Cyber Heroes

Chapter 580 Lu Xuanyu’s Jeet Kune Do

"The goal of this job is to require you to become the world's number one martial arts master. And the reward is for you to be the world's number one master for at least three years."

At the beginning of 2044, one day before the spirit of the New Year was gone, someone said such a strange thing to Lu Xuanyu.

On this day, Lu Xuanyu was awakened by the sporadic sound of firecrackers. He hasn't had much rest these past few days. In rural areas, there is no taboo on setting off whips. The children's hands were full of small toys made of explosives, and the sporadic noises were very disturbing.

Lu Xuanyu stood up from the bed with support from his hands, and then got out of bed.

After losing the lower half of his body, Lu Xuanyu no longer slept in the same room with his wife.

He is a so-called "half-man". In a car accident, he lost his entire lower body and part of his digestive tract. Fortunately, his main life-supporting organs were basically intact. His daily excretion and elimination are accomplished by two flexible tubes connected to the kidneys and an ostomy.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for such people to take care of themselves.

But Lu Xuanyu was different. He was once a "martial arts master".

Lu Xuanyu's grandfather was one of the people who "got rich first" in the Republic. Although he was not rich and well-fed, he still ensured that the following generations would have enough food and clothing.

Lu Xuanyu loved reading martial arts novels since he was a child. When he was a teenager, he loved to practice some farming techniques with the old masters in his hometown. When he was a boy, Lu Xuanyu went to the Zhenfan Martial Arts Center in Seattle, United States, to learn a martial art called Jeet Kune Do because he admired a martial artist named Bruce Lee. After three years of studying in that dilapidated martial arts gym, he went to a club in the United States to spend money to enjoy the training of MMA professional players. Two years later, he traveled to Brazil, where he learned Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and a bit of Capoeira.

With these foundations in place, he returned to China again, visited martial artists from various places, and delved into the martial arts system that was most closely related to his cultural background. Everywhere he went, he had to communicate with local martial artists.

After that, he also went to Japan and Western Europe. In his future plans, he will also go to the Philippines and Thailand.

But that future has been run over by an overloaded truck.

Nowadays, Lu Xuanyu is only "half a human".

The first thing Lu Xuanyu did after getting up from bed was to put on a soft cushion to cover his lower body, and then put on thick protective gloves. Then, he put his hands on the ground and walked out of bed step by step and walked to the sink.

Then, he grasped the edge of the sink with both hands and pushed himself up.

Then, skillfully take out the toothbrush and toothpaste.

Looking at his face with increasingly sparse stubble in the mirror, Lawrence Lu raised his eyebrows and then inserted the toothbrush into his mouth.

Lu Xuanyu wanted to die. He didn't want it to be like this at all. At that time, he just wanted to pull back the child who was crossing the road, and didn't think much about anything else.

However, his more than ten years of skills were not enough in front of that overloaded truck.

Lu Xuanyu's legs turned into flesh and his pelvis was completely shattered. Everything below the navel disappeared.

But those ten years of skill finally came into play in another place that he didn't expect at all. His extraordinary physique allowed him to survive blood loss and survive several dangers such as shock, anesthesia, resuscitation, and infection. Every level in this should have killed him, but he survived them all.

When he woke up, his height was only eighty centimeters.

It's a nasty miracle.

He once resisted treatment and even asked his family to stay away.

Later, his wife found his master in the United States.

"What are you here for? Teacher?" he asked at that time. "The meaning of the first half of my life has been shattered, and I can only be a 'half-person' in the second half of my life. What's the point of my life?"

The warrior from across the ocean nodded: "Lu, your idea makes me very ashamed. I'm here to refund the tuition you gave me and apologize to you."

He bowed deeply to his former disciple.

Lu Xuanyu felt confused. The warrior explained: "When you came to the United States, you told me that you wanted to learn Jeet Kune Do. I told you at that time that there was no real Jeet Kune Do in the world. When you left, I told you that I had There is nothing left to teach you. If you think about it, these words are not entirely true. In fact, I can still teach you a little bit of Jeet Kune Do - just a little bit."

"What's the point of teaching me Jeet Kune Do now?" Lu Xuanyu showed an angry expression at the time, "What kind of Jeet Kune Do can I learn?"

"Jet Kune Do, I only learned a little bit from Mr. Kimura. But at least I know that the purpose of Jeet Kune Do is not to 'achieve any unique skills'. The purpose of practicing kung fu is not to break rocks or wooden boards. We What is more concerned is to use it to influence our entire thinking and lifestyle. The highest state of Jeet Kune Do practice is to destroy anything that disturbs your mind."

The martial artist tapped Lu Xuanyu's chest: "Jet Kune Do is a kind of free expression. The ultimate meaning of martial arts is to express oneself faithfully. Lu, Jeet Kune Do only teaches people how to interpret this spiritual power that bursts out from life itself. You may never break a truck, but you can break something much scarier than a truck. It's here, try to find a way to break it using Jeet Kune Do."

At that time, Lu Xuanyu gave up his plan to seek death and began to cooperate with treatment.

He declined other help, moved to this small village with a relatively low cost of living, and started a self-media online, hoping to promote martial arts culture.

He stayed away from most of his former relatives and friends, except for his wife. He thought about divorce, but his wife was not willing.

On the New Year's Day of 2044, Lu Xuanyu took a handful of bitingly cold water from the faucet, smeared it on his face, and rubbed it vigorously.

He looked in the mirror and encouraged himself with lines from the animation he had watched when he was a boy: "It's time to practice."

After washing, it’s morning exercise. Lu Xuanyu has a treadmill that can be controlled with a voice assistant. He only has two hands, so he has to use this method to control a treadmill designed for able-bodied people.

He ran on it with his hands instead of his feet. The song "Life is a Battle" was playing on the speakers. Lu Xuanyu often uses this song to encourage himself.

Walking on your hands requires different muscles than pull-ups and push-ups. The survival implants in his body left many of his muscles somewhat paralyzed, so he had to use this method to exercise accurately.

Lu Xuanyu's biggest gain from playing in professional clubs in the United States was about sports science. There he learned how to scientifically control the amount of training and how to avoid sports injuries.

Lu Xuanyu spends a lot of time on this every day.

After finishing my morning exercise, I was already covered in sweat. Lu Xuanyu changed out of his sweaty clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After doing all this, his wife also made breakfast for him, which was easy to digest, not large but very healthy.

Lu Xuanyu occasionally feels that he should only eat half the amount of food he used to eat. But losing half his body didn't seem to actually cut his food intake in half. Lu Xuanyu occasionally found this phenomenon very interesting.

Morning is his working time. Update articles, as well as video editing, copywriting and other matters. Post-production dubbing is left to other partners.

The self-media fans he operates do not have many fans. He has never revealed his identity in front of the camera, and he has never mentioned that he is disabled.

If he told it, maybe more people would pay attention to him. It might also be easier to make money that way.

But he doesn’t really want to be a “motivational guru.”

According to his character, this suffering that he should crush by himself will always make him feel a knot in his heart when he suddenly sells it for money.

Lu Xuanyu's work progress was not going very smoothly this day. It’s not every day that he comes up with engaging content.

While he was upset, Lu Xuanyu heard a voice coming from outside the door: "This way...Mr. Xiang, this is it."

This voice was very familiar to him. It was a cadre of the local Disabled Persons' Federation. He was a little reluctant to accept help from these people, but the staff were really enthusiastic.

Only this time, he actually heard a somewhat obvious...pleasure in this cadre's voice?

Then, the man knocked on the door: "Lao Lu! Lao Lu! Are you at home? Good news! Lao Lu!"

Lu Xuanyu's wife opened the door.

Lu Xuanyu was thinking about getting a room with better soundproofing.

Later, Lu Xuanyu heard his wife's exclamation. It's the "surprised, but deliberately suppressed for the sake of etiquette" type.

After chatting for a while at the door, his wife's footsteps came closer. She pushed the door open and grabbed his shoulders: "Xuanyu, Xuanyu... it may be good news. You can ...Tsk, let the guests come and talk to you later."

She seemed very excited and ran out again.

Lu Xuanyu didn't know why, but he still turned the office chair with his hands to face the door. Now that he has no legs, others rarely criticize him for "etiquette".

The next second, Lu Xuanyu was also stunned.

The man who came in from the studio door... his face looked familiar...

It seems like... I often see it in the news...

The man stretched out his hand to Lu Xuanyu, shook it, and said, "Hello, Mr. Lu. My name is Xiang Shan..."

Lu Xuanyu's mind seemed to be buzzing.

He remembered who this person was. One of the most famous rich men in the entire Republic, and also one of the most famous scientists in the entire Republic. In the past few years, it became famous for its technology of "complete human evolution".

Xiang Shan, the chairman of Transhumanism International, the world's number one pharmaceutical company.

However, although Xiang Shan is a big shot, he has nothing to do with Lu Xuanyu. Lu Xuanyu asked: "Mr. Xiang, you are a big shot and have everything on your plate. Why are you looking for me when you have time?"

"I saw the self-media you run, and I feel that some of your ideas are very consistent with the corporate culture of our company. It just so happens that we are planning to hold a fighting competition. I have a job that I want to introduce to you." Xiang Shan said: "The purpose of this job is The goal is to require you to become the world's number one martial arts master. And the reward is for you to be the world's number one master for at least three years."

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