Cyber Heroes

Chapter 474 “Underground” Network

"All the contact points..." Xiangshan clicked his tongue and said, "What should I do if someone discovers it? For example, Green Forest, Eagle Dog, etc. have detected metal reactions nearby, so they came to take a look."

"This shell has been designed to isolate electromagnetic detection as much as possible." Jader said: "And I think it is pretty good to hide. It doesn't matter even if it is really discovered, because this terminal can only store the most recent hardware. Five pieces of information. When new information comes and there is no local storage space, the program will automatically delete the earliest one. And each terminal will delete the read stored information after reading it once. There is very little information in it, and it is often Something that only makes sense in one action."

With that said, the Solo Killer King opened the terminal.

A very primitive interface, so primitive that it seems to have traveled from before the birth of the Windows operating system.

And it appears on what appears to be a picture tube screen.

Even though this shell, which has a texture between rock and plastic, is the result of synthetic chemical technology that is unimaginable in the 21st century...

No, when you put it this way, the feeling of time travel becomes even more serious.

The solo kill king entered a few commands and then called up several sets of QR codes.

"QR code...well, at least this is a technology born in the 1980s."

The Solo Killer King heard Xiang Shan's whisper and explained: "This machine can't understand the information by itself and convert it into a QR code. You can only input parameters according to a certain format..."

"No, I probably understand." Xiang Shan waved his hand.

After all, the older and simpler the gadget, the lower the maintenance requirements, the smaller the possibility of problems, and the less difficult it is to replace it.

When the knights don't have many manpower to do daily inspections and maintenance, it's not surprising that the knights dig out old technology from the museum.

They can even use the latest materials science to give these old technologies some BUFF that transcends the times.

"In other words, unless there are several different guerrilla forces scattered in this mountain range with a common mission, they will use this thing, right? For others, this is just a QR code that stores five unknown meanings. The meaning is unknown." Xiang Shan sighed: "Then if this thing is discovered by a hawk dog, won't it be dug up completely?"

"Anyway, the excavation process is basically automatic. It only requires a 3D printer and a batch of small excavation robots from the automatic assembler production department. The cost is very low. Digging out the whole thing can just consume the government's resources." The killing king smiled.

As for “cutting off”…

This one is even less scary.

The builder of this underground network (usually an underground driller or a local sect) knows the location of all terminals. If there is a problem with one of the terminals, just check along the line, or even not check.

Xiang Shan nodded: "'s really good."

Speaking of which, in the "ideal industry" he envisioned when he was young, "automation" was also quite necessary.

However, technologies that increase the level of automation must also be matched with necessary social progress.

What he expected was not that "the owner of the machine no longer needs an employment relationship", but that "everyone can be liberated from hard labor through machines and no longer worry about survival. The purpose of people's survival activities lies in human development."

During the Superman Enterprise period, in order to build up the technology and production capacity as quickly as possible "enough to allow all mankind to perform metal-based genetic modification surgeries", he did not stick to his dream of "additive construction" when he was a more angry youth, but moved toward "additive manufacturing". The system of centralized production is already very mature".

At this point, it was difficult for him to say whether his judgment at that stage was right or wrong. The research and development of "metal-based transformation surgery" is a "race against time" in another sense.

The young Xiangshan originally planned to wait until the process of prosthetics was rolled out, and then promote the related technologies of additive manufacturing so that everyone can easily DIY their own prosthetics at home.

Today, additive construction technology has become a key technology supporting guerrilla forces. It is precisely because of this kind of technology that some knights who use high-end prosthetics can slightly get rid of logistical constraints.

Xiangshan, who is probably in his twenties or thirties, never imagined that his dream would bear fruit in this way.

Listening to the explanation of the single-killer king, Xiangshan felt a little sour feeling of "reminiscing about the glorious past."

"...But I think the most wonderful thing is the concealment technology of this creature. You see, when you came here, your first reaction was 'I am afraid no one has been to this place for several years,' right?" The single-killing king said, a little embarrassed.

Xiang Shan nodded: "That's right..."

“Actually, there are some tips here.”

The single-killer king whispered like this, reached out and knocked on the ground, and then dug out a plastic product from the nearby ground.

That seems to be a...

"What is this?" Xiang Shan was a little surprised.

It was a plastic bottle, translucent, and there seemed to be fungus growing inside. The overall look was very filthy.

This should be a product that does not contain any electronic equipment. There are several very thin metal tubes connected to the small pot body.

The single-killer king opened the lid, took out the fungus inside, picked up a piece of moss from the ground and wiped it, and then took some water from the water he carried with him (water is a survival necessity that basic humans also need, and the specific heat capacity is very large , and very stable, can be electrolyzed if necessary, has many wonderful uses), rinsed. After pouring out the water from the rinsing bottle, he poured some more water into it. Then he put the cap back on the bottle and applied pressure until water spurted out of the tubes. Then he poured another portion of the solution in, filled it up, and put the bottle back.

"There is a... uh, it seems to be called a 'capillary infiltration irrigation system' underneath. It can disperse those sugar substances over the entire land over a long period of time."

Xiang Shan said: "This at best explains why moss and fungi can grow, right? What you just meant was that 'moss can grow quickly here'."

Jardel dunked it on the ground again, then pointed: "Look at this again."

Xiangshan adjusted the focus of the prosthetic eye, and then discovered...

It was a leaf-sized... solar panel.

"These fungi have basically undergone metal-based modifications and can survive on electricity. The sugar substances and inorganic salt solutions just provide the material basis for their growth, and the solar panels make up for the energy gap."

"And fast-growing fungi can quickly cover solar panels, covering up even this trace."

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