Cyber Heroes

Chapter 486 Monsters and Luck

Tianjixing quickly re-erected the antenna. But this time, what he sent out was not only long waves that would be shielded by the ionosphere, but microwave signals that could penetrate the ionosphere.

There was a signal that silently penetrated the atmosphere and was transmitted to the satellite.

That's a dedicated interface. Karmapa Tiexin registered the entire route as "for informants only". If information flows through, it will not trigger the AI ​​review mechanism, but will flow directly to King Tiexin, who has higher authority.

He asked directly in text form.

[I met an enemy with extremely high internal power. I speculated that he might be the "unknown hero" who rescued Tao Enhai, the Duke of Xinglin three years ago. His inner strength is unfathomable, perhaps on par with the Dharma King. I need information. 】

All Tianji can do now is "delay".

Even if Tianmeng really did what he said and just "take a look" to make sure that the other party didn't cross the first level of heaven and earth before coming back, it would still be very dangerous.

When one's internal strength is that high, the operations that one can perform in a unit of time will be astonishing. It is said that there are some internal skill masters who can launch DOS attacks on civilian-level private servers using their biological brains alone.

The higher the level of internal strength, the more "curses" and "gu" you can master.

Maybe a person downloaded a patch or an application ten years ago, and it will become his Achilles' heel.

It would be even more terrifying if this person knew Tao Enhai, the Duke of Xinglin.

Even the masters of internal energy at the level of old monsters don’t know how many minefields they have buried in the open source information.

On May 29, 1453 AD, Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, fell. Although the decline of the Eastern Roman Empire is the trend of history, their military defeat in the last battle was indeed due to forgetting to close a small door.

Compared with history as a whole, the survival of a country is actually just a "detail." The general trend of history cannot be resisted, but the details can be changed.

Constantinople would fall on May 29, 1453. History did not give Constantine XI a chance to save the nation, simply because no one forgot to close a door.

But when young internal warriors face those old monsters, they won't know it if their whole body is filled with such doors.

At this point, "Turing", as the creator of internal power, and "King Agni", a powerful hacker of the same generation, have advantages that no one can match. They have the internal strength to fully utilize this advantage.

And that "unknown hero"...

They know next to nothing.

Tianji cannot explain everything. Because Tianji is now just the "Tianji Star of the Earth's Green Forest", not the Tianji Sanren of the Six Dragons Sect.

Both knights and officials will destroy the green forest when they see it.

Therefore, it is impossible for the "Tianji Star of the Green Forest of the Earth" to still be alive after coming into contact with the ministers of King Agni or the disciples of Turing's lineage.

He needs support...he needs information...

After waiting for a long time, Tianji did not receive a response from Dharma King Tiexin. He patted his head hard.

Just now, he told everyone in Green Forest that if they wanted to avoid being killed instantly when facing that knight, they had to replace all the hardware and then completely upgrade their firewalls. He told other Green Forests that he was currently in retreat to upgrade the firewall.

But this won't last long.

He sent another message.

[You said last time that the "King of Heaven Plan" is meaningful. I want to ensure the survival of more Tiangang stars. 】

Tianji Sanren suddenly wanted to laugh.

He is actually thinking about saving the lives of those idiots as much as possible now.

——The ultimate consensus therapy... Haha, it’s really irresistible...

This time, Dharma King Tiexin finally responded.

He received a link.

This link seems to be for downloading a patch package.

Then he received a second one.

[I will notify other Sanren and envoys to rescue. Please do not attack targets randomly. Abandon your plans and leave your location. Patches can only save your life. 】

According to the procedures of the Six Dragons Sect, Tianji Sanren installed the patch package on himself, then deleted part of it, and then installed it on the Green Forest brothers later.

No, actually your best option is to just install it for yourself.

When King Tiexin said "it can only save your life", it probably means that this patch can ensure that he will not be stared to death by the enemy's witnessing technique.

However, after several rounds of probing attacks, the enemy will analyze the patch and find countermeasures again.

And according to the response speed of the prosthetic computing core, these "several rounds" won't take long.

A true internal skill master will not be troubled by the same patch twice.


"I'll have to do it after all."

Tianjixing stood up and threw a grenade, blowing up the radar around him.

Tianmeng came over and said hello: "Tianji, do you want to blow up the radar?"

Although "blowing up his own radar" seems a bit strange, Green Lin always has all kinds of weird destructive desires. Tianmeng was not too surprised. He flexed his hands and said: "Verification completed. The quality of my newly installed processor is good. This is my most valuable resource."

Tianji didn't say anything, but just shared a file: "Transmit this patch point-to-point to every brother, and then notify everyone to gather together, so as not to be defeated individually."

Numbers always mean something. For a top master, it is easier to kill one master than to kill a hundred trash fish. But ten masters who work well together may pose a greater threat than a thousand miscellaneous fish.

The combat effectiveness of cyber martial arts cannot necessarily be calculated by the simple method of "multiplying both sides of the equal sign by a coefficient".

He looked at Tianmeng and said, "Let's go... we must survive."


The figures of Suzuki Swift and Master Blackhand passed each other in an instant.

Master Blackhand's prosthetic body fell off the cliff and fell solidly to the ground.

The height of tens of meters is not enough to be fatal, but Master Blackhand lost his outer armor, and the fragile interior actually withstood this blow. Countless parts broke through the film on the body surface and sputtered out.

The biological brain survives through its final shock-absorbing capacity, but concussions do occur.

Master Blackhand just felt dizzy. He moved his arms desperately, but found that only one hand still retained motor function.

The old knight used this hand to move himself.

"I'm really... lucky. I can hold on a little longer."

If Tian Qiaoxing hadn't made a stupid mistake during the boxing fight, he would be dead now.

On the cliff, Suzuki Swift was a little angry: "What are you doing now? Ah? It was very critical just now!"

During the fist fight just now, a message with the highest priority suddenly popped up in Suzuki Swift's mind, asking her to download a patch.

The momentary distraction prevented her from directly killing the crippled knight.

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