Cyber Heroes

Chapter 493 A little knowledge

The gnat Suzuki Swift was originally nicknamed "Drizzle". In the early years, he was also a famous knight.

Many years ago, he bumped into Tianmeng, was defeated, and then received the Yakuza Consensus Therapy and became a green forest.

It's been many years.

After the Yakuza Consensus Therapy reverses the personality, all the past problems disappear. Most of the previous memories can still be retained in the biological brain. However, this memory of a normal life, whether in terms of duration, emotional intensity, or priority in the brain, is not as good as the collective memory of Green Forest blessed by technology.

Therefore, the past life of "Dry Rain" Suzuki Swift is not worth mentioning.

But it was precisely because of this past life that she had some interactions with Borshu three years ago.

Because she has a lot in common with Borshu.

They all came from martial arts circles, and were introduced by their masters. Their martial arts were all similar in speed, and they used high mobility to engage in guerrilla warfare.

Moreover, they were all captured by Tianmeng's copycat.

The difference is that Suzuki Swift was besieged by Tianmeng himself and then bombarded from the front.

Borshu, on the other hand, entered the black shop during maintenance.

But it's still the same origin.

On the third day after becoming a green forest, Suzuki Swift slaughtered a transport team and crushed several biological brains with his own hands.

That day, she knew she couldn't be a knight.

Therefore, after Borshu joined Shanzhai, she waited for five days before socializing.

At that time, she truly felt that this new brother could become her confidant.

But Bolshu expressed his disdain for Suzuki Swift in a direct and violent way at that time.

Suzuki Swift was furious at the time.

Over the next few months, she watched Borshu's struggles, which for a time was her pleasure.

In the following time, Tianmeng began to carefully train in Borshu, taking his martial arts to a higher level.

This is a treatment that Suzuki Swift has not enjoyed.

Even after a while, Tianmeng helped Borshu win the "Tiansu" ranking, making him famous in the green forest in one fell swoop.

This makes Suzuki Swift even more unhappy. She held her breath, feeling that as a "green forest" she was more pure than Borshu, and her ranking should definitely not be lower than Borshu.

Since then, she has become more and more concerned about this ranking that few people care about in the world.

She had been watching Borshu struggling in pain, as if seeing this scene, the trauma in her heart would be gradually healed.

Until three years ago, Borshu disappeared mysteriously.

Seeing this, he retreated to the mountain.

He summoned his companions who were following him and brought the heads of several prisoners. Then he took them to the corner, pulled out a thread from his wrist, and connected it to Suzuki Swift's head.

【I want to ask you something. 】Xiang Shan said this.

He now controls all the hardware connected to Suzuki Swift and can monitor Suzuki Swift's brain activity in real time and read her output. Xiangshan can even bypass security protocols and read her subconscious in the name of an "auxiliary program."

[I will not betray the village. You don’t have to ask. 】Suzuki Swift said this.

If you are a warrior above the mechanical realm, you can slightly interfere with the machine's detection mechanism.

But the Suzuki Swift can't reach the other side of the broken wing.

In this state, she couldn't lie - when she thought about making up an answer, certain mechanisms in her brain were triggered. This process is perceptible to those with direct connections.

Suzuki Swift doesn't expect to be able to deceive such an enemy.

Of course, she can also choose "silence".

But with the right questions, you can extract almost any information from the subject's mind.

After all, the act of "silence under a credible lie detection mechanism" is itself an answer.

Xiang Shan stared at him with complicated eyes - if his face could still express "complex emotions".

He said: "I have a friend whose nickname is 'Tiao Zixia'."

Suzuki Swift's thinking stopped for a moment.

Then, a burst of joyful discharge broke out.

[Hahahahahahahahahaha! I see! I see! Are you actually that boy's friend from the past? How about it? How does it feel to know that your friend has become a green forest? Hahahahaha! To a knight like a knight like you! There are green forest friends too! Ha ha ha ha! 】

[I have no green forest friends. 】Xiang Shan said, "Tiaozi Xia Borshu's skill was due to the duel between elite rangers from the moon, and he died as a knight. Just three years ago. 】

Suzuki Yuyan hesitated for a moment: [This... what kind of insider trick is this... why is it called? I feel like you are telling the truth? Are you confusing the information fed into my head? what have you done? 】

Xiangshan felt strong uneasiness and fear.

The reason why Xiangshan chose direct connection was, on the one hand, to read the Suzuki Swift's thoughts more effectively.

On the other hand, he also wanted Suzuki Swift to feel his "truth".

This reading can be set up to be bidirectional.

But now, Suzuki Swift seems to think that "the other party deliberately made me think that the direct connection is set to two-way, but in fact all the information input to the brain has been edited by internal power."

Xiang Shan sighed.

What a hassle.

As soon as his thoughts changed, more data poured out of his brain, creating a "chat room"-style blank space.

Then, Xiangshan's memory files began to fill in the blanks.

Due to the huge gap in the biological brain foundation between Xiangshan and Suzuki Swift, he cannot directly share the "dream server" like the Eighth Martial God and Zhu Xinyu did.

But the "New Space" series and subsequent simulation programs exist just for people to communicate.

The Suzuki Swift falls into a fantasy world. It was at the end of a narrow cave. There seemed to be an explosion at the exit of the cave, and the remains of a chariot was embedded in the exit.

Outside the cave, the sun has risen and its sunlight is shining on the earth. A few rays of sunlight fell into the cave, but were blocked by the wreckage of the chariot.

The sunlight stopped at the edge of a corpse.

A woman with a vague face touched herself: "What is this? My body...simulation program? Who are you?"

Xiang Shan squatted down and pointed to the remains on the ground: "This is the burial place of Tiao Zixia Bo Shu."

"Oh, woman, I have to tell you a little knowledge. Baseline humans can replace ATP with electric field energy, which means that many other cellular activities that require ATP can also be driven by electromagnetic force. For example... nerve cells ion pump on."

Ion pump is one of the membrane transport proteins. It is also regarded as a special type of carrier protein that can drive specific ions across the plasma membrane against the electrochemical gradient while consuming the energy formed by ATP. It is an active transport. The ion pump is essentially a reversible ATPase driven by external energy.

"In other words, some little-known electrical signals can make it easier for you to express your true feelings."

Here is a key clue to the main plot o(^`)o

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