Cyber Heroes

Chapter 507 Green Forest is Real

Xiang Shan looked at Dai Jiutai's chariot and said, "You look like you know something about the history before the Ascension War?"

Dai Jiutai'a replied: "I know a little bit."

"Do you know history? I will give you a test." Xiang Shan said: "Do you know how many plans Superman Enterprise has throughout the whole process?"

Dai Jiutai'a said: "Three. The baseline human transformation surgery based on genetics, the human prostheticization plan based on engineering, the friendship plan based on cognitive science..."

Xiangshan looked extremely unhappy: "It's a mess. There is indeed a series of projects based on cognitive science, but that has nothing to do with the so-called 'Friendship Project'. The 'Friendship Project' is an evolutionary psychology project about social interaction ..." Xiang Shan held his forehead. "Friendship Project" is a project that explores human social relationships based on the perspective of evolutionary psychology. The ultimate goal of this project is to enable human beings to communicate more conveniently... Is that how it should be?

Is there a connection between this program and Consensus Therapy?

He felt a little pain in his head. On the one hand, it is the lack of memory, on the other hand, Xiangshan has to admit that by the end of the 1960s. His control of Superman Enterprises has become somewhat dysfunctional. The Superman Enterprise of the 1960s is no longer the emerging technology hegemony enterprise of the 1940s. It was hard for him to say whether any of those complicated projects were carrying out "other content" behind his back.

And these contents that he didn't know at the time eventually converged into the power of the tyrant.

However, at least one thing is certain.

He had fought for what was right.

Xiangshan held out four fingers: "There are four major plans in total. You actually only know about the 'baseline human transformation surgery' and the 'human prosthetic process'. The one based on cognitive science is called the 'new cultural trend' , and the last one is the 'Second World' targeting cyberspace. Of course, if humans at that time wanted to build a fully stealthy Second World, they needed to make a major breakthrough in cognitive science, so this plan also Be included in the 'new culture' by some people."

From this perspective, "cyberspace" is not regarded as a "second space" based on reality, but as a purely cultural phenomenon.

Xiangshan also did not force his contemporaries to view this issue according to unified standards. He even didn't know how the history books of later generations summarized it. He just said what he knew.

At this point, Xiangshan bent down with two fingers and said: "There are only two plans that Superman Enterprise has truly implemented from beginning to end, namely, the standard human transformation surgery and the process of human prostheticization."

"The significance of the baseline human transformation surgery is to reduce the daily energy demand of human beings and improve the capabilities of the primary industry in disguise. Ah, no, to be precise, it is to change the definition of the primary industry. Maybe your generation only knows it, but they don't Let's have a clear understanding - a long time ago, the first industry of mankind was 'cultivating plants, inefficient use of fixed solar energy' and 'raising animals, more efficient use of fixed solar energy from plants'. And we will directly use more efficient The electric power industry is connected to the primary industry."

Bend one finger towards the mountain. He waved his last finger: "The process of human prosthetics is to lift the limitations of human weakness, allowing humans to exploit more abundant resources in the solar system at a lower cost. Countless people will be born in this process. Jobs, countless markets, countless production and consumption – this is an opportunity for change.”

Dai Jiutai hesitated for a moment and said: "But the founder of Superman Enterprise did not win the 'second game'..."

"That's our problem." Xiang Shan didn't waver or hesitate in the slightest, "Do you still remember what I just told you? In that era, there was not much difference between the strong and the weak. The strong were only better than the weak in a certain aspect. A little stronger, and then 'The Favor of the Times' amplifies this difference a thousand times."

Xiangshan tapped his head with the last raised finger: "You probably realize it. The one in front of you is the most beloved flying pig of the times. But other than that, we are all incompatible with the weak. Two people.”

"But since you lost the 'second game' or even the 'third game', why don't you let others try?"

"Because I can see through at a glance what you are doing." Xiang Shan said: "What is the limit on the size of the green forest? Do you really know nothing about it?"

Dai Jiutai didn't speak.

But Xiangshan couldn't stop: "The size of the Green Forest is usually about a few hundred people, right? And they are also used to carrying out activities in small groups, and there are even many Green Forest people who only go together with a few people. This is so natural."

"Because humans have lived in this state for tens of thousands of years."

Humans—or “late Homo sapiens”—lived under these conditions for a very long time.

After entering the civilized era, the number of human clusters further increased and collective activities became more complex.

But it has only been four to five thousand years since mankind entered the civilized era.

Such a short period of time is not enough to cause significant changes in human genes.

Many people have very intuitive feelings about small numbers such as three, four, five, six, and seven. It is probably because in earlier times, human ancestors hunted on such a scale. Their brains only have to process so many companions at the same time.

Whether it is the East or the West, ancient or modern, most of the protagonists of an adventure story hover around this number. Human beings will instinctively feel that "this number of small teams is reasonable." If the number of people in the team must exceed this number due to some metaphysical factors, then most of these people will be divided into small groups for activities. If they have to appear together, the scenes will be concentrated on a few people.

This "few people" can only be seven or eight at most.

In addition, if there are dozens or hundreds, humans can easily get an "intuitive feeling".

However, humans do not have this intuitive feeling for thousands of numbers.

They can probably imagine what "hundred people" looks like, but "ten thousand people" is very vague.

Because those numbers far exceed the upper limit of "tribal population."

Designers named "Evolution" feel that humans don't need to deal with such large numbers "for the time being."

"I think your biotechnology is quite advanced, so it's impossible not to teach evolution, right? You don't believe in creationism, right? No way?" Xiang Shan said: "I can see this, but you It’s impossible not to see it.”

"The green forest just brings humans back to their most primitive state. Human instincts find it reasonable to live a life of hunting and gathering and not treating the same kind as the same kind, just like 40,000 years ago."

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