Cyber Heroes

Chapter 582 Species Change

In March in Peiping, the wind was still biting.

Lu Xuanyu sat in a wheelchair and came to a medical center affiliated with Superman Enterprises with his wife.

He did not refuse his wife's kindness and insisted on moving the wheelchair by himself, but let his wife push him.

Lu Xuanyu looked at the snow-white buildings under the sun, feeling a little silent.

The wife was a little surprised: "What's wrong, Xuanyu? Why are you still nervous?"

"Well, can you not be nervous?" Lu Xuanyu said: "Now we have to change species... From now on, we won't even be human anymore."

The wife sighed: "What is 'not a human being'? Does Mr. Voigt know? The greatest scientist of this century. A great scientist. He was the first one to be transformed into... um... a new human being? Anyway, it must count. People."

"There are many people on the Internet saying that he is no longer human."

"If you go online, people online will make you angry to death." My wife shook her head and said, "Stop going online."

Lu Xuanyu nodded.

However, he did feel a little nervous.

Last month, Xiang Shan, the chairman of Superman Enterprises, came to his home and said to him personally, "Give him a job" and then made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

But at the same time, Xiangshan also stated various possible disadvantages.

Last month, Xiang Shan said, "Your sperm cannot maintain activity in an environment of 37 degrees Celsius. You cannot leave offspring with Homo sapiens."

At that time, Lu Xuanyu pointed to his lower body and asked, dumbfounded, "Does this make any difference to me?"

He lost half of his body and no longer had the organ.

Xiang Shan shook his head seriously: "No. You can't say that. The definition of 'species' in biology is 'a group of individuals that can mate and reproduce, and these individuals cannot mate, have sexual intercourse, or The hybrids produced after mating can no longer reproduce.' The gametes of baseline humans are very similar to those of Homo sapiens, and theoretically there is no rejection reaction. But they can never combine. The gametes of Homo sapiens will be at more than 40 degrees Celsius. temperature. But this temperature is too low for baseline human gametes."

"This also means that once you undergo this surgery, you are no longer a Homo sapiens. If you maintain your identity as a Homo sapiens, then the constantly updated human assisted reproductive technology can still help you produce offspring. But if you choose to accept it, then You can only breed the next generation with the baseline people.”

Lu Xuanyu's head froze for a moment. He suddenly realized that this matter was indeed not that simple.

"Since this is the first time this has happened in history, we don't know what specific effects the 'species change' will have." Xiang Shan said: "For example, in the worst case scenario, the transformation of the baseline human will be completed first. The group will develop an extreme sense of xenophobia and divide itself and 'Homo sapiens' into two groups..."

Lu Xuanyu shouted: "How is this possible..."

"How is this impossible?" Xiang Shan asked back: "There is no reproductive isolation between Europeans, Africans and Asians, but everyone knows the historical results of the past few hundred years. The baseline people are indeed the same as There is reproductive isolation among Homo sapiens. This fact alone is enough to trigger an impact on social thought. Even if you change your nationality, you will have new thoughts on your own position, right?"

"Based on this fact, the Security Council specifically passed a resolution that prohibits heads of government from undergoing genetic modification surgeries until 2055, and recipients of the first-stage modification surgeries cannot become electees of any official organization. Propaganda from various countries The department is also making preparations to prevent the emergence of things like 'new nazi thought'."

Lu Xuanyu was stunned for a moment.

Various major countries have also considered whether if the hereditary king of a certain country undergoes this surgery, they will take the opportunity to establish a "country that only belongs to the baseline people."

Xiangshan folded his hands: "Based on this decision, you will also face a risk. If this kind of transformation surgery is not popularized in the future, or it is proven that the cost of human metal-based transformation surgery cannot be compressed, then you must face it Exclusion from the Homo sapiens community. Until 2055, it will be difficult for baseline humans to find a spokesperson to speak out for themselves.”

Lu Xuanyu thought for a long time.

"In addition, people who value the continuation of their family lineage will not like someone messing with their genes. I hope you can seriously consider this."

"In fact, the current benchmark population is only a few dozen. The sample number is too small, and we cannot infer what kind of psychological pressure this incident will have on you."

Lu Xuanyu thought about it carefully and admitted that what Xiang Shan said made sense.

But he still has a question: "But I just said, 'But the price will definitely fall in a few years' and so on..."

"I have to show you the worst possibilities." Xiang Shan said: "'The initial technology is not perfect, so undergoing surgery now is expensive and risky. In a few years, you can receive cheap and safe surgery.' It is the worst possibility. This is equivalent to taking a risk in vain. And 'the cost of metal-based genetic modification surgery for humans cannot be compressed and cannot be implemented on a large scale, resulting in early recipients of the surgery being liquidated by conservatives' is another A worst-case scenario. I have an obligation to tell them all.”

Lu Xuanyu was a little curious: "Mr. Xiang, aren't you afraid that I won't be willing to cooperate with you after hearing these words?"

Xiang Shan raised his eyebrows: "Do you know how the promising medical technology of gene therapy was delayed for decades? Because a few idiots did not follow this process, and then an accident occurred, and the public lost everything about related research. Trust. This was at the end of the last century.”

"Mr. Lu, to be honest, you are indeed the first choice, but you are not the only choice. Martial artists with broken arms and legs are indeed rare, but you can always find them if you look for them. Those who are disabled due to injuries to their muscles and bones There are also many athletes. But if I skip this necessary process...if something unfortunate happens, Superman Enterprise will disappear from the world immediately."

"I absolutely cannot take this risk."

After calming down, Lu Xuanyu thought carefully and found that Xiang Shan's thoughts were indeed creepy. If you look at his parents' generation, they are simply evil.

However, Xiang Shan's honest attitude made it difficult for anyone to feel bad.

"Think about it carefully. When I was young, 'genetics experts' seemed to have a bad reputation. But after Voigt settled in the Republic, the direction of society changed." Lu Xuanyu murmured.

The wife didn't know why, lowered her head and said, "What are you talking about?"

Lu Xuanyu shook his head: "When I go in, I will not only cease to be a human being, but I may also become a martial arts scum."

The wife was a little angry: "Do you care so much about those...those frivolous things?"

Lu Xuanyu shook his head: "It's nothing. Now that I'm here, I won't regret it. Let's go."

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