Cyber Heroes

Chapter 571 Leaving

"How can this be……"

In a temporary command post, Bai Changkong, who had "escaped death", was surrounded by his men. He looked at the report in his hand with some disbelief.

According to the report, a warrior moved downward at an "unimaginable speed", effectively tearing apart the defense line they had deployed.

After comparing the reports sent back by the frontline warriors with the database, the system told Bai Sanren a surprising conclusion.

——The martial arts used by the intruders are suspected to be "Xuanwu Zhengang" or "Star Spinning Spin Kung Fu". All the traces left at the scene point to these two relatively ancient Gangqi martial arts.

But as far as Bai Changkong knows, there should be only one person in the entire city, Li Jiiliu, the leader of the Six Dragons Sect, who is studying this martial art.

The Bai San people did not suspect that Zhihufa was rebellious.

However, the intruder - the guy tentatively codenamed "The Nameless One", has no record of using Xuanwu Zhengang.

Starting from the assassination at the Methodist Building three years ago, there are no relevant records in any incident in which this "unnamed person" is suspected to be involved.

——Zhihufa...has been defeated? His martial arts skills were also taken away?

Bai Sanren was stunned for several seconds in front of this conclusion. After he woke up, he realized what this emotion was.


He was frightened by this "nameless" knight.

The two guardians sent by Dharma King Tiexin were both ordinary people. As a result, one of them was killed in a single encounter, while the other one had even his most proud martial arts taken away after being defeated.

That guy can even be used live. There are various signs that his rank is not low.

Listening to the non-Six Dragon Cult officers around him constantly talking about "Is the retinue who used Xuanwu Zhengang a traitor?" [Six Dragon Cult masters usually walk on the ground as "vassals", "subordinates" and the like], Bai Sanren just felt like... laugh.

——These guys may never know what kind of terrible enemy they are facing...

"Leave your body to martial arts" and "entrust your movements to algorithms" are simple things to say, but if everyone can do it, there will be no distinction between high and low "martialists".

Machines don’t understand what “win” and “lose” mean. They had no such "purpose" in the first place. Only humans can give machines such "purpose". A martial artist must use his or her own consciousness to control martial arts, constantly adjust strategies, and make decisions.

It does not mean that by downloading the algorithm, a martial artist will be able to master martial arts perfectly.

This must go through training and actual combat.

But that warrior, after seizing the Xuanwu Zhengang that protected the Dharma, he used it naturally.

What a terrifying martial art.

Bai Sanren thought and made a decision.

The group to which the Six Dragons Sect belongs must stay away from that warrior as soon as possible.


On the fiftieth floor, a small team stopped in the stairwell.

Diagonally above them, a group of silver-gray mist rolled endlessly. There were constant sounds of fighting and explosions inside, and occasionally there was a cry for help from the prosthetic body.

The officer recognized this as Gang Qi martial arts and knew how dangerous this concentrated attack was. He stopped his subordinates who wanted to support him and instead stepped back a few steps. Then everyone's guns were pointed directly upward.

As soon as the sounds of fighting inside began to become sparse, or the metal aerosol showed signs of movement, they would fire regardless of friendly forces.

Such a dense amount of bullets can pose a threat to masters.

But at this moment, in the fog, two points flickered with strange invisible light.


——The edge of metal aerosol... prosthetic eye...

The officer wanted to pull the trigger. But at this time, his hands no longer obeyed his orders.

Then, the mist quickly thinned and became lighter.

There were still many soldiers on the ground whose prosthetic bodies were overheated and unable to move. The battle seemed to be over long ago. Only a huge black figure still stood there. The strange sound of fighting came from him.

What the soldiers below heard were simply processed recordings.

Only then did Xiang Shan calmly walk down the steps and take off the heads of those armed protectors.

Xiang Shan found that things seemed simpler than he thought.

"Nanda Dragon King" and "Treasure Dragon King" are enough to defeat most opponents with one move. He can even use the Snake Style alone to continuously kill through the enemy's defenses.

——Tsk, actually I really want to experience the "Dragon Style".

Such thoughts flashed through Xiangshan's mind, and he added another wave of iron-hua bombs.

What he took out at the same time were the grenades of the soldiers.

The grenades of this group of soldiers seemed to be of a different standard than those of the previous groups. The Asylum has abundant resources and is indeed confident to install several different specifications of equipment at the same time, increasing the knight's trial costs. These grenades are actually induction-based.

With a slight urging, Xiang Shanuchi deactivated the grenade in his hand. He patiently brushed the ammunition boxes of a dozen soldiers with his palm and set the time to explode.

Amidst the desperate struggles of many soldiers, Xiangshan walked calmly.

After he went down several floors, a wave of air swept through the entire stairwell.

Soon, Xiangshan reached the bottom.

Further down is the huge fossil excavation area.

There seemed to be a fierce exchange of fire below. The protectors and an army of Six Dragon Cult were fighting fiercely here.

Xiang Shan observed it and found that they even used heavy firepower. However, both sides were relatively restrained, and the firefight area deliberately avoided the fossil excavation area.

The Six Dragons Sect still has the upper hand, but the Protector Armed Forces are constantly arriving with support. The Six Dragons Sect's ammunition is constantly growing, and its defeat is only a matter of time.

Xiang Shan looked at it for a while and felt that he didn't need to do anything more, so he left quietly.

After leaving the building, Xiangshan put on the camouflage net again and carefully avoided the blockade of the protector's armed forces.

I don’t know why, but the Six Dragons Cult and the Protector’s armed forces are exchanging fire everywhere. Xiangshan felt a little weird. Logically speaking, the purpose of the Six Dragons Sect should be to "hide themselves". They didn't just evacuate here, but they got into a fierce fight with the protectors for no apparent reason... No matter how you think about it, it would further irritate the protectors, right?

——It’s so weird. Are there many people with cerebral palsy in this secret organization?

Xiangshan crossed the line of fire on the battlefield like a ghost. He followed the pre-arranged route and arrived at the meeting point with the Solo Killer King and Mr. Kane.

Mr. Kane was draped in camouflage netting and clinging to the ground. When he saw Xiang Shan, he shouted: "Unknown hero, you... played a little too much this time, didn't you? Oh my God... maybe even that 'god' will pay attention to this!"

Xiang Shan thought for a moment and didn't directly say, "Old dog is probably watching the live broadcast via satellite." He just asked, "Where's Jadel?"

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