simple, the penetration power of shotgun is too low. In the era of carbon-based organisms per capita, the low penetration power of shotguns can still maintain lethality, but in this era of external armor per capita, the lethality of shotguns is too low.

It's hard for Knicks to imagine that any sniper master would use shotguns.

"In order to get rid of the prosthetic eye." Suzuki Yuyan said: "One dozen and a large area, and he is still so close. If the prosthetic eye does not have a protective structure that can be closed, it will be easy to catch him."

"And the shotgun has another advantage, which is the kinetic energy of the muzzle. Although the bullet exits the chamber at a low speed and decays quickly, the caliber is large and the bullet mass is large, so the kinetic energy of the muzzle is even higher than that of a sniper rifle. In close-quarters gunfights In the art, shotgun shells can be used to overturn the body of a lightweight prosthetic warrior and destroy his posture."

For warriors who pursue speed and reduce the weight of their prosthetics, shotguns are also very dangerous. At a distance of about ten meters, this kind of bullet is almost impossible to dodge. Although it is difficult for those small dispersed warheads to penetrate their outer armor, the kinetic energy they carry will destroy their posture.

After the posture is broken, it is impossible to defend or maintain the body. The warrior on the opposite side can march straight in and defeat the enemy with one move.

Because shotguns have a narrow application range, ordinary warriors rarely consider this kind of thing. But warriors specializing in speed must understand this.

Nix nodded. Although Skyburst is not specialized in speed, in order to strengthen mobile combat in complex terrain, his prosthetic body is not very heavy.

"And the second shotgun shot is also special. It is mixed with a metallic thermal agent, which creates a short-term uneven heating on the surface of Tianbao's prosthetic body. Due to stress, the strength of several pieces of outer armor on his body has become very low." Suzuki Yu Yan pointed to some pieces of debris at her feet: "Pay attention to the cracks. This is not the result of a normal explosion."

Di Kuixing applauded: "Wonderful. The lead angry hand finally slipped a gun to him. There may be a secondary guided bullet in the gun. It seems that the bullet here was penetrated along the weakened outer armor. That’s the bullet in the power part.”

After being attacked, there was nothing wrong with Skyburst's response. He chose to suppress it with all-round firepower, forcing the Black Hand Master to distance himself from himself, and then looking for an opportunity to regroup.

But since he was knocked to the ground by the shotgun, the shooting angle was restricted.

The traces on the scene were not enough for the two Green Forests to determine the final strategy used by Black Hand, but he bypassed the fire blockade and then shot the secondary guided bullet into Skyburst Star's chest.

The capacitor that received a heavy blow exploded directly.

Skyburst died on the spot.

"But Blackhand Haoyan is not unscathed. The drone found metal fragments that did not belong to the skystorm." Suzuki Yuyan said, "What do you think?"

"Keep chasing." Di Kuixing said: "Black Hand and Tang Yun fought together at close range for more than ten seconds. Such a long time was enough for Lead Fury Hand to send out information using wireless signals. And although Tianbao is useless, At any rate, the Black Hand has been further weakened. Bring the Dijie Star."

Although Master Blackhand had been injured while escaping, he was shot again when he counterattacked Skyburst Star, and further consumed his ammunition.

But now no one dares to underestimate this knight.

Although there is little pressure from the government, the harmony within the Green Forest is not as good as that of the Jianghu. There was little mutual assistance before the "Juyihui", so the average lifespan of the masters is actually lower than that of the Jianghu people.

It was only here that these young Green Lins clearly understood an old Jianghu's understanding of martial arts.

This is the first time that Knicks has seen such a character who is dabbled in all kinds of gun and martial arts, and can flexibly match and construct tactics.

Then, more than a thousand meters away, they made a new discovery.

A gun, a severed hand, many fragments of outer armor.

"Is this to... reduce weight?" Di Kuixing looked at Suzuki Swift.

Suzuki Swift picked up the gun that was accidentally smashed and looked at it: "The shotgun should be the one that caused the skystorm. It seems that he didn't carry many shotguns on him, so he was thrown away as a load."

"It could also be a trick. The shotgun is shorter. He may have one more on him." Nix said, it's best to be careful.

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