Cyber Heroes

Chapter 501 Hunting Secrets

When the gun rang out, Xiang Shan felt a sense of relief.

It’s like having a sudden inspiration after having been stuck on a paper or code for a long time. It’s like having a pillow on the back of your head after working for thirty hours straight.

Xiang Shan looked again at the brains that were completely destroyed by bullets and scattered evenly on the ground. Although it looks a bit bloody, there is really nothing unnecessary pain in the process. Xiangshan adjusted his prosthetic eyes to look at these tissues and observed them for dozens of seconds.

Those cells were dying normally, and apart from a few artificial organ fragments, they were all normal glial cells and nerve cells. Glial cells seem to have undergone secondary transformation, allowing the warrior's brain to withstand higher accelerations. But there is no black technology component.

Xiang Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this guy does not have a very close connection with the Six Dragons Sect.

Xiangshan is also very curious about the real purpose of the Six Dragons Sect, the mastermind behind this.

More than three years ago, after Xiangshan defeated "Serial Missile" Griad, he discovered a tentacle in his body that was directly connected to the brain nerves. The tentacles themselves are secondary, but the key lies in the thick ganglia unique to cephalopods.

According to the records found by Xiang Shan afterwards, the Six Dragons Sect hired Griad as a "volunteer" at the expense of the Phonon Knife equipment to explore "the changes in human thinking after being connected to external neural circuits." .

And that "Tianji" who has a very high level of internal strength and even developed a powerful patch is also suspected of the Six Dragons Sect.

Xiangshan originally thought that Tianji's purpose was to conduct similar experiments.

However, none of the Green Lins he killed before had any traces of transformation like Gliad.

Tianmeng is already a core member of the Tianji force - at least that's how Tianqiao and the others remember it.

And there aren't many traces of the Six Dragon Sect's techniques on Tianmeng like this.

Except for the patch pack whose technical level is completely beyond the era of these Green Forests, there seems to be no other Six Dragon Sect products.

This made Xiang Shan a little worried.

This is likely to illustrate one thing - the Six Dragons Sect does not have only one research direction.

The strength they have accumulated can support at least two completely different projects. Among them, the one led by Tianji was different from the one carried out by Gliad.

This... I don't know if I can call it bad news.

If a large organization like the Six Dragons Sect can exist, it means that the patrons do not have high control over the situation.

But the Six Dragons Sect itself is not a chivalrous force.

and "The Sword Messenger."

There are various signs that Dai Jiutai, a member of the Demon Cult he met back then, was the one who made a deal with Griad.

Now, a person suspected of being Dai Jiutai is communicating with Tianji.

Perhaps the "Sword Envoy" is a person specifically responsible for liaison.

And the Six Dragons Sect even needs to set up a special position to be responsible for traveling and liaising between various projects?

——We must seize the secret.

Xiangshan put away Tianmeng's memory and quickly chased them in the direction they came from.

Tianji's strength is not low. Judging from that patch, his level of internal strength is quite terrifying.

Except for Xiang Shan, other knights are in danger of being killed instantly when facing Tianji.

Xiangshan can only chase him alone.

——We must seize the secret of heaven.


Tianji Sanren is running steadily.

After being separated from Tianmeng, he ran for several kilometers in this direction. From this distance, he could only faintly hear gunshots.

Scattered gunshots were heard in the distance just now, and they only lasted for a while.

The "Unknown Hero" is scarier than imagined. Tianmeng's tactics failed instantly.

He didn't hear the sound of Tianying's sniper rifle, nor did he see the fire from the commanding heights.

It can be seen that Tianying was defeated without even firing his gun.

What can cause this effect is probably an internal attack.

This made Tianji Sanren a little surprised, but not unexpected.

Any patch can only be effective if it ensures its own confidentiality.

And that knight could even capture those Earth Evil Green Forests with all their beards and tails.

After capturing those people, he could dig out the patch code from their systems.

After that, you can either crack the patch or use other spells to bypass it.

Alternatively, the patch itself may have a backdoor. Many powerful insiders will leave backdoors when giving out patches. Those patches can close defense gaps, but create a more subtle cover.

If the cracker of the patch has a higher internal skill level than the author of the patch, this hidden cover will also be used by him.

He was just surprised "so quickly."

This is the work of Dharma King Tiexin.

——Regardless of internal strength or external strength, they are overwhelmingly powerful.


But at the same time, another surge of rage was brewing in his nerves.


He didn't even know what he was angry about. The whole process was baffling. But this anger dismantled his consciousness.

It's as if the brain has separated into several different threads. Only some of them still maintain the "running" action. The other part is fully committed to that one patch.

The patch he gave to other Green Forest was an abridged version. Compared with the patch given to him by King Tiexin, there is a lot less code.

Those monkey patches have no effect on "nameless". This full version will probably not work either.

However, as long as Tianji is given a little time, he can deduce several paths and re-create several spells.

I don’t know why… I don’t understand the point of doing this at all.

But his emotions forced him to seize any "opportunity to fight back."

——This humiliation...this feeling of being hurt...

Tianji saw a drone out of the corner of his eye.

Tianji confirmed that the drone's lens was focused on him.

Tianji took out his gun and blew up the drone.

That drone Tianji knew it was part of the Tianying drone array. Every sniper has a drone to help him observe distant targets and monitor the flow of the atmosphere.

This is why ultra-long-range sniping is possible.

Tianying had already been defeated without firing a single shot, so it was obvious who was controlling the drone now.

Tianji had no idea of ​​counter-controlling the drone and trying to compete with that internal skill master. His internal strength was too far away from the other side, even though he was only a few hundred meters away from the drone, and maybe several kilometers away from the knight.

So he just fired his gun and blew up the drone.

But Tianji also keenly caught a hint of anomaly.

——The drone kept a distance of more than 700 meters from me...

Just then, a bullet grazed his shoulder.

Tianji fell out hard.


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