Cyber Heroes

Chapter 663 Three-person tactics

The moment the dust from the stick fell to the ground, several residents present all felt that something was dead in their hearts.

Only Zoroa looked at the stick in a daze.

After the green forest flew the stick, he was stunned for a moment - this also saved Dr. Schultz's life. Dr. Schultz retreated hastily, barely holding his ground.

Lu Lin was a little puzzled: "You didn't kill the silver drive shaft, right? You actually dare to stand in front of us with a stick? Why? Is there any point in doing this?"

Decorative lighting fixtures flickered on Dr. Schultz's face. If he were still a homo sapiens, this scene could be summed up as "jaw-dropping".

He didn't understand why Lu Lin was not frightened.

At the beginning, both Dr. Schultz and the old mayor were dubious about "this stick can scare away Green Forest". But when this rhetoric was repeated for three full years, and when Green Lin really didn't come for three whole years, they seemed to believe it themselves.

When he suddenly saw this scene, his thinking was interrupted for a second.

But Lu Lin didn't intend to continue thinking. Mental illness is not uncommon either. This guy might just be crazy in a different way. He stepped forward, swinging his chainsword.

Dr. Schultz had one of his hands cut off in an instant.

This smart and respectable man, who was famous from all over the country, was wailing and rolling around like this.

But at the same time, a black shadow appeared directly behind the green forest.

Yuki lowered his body and ran with a short body. This posture does not conform to the structure of the human body. If it were Homo sapiens, it would not be able to exert force at all, and it would not appear in the instinctive imagination of human warriors.

However, experienced warriors know how beneficial it is to "rely on the dive movement to avoid the enemy's sight".

In the eyes of many, Yuki appeared almost instantly.

This green forest boss is not 100% modified, there is still a large piece of original space between the head and neck. He was also acquired by the recently destroyed Green Forest Gang "Juyihui". This guy is quite talented in external skills, so he got the leader's algorithm and part of the experience convolution, but the parts needed for the transformation could not be found for a while.

Youki's fist was like an artillery strike, causing flowers of flesh and blood to fly.

Green Lin fell to the ground and hit Dr. Schultz, triggering another round of howling.

Yuki paid no attention to the man who passed by him when he was a child. He raised his bloody fist, turned around, and said to the green forest minions, "His grandma's green forest..."

At this moment, Youki actually wanted to sing a song to create a better effect. But the focus of his studies in recent years has not been here, so he only recorded a few songs. And most of those songs are very "rebellious", and if you sing them, you are likely to expose your chivalrous attributes.

Yuki had no choice but to imitate Xiangshan in his memory and point his fist at the sky: "Are you... ready to pay with death?"

——Tsk, this line is so bad...

Although Yuki felt that his "performance style" was not exaggerated enough, it was enough to anger those green woods. The surrounding green forest minions all activated their chainswords in unison. The sound of machinery rotating at high speed echoed loudly.

On the edge of the town, Tajibur also learned about the news that "warriors were causing trouble." He was a little stunned: "There are warriors? Isn't that right? If there are warriors here, how can the defense be so stupid?"

He thought for a moment, then shook his head: "No matter, let's go and take a look." This guy gave instructions to the minions around him, asking them to keep an eye on those "talented" people he had marked. people, and then walked quickly towards the direction of the battle.

However, when he passed by a ruins, dust suddenly flew up like an explosion.

Sixth day jumped out.

This is a classic tactic of pitting a small number of elites against a large number of conventional soldiers. It requires at least three warriors, one to fight the firepower of the soldiers in the front and attract all the attention, and the other to go around and kill the soldiers in the rear.

Then the third person took advantage of this opportunity to behead the enemy's command troops or protected objects.

This tactic is said to date back to the early days of chivalrous warfare and is considered a classic.

Generally speaking, warriors who perform the task of "attracting firepower" need the thickest armor, while "decapitation" requires the highest martial arts.

However, for the temporary team of Youki, Sixth and Han Zhun, they must also consider the issue of "reform rate".

None of the three are 100% completely transformed.

Han Zhun's outer armor coverage rate is the lowest, and his martial arts skills are not the highest, so he can only perform the safest "unparalleled mixed soldiers around the back".

Yuki and Sixth took on the tasks of "attracting firepower" and "decapitating" respectively.

At this moment on the 6th, we were only two meters away from Tajpur. He picked up the large-caliber rifle he carried with him, raised his hand and fired.

At this moment, the distance between the two parties was too close, so Tajibul did not fully react. He only had time to lower himself.

The bullet plowed a scratch across his body before ricocheting away. The scratch took away one of his prosthetic eyes. And its dodge action also forced itself into an extremely unfavorable posture.

Sixth immediately sprinted forward, raised his foot and kicked forward, his heel hitting Tajibul's knee. And his rifle was loaded. He immediately fired a second shot.

After taking the first shot, Tajibur's mind went numb. But after all, he is also a warrior with many years of experience, and the algorithm controls the prosthetic body to put on the defensive posture with the best theoretical benefits. This allowed him to luckily use his outer armor to deflect the second bullet.

Then, the battle finally came into his turn.

Even though he was blind in one eye, the angle of his body was not conducive to attack.

But at this moment, he knew where the shooter would gain the most from attacking his body.

Therefore, Tajibul ignored his own posture and kicked at a position in the blind corner of his sight.

Then he felt something hit him.

On the 6th, he abandoned the rifle and took two steps closer. Taking advantage of Tajibul's failure to regain his posture, he continued the pursuit.

The only chance for a warrior with a lower level to fight against a warrior with a higher level is to "rely on the first move to create a flaw and then attack continuously." The moment before and after the martial artist is "hit" is the moment when the martial arts algorithm has the fewest choices and the least changes.

"Being at ease and waiting for work" belongs to the "master style".

However, Six Days had not enough years to practice martial arts, and it was impossible for Xiang Shan to instill martial arts knowledge into him all the time. Perhaps his overall understanding of martial arts is more correct at this moment, but this theory has not had time to be transformed into combat effectiveness.

Although Tajipur was completely suppressed, he could not be killed in six days.

And those green forest minions also reacted. These guys drew out their chain swords and slashed directly at Liu Ri.

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