Cyber Heroes

Chapter 541 Heil H...I mean, long live the Six Dragons Sect

Of course, Xiangshan used a small speaker.

He has always liked this small prop that is simple to make and low-cost, but can achieve unexpected results in unexpected circumstances. This thing can work wonders when it blocks or deceives the opponent's visual ability. For people with higher martial arts skills, this thing is more cost-effective than a high-explosive grenade.

Similar to the tuning fork and the Long Bo lens, they are all Xiangshan's usual props.

When Xiangshan realized that he was surrounded, he had already thrown away a few small speakers and used wireless signals to control them. Anyway, he uses a synthesizer to speak, so he can just shut up and not speak, and then use a speaker to speak.

These speakers also naturally adjust the high and low frequencies, while adding reverb to simulate room echo. They are all calculated accurately and are enough to disturb people's sense of direction.

Of course, he can also call up the synthesizer voice materials and common parameters from the deputy leader's storage records to simulate the deputy leader's voice.

Everyone is a prosthetic, and the gameplay can be diverse.

But that wouldn’t be “spectacular” enough.

In view of the information he had just obtained, Xiangshan decided to give the Six Dragons Sect something fun.

So he used this method.

The protector of the Six Dragons Sect who was holding a big gun at the gate suddenly froze and said, "What do you mean by this?"

At this moment, the protector already knew that the knights in the room were wary of the outside world.

Originally, he just expected to hear some movement, confirm the exact location of the knight or Lord Ising, and fire a shot.

This protector didn't expect to kill the opponent with one shot. However, one bullet can always limit the enemy's dodge route.

At this time, the local flag owners who had quietly touched the window and the Zhihu Dharma could swarm up.

The elite warriors of the Six Dragons Sect have naturally considered the situation of "their actions being discovered". But "the other party took the initiative to talk to me" was a bit beyond expectations.

The Six Dragon Sect protector pondered for a moment and said: "This hero, I don't know why you are here. But you are surrounded now. The Martial Ancestor said that our 'other shore' is in the future of this world. Don’t give up your life easily. We can forget about what you did before, as long as you are willing to return Mr. Isin intact, everything can be discussed."

This is of course not true. Since an individual was directly controlled by this knight, the Six Dragons Sect had already planned to kill him. Several tactical missiles have even been aimed at this office.

However, since the other party has expressed a willingness to "communicate", then the method of "negotiation" must also be used.

In any case, Haralsan people are also brothers in the Six Dragons Sect.

Unexpectedly, there was a burst of laughter in the room.

The knight in the room asked: "Why do you value life so much?"

The protector of the Six Dragons Sect said: "It is natural and natural to value one's own life. When the Father of All Machines embarked on the journey of conquering lifespan and death, it was also because people naturally avoid death."

"Well, that's true." Xiang Shan said: "But can a person value his own life and at the same time trample on the lives of others?"

The Six Dragon Cult Protector was silent for a moment: "Your Excellency, I don't understand what you mean."

"Are you not understanding, or are you pretending not to understand?" Xiang Shan asked rhetorically: "How much do you know about what the Six Dragons Sect is doing with the help of the power of the green forest? There is a project nearby that uses intelligent life to conduct experiments, and even requires strengthening the obedience of the experimental subjects - How much do you know about this matter?"

The mind of the protector of the Six Dragons Sect was whirling. He had heard some rumors about these two rumors during exchanges within the church, but they were both vague. Several envoys came to this new continent before and after. The position of guardian allowed him to understand some projects in the city. He also has a certain understanding of the Six Dragon Cult forces within the other Scientific Research Knights. And the envoys have been around more times in recent years than are needed for these projects.

The Six Dragons Cult has projects in other places far away from the Sanctuary forces.

Judging from the style of those Sanren, there must be some projects that "will anger the knight group".

What he has to consider now is how to stabilize the knight's mood...

"There is hesitation. It means you know something more or less. Also, the protector must first know about something before he can protect it." The knight inside the door sighed: "You know a little bit, but you don't think Are those people excessive?"

The protector of the Six Dragons Sect said: "It's very excessive, but..."

"But you are just a low-level protector? But you are loyal to the Six Dragons Sect? But you can't stop all this?" The person inside the door seemed to shake his head and continued to ask: "Have you ever considered standing up and stopping all this? ?”

"What..." The Six Dragon Sect protector only thought it was absurd. But at this moment, he caught something in his mind.

——The sound of the collision of prosthetic joints, and the sound of shaking his head... He shook his head unconsciously just now, so... if we talk again, I can capture the position!

The Six Dragon Cult protector's thoughts instantly opened up. He said: "Actually, I can't stand all this, hero. But, I am already a member of the Six Dragons Sect."

Xiang Shan smiled: "Are you a member of the Six Dragon Sect since you were born?"

The tone was very subtle, and the protector couldn't tell for a moment whether the other party was questioning or rhetorically asking. The protector also doesn't know how far the other party understands the Six Dragons Sect, and does he know the origin of the position of "protector" - most of the protectors are recruited from famous figures in the martial arts world. He could only say: "Our Six Dragon Sect also has the great righteousness of our Six Dragon Sect..."

"The goal achieved by unfair means is not a legitimate goal." Xiang Shan said categorically, "Although this is not absolute, do you really think that the Six Dragons Sect with such means can accomplish something great? ?"

"Let me ask you another question. What did the Six Dragons Sect tell you when you joined the Six Dragons Sect? For what reasons did you join this organization? Until now, do you still think this organization is worth your while? Are you effective? Have you ever considered leaving this organization, or even stopping his unjust acts?"

The protector smiled bitterly: "How is this possible? There are many masters of Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons in the Six Dragons Sect, far beyond what I can match. This kind of power... warriors of your level and mine can't imagine it."

Xiang Shan pondered: "In other words, they will use violence to intimidate the members so that they dare not quit. Well, any organization that does not allow participants to quit voluntarily is essentially the same as a cult. Isn't this just another extra step? Did you find a reason to leave?"

——Don’t you understand human language? ?

The protector couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, but he still searched the vocabulary library to find the appropriate sentence.

Xiang Shan said: "How can those who hide their heads and show their tails be powerful? In fact, there has always been a very simple way to stop the Six Dragon Sect..."

"You take it for granted." The protector said bluntly: "And you knights are just like you who hide your head and show your tail."

"No, guerrilla warfare is just a tactical choice. The temporary concealment is just to choose a better stage. Traveling without attacking is considered to be 'hiding one's head and showing one's tail.'" Xiang Shan said: "A knight never bothers to conceal his own opinions. Everyone in the world knows that, The knights disobeyed the officials and wanted to break up the world. How many people in the world know the 'righteousness' of the Six Dragons Sect?"

"Then let's do this. I'll show you how 'weak' the Six Dragons Sect is."

Xiangshan said, no longer choosing to talk, but temporarily turning off his vision. The wireless signal transmitter ran at full power, and the wireless signal gradually spread.

Zhihufa and the local flag owner were outside. They could hear what was going on inside. Zhihufa glanced at the flag owner inquiringly and asked whether to launch an attack in the form of an infrared signal.

The flag owner paused for a moment, then noticed a shadow approaching.

It's a drone.

Xiangshan controlled the drone swarm outside and let them approach automatically.

The security systems of those drones were unable to resist Xiang Shan's internal strength, and they were all hijacked by Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan controlled these drones and pointed the camera at the room.

The protector military who controlled the drone naturally knew that the opponent was powerful and immediately cut off the connection with the drone.

However, it failed.

An unfamiliar force surged into their intranet. Later, this picture violated the control of the protector and appeared directly on every display screen in the city that could be connected to the intranet.

Soon, the guardian outside the door also received the signal.

Fearing the knight's internal strength, the warriors who were 400 meters away from the room all turned off their wireless signals, leaving only a few of the most direct input methods. There is a data cable on the protector's waist, which was taken from afar. Inside is the image of the knight inside the door looking towards the camera.

This picture was relayed through the screen that shot the live broadcast. These two moves of hands can almost filter out most internal attacks.

The protector was almost ready to take action.

At this time, lift your feet towards the mountain and walk into the window. There were also footsteps inside the door.

But at this moment, the protector hesitated. The footsteps inside the door calculated by my software are not consistent with the other party's position in the picture.

——Which side is it...

In this moment of hesitation, Xiang Shan had already walked to the window.

Almost simultaneously, the surrounding light sources were turned on uncontrollably, and the searchlights shone on this person like a spotlight.

The troops on the ground were in an uproar. At this moment, they realized that this warrior's erosion of the system was more serious than they had expected.

Then, the loudspeakers came on... came on... "Ride of the Valkyrie"?

Xiangshan sent an internal blast towards the satellite station.

At the same time, he solemnly raised his right hand, straightened his right arm, raised his hand above his head, with his palm facing down: "Heil H...I mean, long live the Six Dragons Sect!"

This chapter is relatively long

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