Cyber Heroes

Chapter 529: Split up

To be honest, now Xiangshan also feels that this team is a little bit bad.

The Solo Killer King is a warrior who is good at internal strength. However, due to the existence of Hartman, the Earth Knight is very suppressed in the development of internal skills. They will progress slowly because they do not have the opportunity to interact with the Internet. The solo kill king has too much overlap with Xiangshan's skills in this regard, and his level is far lower than Xiangshan's.

Due to the nature of modern automated systems, in internal warfare, one high-level person stealing high authority can exert the effect of a thousand people.

Kane, on the other hand, is a local snake who burrows into the ground, and his combat ability is even worse.

From this point of view, Xiang Shan would rather his assistant be the original person.

If it's one-on-one, Yuan Wenren is far weaker than the solo kill king in most situations.

But the original person had a pistol. She could set up fire points to support the retreat route up the mountain.

However, compared to "teammates", "combat timing" is more important.

In other words, under the premise that "the minimum combat level can be guaranteed," "timing" is more important than "support combat power."

Yangtze River Knight Dai Jiutai showed an "infinite concession" attitude when negotiating with Xiang Shan. He just hoped that Xiang Shan could leave and ensure that his current actions would not be disturbed.

That means they believe that Xiangshan does have the ability to "disturb" them.

Ah, to put it another way, Xiangshan's current strength in front of the Six Dragons Sect includes "the close range level that completely defeats Tiangang Green Forest" and "the same level of internal strength level as King Tiexin".

Such a highly mobile combat power that has the opportunity to kill through the army can indeed "disrupt" most things.

Therefore, the Six Dragons Sect would rather offer Xiangshan an offer that he could not refuse in exchange for a temporary peace of mind.

Judging from the satellite images, there are signs that protectors from several nearby major cities have deployed military forces to carry out activities in shallow seas or North Pacific islands. Xiangshan didn't know whether this was the result of the Youhe Knights' request, or whether the Youhe Knights chose to act at this time because of this situation. But this must be related to the Youhe Knights.

But Xiangshan couldn't let the Six Dragons Sect get what he wanted.

The Six Dragons Sect has huge strength and a very high degree of organization. In their long history, they showed no sign of resisting the government or supporting chivalrous actions. In some of its activities, this organization even showed a more cruel and bloody side than ordinary scientific knights.

They even dare not reveal the nature, program and purpose of their organization.

They cannot be seen as “a force against the oppressors.” They are more like "a small group of oppressors that are parasitic within the oppressors."

Moreover, Xiangshan did not intend to overthrow this organization himself.

Taking advantage of this "opportunity" to slightly change the situation on the northern side of the New World and obtain other resources are his goals this time.

"Brother Kane, you can just find a place to lay the mine array in the southwest." Xiang Shan said calmly: "After laying the mine array, you can find a place to retreat by yourself, or you can meet up with Brother Jadel and retreat... …”

A mine array is very useful whether it blocks the enemy's footsteps or disrupts the line of sight.

And this Youhe City has one advantage - there are no civilians here.

The "protectors of civilization" should drive away robbers from any human being who wishes to reproduce, and banish individuals who harm the group. Due to their own manpower problems, asylum seekers cannot fully protect all areas, so many people choose to live as close as possible to asylum seekers.

But in Youhe City, the Scientific Research Knights occupies an absolutely dominant position. The highest priority duty of the local armed forces is to protect the Scientific Research Knights.

In order to facilitate management, those patrons will deny civilians access to the central area of ​​Youhe City. Youhe City itself is in the mountains and is not suitable for human habitation.

Therefore, even the families of those mid-level officers will choose to settle in other cities.

Here, many methods that are easy to accidentally injure civilians can be used.

Then, he looked at the single-kill king.

"Jadel, wait on the uphill slope of B. There is a peripheral signal station there. Countdown to three hours. If there is a huge commotion within three hours, you will create chaos on the edge. If it exceeds three hours, you will be responsible for responding to me. Of course, after four hours, you can do whatever you want and retreat on your own.”

The two knights nodded.

"Then, let's check the clock." Xiang Shan exchanged glances with the two knights, sharing information with electromagnetic waves.

Then, Xiangshan continued towards Youhe City.

Youhe City - to be precise, it is the central building and other ancillary buildings of Youhe City. It is located in the northern section of the Rocky Mountains, and most of the main parts are on the mountains. And that huge building was like a deformed claw falling from the sky, breaking an entire mountain peak.

The rest of the guard buildings are distributed according to the mountain topography.

Xiangshan walked slowly up the cliff, stopped at a roadside, and lay down tightly on the cliff with the help of a camouflage net.

Directly above him, there was a small signal station.

The other preparations have already been completed.

When he hacked into the satellite network, he secretly planted a variety of viruses into the management systems of different cities.

These poisons are very hidden. As long as one can bypass the firewall, Xiangshan can exploit more backdoors and do more things.

Soon, a transport vehicle stopped here.

This is a medium-sized truck, with a group of highly mobile soldiers with tires on their legs guarding each side of the vehicle.

When the car stopped, a guard came forward and asked, "What happened?"

The car answered directly: "Temporary order. There is a special service agent staying here. We are responsible for recovering his brain and bringing him back to the base."

"Is there such an order?"

The guard was a little confused.

But at this time, they heard a voice message coming from below: "Here."

Several people lowered their heads, startled.

It's a head with a spine attached. Each section of the spine under the head seems to have independent movement functions, which can support him to make small movements. This man looked like a long snake with a human head.

The guardian picked up the head and carefully looked away.

But at this moment, the spine of the human head suddenly hit the guardian's head from the side. This does not cause damage, but it can adjust the angle of both sides' heads.

At this moment, the two people's eyes met.

The guardian's hands trembled slightly.

Behind him, several other guards said: "Boss, something is wrong. None of us have received this order. I'm afraid this was not forged by the masters of the inner family..."

"No." The leader of the guards turned around calmly, "You don't have enough authority."

The head in his hand was facing the others.


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