Cyber Heroes

Chapter 674 Dangerous Defense

Matsushima Hiro looked at Grandola in front of him and said, "So, is this why you came to me?"

Grandola nodded.

Matsushima Hiroshi was very confused: "Your Excellency, I heard that at the end of the Secret War and before the Ascension War, there were large-scale leaks of biological weapons. Until now, everyone's residence may contain some viruses that can cause disease to baseline humans. Pathogens.”

Grandola nodded: "Indeed."

"These pathogens are likely to be found in everyone's residence. If a person invites a friend to his home and the friend accidentally gets sick and dies, is this person responsible for this?" Matsushima Hiroshi said, "I have never heard that That’s what I said.”

Grandora sneered: "Pathogens don't communicate with people, and they don't trade with people."

"We civilians have no effective means of identifying knights, just as it is impossible for us to detect disease-causing pathogens living on the ground." Matsushima Hiroshi said, "If you want to attack this martial arts gym because of this, then the people of Jayhawk City What will warriors think of you? How will you recruit enough middle- and low-level officers in the future?"

"Besides, at this moment, I am not the owner of this martial arts gym." Matsushima Hiro continued, "I am not even the chief officer. I am just an old man who sells improvement courses. You don't know about this. You should come to me."

"Songdao Normal University, I am showing you respect. Decades ago, you were the pride of Jayhawk City. A person like you is indeed qualified." Grandora wiped the weapon in her hand slowly. , "And please understand. If you teach martial arts like yours to knights, it will be too tarnished - don't you think so?"

——But the founder of martial arts was a thug.

Matsushima wanted to refute this.

But he still swallowed the words. He said calmly: "That's what I charge. No matter who pays the tuition, I will teach them equally. I don't have the ability to identify knights. If a person like me is responsible for identifying knights, there must be mistakes." Maybe the real knights are not screened out, and as a result, those who become mid-level and low-level officers may not be able to learn martial arts."

"'Treat everyone equally'... just listen." Grandola stretched out her hand and touched the floor, then turned to the secretary behind her and said this.

The secretary said: "Songdao Normal University, please don't compare the protectors of human civilization with those thugs. This is an insult to us. If it is a more stringent protector, just this sentence can give you Filled with confessional."

Matsushima Hiro stopped talking.

In this matter, he is indeed very limited. TX-0 once said that the existence of his kind of personality mask must be kept secret from the government, otherwise it will cause trouble. Matsushima, on the other hand, is reluctant to even practice internal skills, let alone give himself medicine to train "the special way of thinking that induces the enemy in the state of confessional agent."

But the secretary refused to give up: "Did you know? Once a warrior like you joins the gene bank defense force, he will definitely get better material conditions. And after you won the Paralympics Championship, , I have been hiding in this martial arts hall, refusing to contribute to the future of mankind..."

Hiroshi Matsushima couldn't help but said: "There is no such thing as Dyson's principle. Human beings do not have to dedicate their thoughts to anything built, only people can command people. 'Constructed things' also include 'human protectors'." "

The secretary was dumbfounded (a figure of speech) and was speechless for a moment. He could not refute Matsushima Hiro's words, let alone refute them. He even felt a sense of fear for a moment.

Grandora's fingers tapped the short gun in her hand twice, and she made a clear voice: "Secretary, this is why you can't become a commanding officer. Take a look, Matsushima Normal University's attitude towards Dyson's principle The understanding is higher than you!" Then, he turned his attention to Matsushima Hiro: "Then, you understand the Dyson principle so well. You should become one of us... Otherwise, you are really in danger. "

Matsushima Hiro couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

"Do you know who is the best person to argue with a patron of civilization from this level of thought? It's a knight. The ancient ancestor once tried to destroy the enemy's belief with the magic of words in battle. His last My dear disciple, what is his title? It's the 'Flower of Tongue'. In ancient philosophy, the Flower of Tongue and the House of Being are both another expression of 'language'. Knights attach great importance to this kind of language. Power." Grandora said, "A sharp-tongued person like you is too easily regarded as a knight. But it happened that something like this happened again in your martial arts hall. You are too dangerous."

"Only by becoming a patron can I have the position to protect you. Become a patron. As long as you become a patron, all suspicions against you will be cleared."

Matsushima Hiro closed his eyes.

He must not enter the Patron's power. To become a patron, you need to go through many checks, especially for someone like him. No trace of TX-0 can be exposed.

He whispered: "Unless there is any big shot who thinks that I'm unwilling to join the Asylum, I just want to be a knight...I don't think my suspicion is very serious."

Grandola sighed heavily.

Then, bursts of exclamations came from the dojo hall not far away.

Matsushima Hong was shocked.

"I originally thought it would be great if you were willing to cooperate, but you are actually unwilling...Forget it, who makes me a kind person?" Grandola said, "I am willing to spend more resources, Go and clear your suspicions.”

The sound of fighting outside became louder and louder. Grandola frowned: "The counterattack was so violent... This martial arts gym is really a problem."

Matsushima Hiro stood up: "Sir, what exactly is this?"

"I will check all the members in your martial arts hall. Don't worry, I will use a reversible truth serum at the beginning." Grandola said, "If there are not more knights in your martial arts hall, then there will be no Any questions. Peace of mind."

Matsushima Hiro immediately turned around and walked out of the quiet room without saying a word.

Grandola secretly said "It's a pity". If Matsushima Hiro attacks him directly, then he can declare that "Matsushima Hiro wants to assassinate him and is a knight" and then deprive Matsushima Hiro of his asylum.

Human beings who have lost their asylum have no so-called human rights and are just objects.


——That would be a pity. This martial arts skill is almost impossible to completely reproduce after being made into a plug-in. Maybe we should let him work for a while and wait for him to leave more information.

Grandola thought so and walked out slowly.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone.

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