Cyber Heroes

Chapter 645 News and Gap

After Yuki and Iron Wolf left, Hiro Matsushima officially ended his day's work. He sat quietly on the edge of the venue, connected to the Internet.

If a martial artist from the government came to check at this time, he would find that he was watching videos of various martial arts competitions, and occasionally clicked on some entertainment-oriented short videos. But in fact, most of the time it is the TX-0 script that is doing the operation.

In order to make the TX-0 mobile convenient, Matsushima Hiro connects to the Internet every day, and also makes deep connections from time to time. And he always needs a reason to explain "why an outsider martial artist is so keen on the Internet."

"Hobby" is a good reason.

But in reality, Matsushima spent most of his time meditating.

Internal warriors will need to meditate to tame their own thoughts and get used to the mental state of "no thoughts, no thoughts". In this way, you can use your brain more efficiently and avoid being affected by distracting thoughts during internal battles.

In addition, internal warriors will also use meditation to map the huge command code with their own intuitive feelings.

External warriors also meditate, and they also need to tame their minds. On the other hand, outer sect warriors also need to complete inner attunement to the martial arts algorithm.

Of course, there is also the more traditional one, that is, "carrying out an imaginary battle without an opponent."

However, most warriors will never do this part of their homework again.

More than two hundred years ago, Wu Zu used virtual reality or reality augmentation technology to replace ordinary people's imagination with more accurate virtual images. The battle data from top warriors is more powerful than what most people can imagine on their own, and the modeling done by algorithms is also clearer than what most people can imagine based on their feelings.

But when it comes to Songdo, things are different. Matsushima Hiro's level is higher than most martial artists. The vast majority of warriors cannot compete at the level of his "imagined" matchup.

But today he seemed unable to meditate properly.

A sentence emerged from his consciousness.

[Hiro, lend me your brain for a while]

Matsushima Hiro did not fight, but slowly calmed down his thoughts.

Then, the mapping of signals on the brain's surface into the device is changed.

After this fine-tuning, the neural connections of this biological brain will be mathematically closer to that of another person far away from the earth.

The TX-0 has not been used for too long. He quickly understood some conclusions that were difficult to reach in the state of the inanimate brain.

As a member of the Turing lineage, TX-0 has practiced specialized techniques. He outputs the results of this thinking into concepts that can be accurately described by set theory, inputs them into the computer part, and then exits the biological brain.

Matsushima Hiro's consciousness took over the brain again. And the result of his thinking just now is still in his memory.

Matsushima Hiro understood what had just happened almost instantly.

The TX-0 crawler program captured abnormal information.

Just now, an internal war broke out within the earth's satellite network, and the entire planet's network was affected.

"More details cannot be obtained by just a crawler. Since a few hours ago, the data flow on the moon side has been very abnormal. At the same time, many of the secret methods left by our sect on the earth have failed. It is very likely that Ah King Jini takes action."

TX-0's thoughts are very serious.

Matsushima Hiro thought thoughtfully: "The God of War has taken action again?"

"Maybe." TX-0 said: "This large-scale change is likely to be caused by one of King Agni's masters, maybe his adjutant. If it were my true self, I would be able to fight them. It’s a fight, but in this situation, I’m just giving food to them.”

Matsushima Hiro hesitated: "Do you want to delete yourself?"

A long time ago, TX-0 made it clear to Matsushima Hiro that this personality cover has the function of self-deletion.

So far, all types of artificial intelligence, including pseudo-personality overlays, can show a certain degree of "desire to survive", but no artificial intelligence has ever felt that there is anything wrong with "deleting itself after completing the task". Especially for false personality overlays, their self-awareness leads them not to identify themselves and their "information source individuals" as "each other" unless the information source individual of the personality overlay himself is very disgusted with false personality overlays.

According to the safest approach, the false personality masked Zero should delete himself when transmitting the information stolen from the Mana Knights back to the division. But A-Ling judged that his existence has not been exposed. There is still no expert from the moon specifically searching for him. So far, the risk is not high.

And the ontology outside the earth did not make the opposite decision.

"It's not that time yet." TX-0 said, "But you must be careful recently. The group of people on the moon will definitely tighten up, and they may deal with potential civilian forces strictly. You like this People are most at risk.”

Matsushima Hiro said: "Let's just keep it the same as before. That's nothing special."

TX-0 said: "You still don't understand the seriousness of the problem. The knights who have come here recently to hone their skills can easily become a weakness."

"This doesn't mean anything." Matsushima Hiroshi said in the same tone as before: "There are also hawks and dogs among my disciples. I treat everyone equally. As long as I can afford the tuition, I will definitely teach them equally."

"Oh? Then tell me, does any eagle dog know that your external skills are almost as good as those of the God of War?"

"I've always been like this. It's just that they didn't see it and didn't believe it - and you didn't think so before, right?"

Hiroshi Matsushima rarely uses dazzling techniques and rarely makes surprising moves. In addition, no matter what level he is dealing with, he will adopt "textbook-style" coping methods, so most dojo students feel that Matsushima Shihan is a character who is "obviously better than themselves, but he can still figure it out."

It wasn't until Xia Ke had a comparison object like Xiang Shan.

In fact, even Zero was frightened.

Before that, he only knew that Matsushima Hiroshi was incredibly high in terms of external skills, but he didn't expect that he was at the level of kings and gods of war.

It was rare to talk about this topic, so Hiro Matsushima asked with great interest: "Brother Zero, in your opinion, am I half as strong as Speed ​​King?"

In the process of communicating with TX-0, Matsushima Hiroya became aware of some knowledge about the world and the government. He knew that the Speed ​​King was the strongest external martial arts master in the government.

"In terms of pure technical level, you must be more than half of the Speed ​​King, eighty or ninety percent? I can't say, my external skills are not particularly good. But you will definitely not be able to beat him. If we really meet, you will Killed instantly."

Matsushima Hiro said: "What do you think is the difference between me and a warrior like Speed ​​King?"

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