Cyber Heroes

Chapter 517 Moving forward

What are the most important qualities for a decision-maker? Is it management skills?

No, not really.

There are roles such as "advisor" and "assistant" in the world. They are more advanced in specific management skills than the decision makers who manage them.

So, is it professionalism in a certain field?


The role of “consultant” also exists in the world. Their professionalism in a specific field is definitely higher than that of their superiors.

So "a little bit of everything"?

Even less so. People who are loose in everything do not make good decision-makers.

In fact, the only abilities that decision-makers need are "courage" and "trust."

Able to make decisions quickly and bear the mental pressure of "failure" and "risk".

And trust the decisions made by professionals so as not to cause confusion at the execution level below.

These two points are the most important.

All other abilities can be replaced by others. But these two points alone are not enough.

——Ah, of course, this does not mean that "other abilities can be negative." Of course not. A decision-maker does not need to be very professional in terms of professional qualities, but he must at least be entry-level and be able to "not be fooled". If you can't even do this, you will either be ignored by others, or you will let a bunch of phonies crowd out the real professionals.

Although Xiangshan called himself a "nerd" in the 1930s, his talents as a leader are actually quite good. He had shown some basic qualities to Jing Hongtu and had been practicing for several years in the complex environment of the Rama Project secret park.

Then, he worked for decades, bearing the fate of all mankind on his shoulders, fully aware of the weight of what he was carrying.

For a time he succeeded.

It is a pity that Xiangshan only has the quality of "decision-makers can achieve great things" and lacks other qualities common to wise kings and wise rulers.

But at least Xiangshan does not lack courage.

There are times when even those who are not mentally strong enough can keep up with him.

After hearing Xiangshan's next move, Takahashi Ziyi couldn't calm down for a moment, "Why is this... Could it be that Mr. Wuming... could it be..."

She had a not-so-polite summary that she didn't say.

The single-killer king's eyes were blazing: "But it is indeed feasible to a certain extent."

"But that is... a huge organization that has existed for at least a hundred years and has penetrated into every corner of the Scientific Research Knights!" Takahashi Ziyi said: "We have too few people! We are not fully prepared. And then we also separated some people. To assist the local Earth-Drilling Dragon and Master Black Hand in their retreat... the risk is too great. And we might even have to face the Vulcan King!"

At this time, a piece of information came to Takahashi Ziyi's perception.

[If even the humble people don’t dare to charge, then how can they go to Paradox City? 】

[It’s just Agni. Although the name is ancient, he is just a dog. 】

In Xiangshan's view, this is not a problem.

Dealing with the Six Dragon Sect is actually much easier than attacking Paradox City. The Six Dragons Sect and the government are equally enemies rather than friends. Their identities cannot be revealed. This means that everything they do on earth needs to be hidden from the eyes and ears of the government.

Hackers are the best at digging out information. Hackers who have mastered social engineering methods are even more terrifying.

Hartmann's skills have already reached the realm of gods. The Six Dragons Sect plays tricks on various applications and reports. It's okay to make small moves, but not big moves.

Of course, there are three situations that are not under this inference.

That is, "Hartman himself is a member of the Six Dragons Cult", "The only human being who is stronger than Hartman is a senior member of the Six Dragons Cult" or "Several other internal masters with similar levels are members of the Six Dragons Cult".

Judging from the memories of the Eighth Martial God, the first two are impossible. And the third possibility is pitifully small.

Since they can only perform small actions, that means they don't have much power at their disposal.

Definitely smaller than Paradox City's defense power.

Of course, this is just one of the reasons that supports Xiangshan's decision.

His motivation for this decision was simple.

Dai Jiutai's attitude is too strange.

Dai Jiutai gave in too easily. Xiangshan didn't even make the promise "I'll let you go once I get the refrigeration equipment." He directly activated the power of the Six Dragons Sect and caused the vehicle to crash.

This is not about making a deal.

Of course, the rhetoric of "we show our favor to the God of War" is even more nonsense.

Xiangshan concluded that this guy just wanted to send him away.

Well, it's that simple.

Xiangshan came here to get the refrigeration equipment, so if he gets the refrigeration equipment, there is no reason to continue here.

In order to prevent Xiangshan from diverting his attention to the Six Dragons Sect, he even pulled off King Agni's tiger skin.

"King Agni will see this" will put great mental pressure on people.

Most people would choose to retreat at this time.

However, Xiangshan has no shortage of courage.

[Do you know that there is a process for exerting force on the body and accelerating the fists. In addition, apart from "fitting and pounce", any force exerted will be restricted by the body. So when the enemy punches you, if you take a step forward, you can disrupt the enemy's force-generating process, and the damage you receive will be very slight. 】

Takahashi Ziyi couldn't accept it: "But, that is King Agni...that cannot be resisted by human power."

"Charging towards the attack" can sometimes disrupt the process of exerting force, but this is for people.

If your opponent is a jeep or something, then "rush towards the attack" will probably have no effect.

After starting, the Jeep may not make any "powerful movements".

[Is that old dog that scary? 】Xiang Shan smiled, 【That’s just right, it’s the same for the other side. 】

During the communication process, he had reached his destination.

That's a base in the northern section of the Pacific Coast Mountains. That base has done basic optical camouflage camouflage, and seems to be building some kind of setup. The workers are working hard, while a small amount of green forest is still supervising the work.

In order to prevent Xiangshan from killing everyone, Tianji took all signal receivers offline before leaving.

So now these minions who are left behind don’t know that all the Green Forest tycoons have been wiped out.

"Well, very good." Xiang Shan nodded, "Now we have all the conditions for a counterattack."

The memory given by Tianji Sanren did not include this location, but other Green Forests did not know the value of this information, so naturally they did not have special management memories.

Xiang Shan knew about it from other green forest tycoons.

This is a signal station capable of connecting to satellites.

And it has been specially processed to avoid Hartman's old dog's gaze to a certain extent.

And now it cannot accept external signals, which means no one can remotely rewrite it.

"I hope that guy Dai Jiutai'a has already set off to go back." Xiang Shan walked towards the "Juyi Hall" under construction.

Really tired

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