Cyber Heroes

Chapter 681 History and History [Big Chapter]

Matsushima Hiro woke up in a dark underground space.

He opened his eyes, propped himself up, and looked around. There seems to be a ruins here. Originally this place was supposed to be a magnificent place, but it collapsed, and it took a long time to collapse. There was actually a little metallic luster on the ground.

"Where is this? Brother Ling?" Matsushima Hiro asked.

Shortly after entering the underground area, he fell into a coma. At the end of his consciousness, he opened up all control of the prosthetic body and let TX-0 control the prosthetic body on his behalf.

It’s not even “lending a brain.” He himself was in a coma due to brain damage, and Zero relied entirely on his artificial intelligence to control the prosthetic body.

The memory after that is very fuzzy and ambiguous. Matsushima Hiro was sober intermittently for a while. He vaguely remembered that he and A-Ling had been running away. When his condition was better, A-Ling seemed to want to go to the ground, but was still blocked back.

"An underground station a long time ago, a super unimportant node." TX-0 said, "The inflammatory reaction of microglia has been stopped for you... but the drugs we have on hand are really not enough for complete recovery. You should first look at what’s wrong with you.”

"I can already feel it." Matsushima Hiro looked at his slightly trembling right hand. If algorithm-assisted control is used, this tremor can also be eliminated. But Matsushima Hiro has long been accustomed to using his own neural network to completely control the prosthetic body.

He is used to using full control.

For such experts, auxiliary control plug-ins like "auxiliary wheels" are just things that limit their own performance.

But now, due to brain damage, Matsushima is unable to remove this unnatural vibration without using an auxiliary plug-in.

"Be content. If you were still a natural person, you would have died long ago." TX-0 said.

Prosthetic humans like Matsushima Hiro rely entirely on electric field energy instead of respiration, and only need to rely on osmotic pressure to supplement a small amount of nutrients. Therefore, he had no circulation and no blood pressure.

Naturally, there will be no "cerebral hemorrhage that will continue to expand the damage."

However, his situation is not optimistic either.

The central nervous system is the most valuable organ in the body. Its proto-oncogene is almost inactive, so it hardly proliferates and does not become cancerous. It is precisely because of this that any small damage here is difficult to reverse.

In order to protect this precious organ, organisms have evolved a blood-brain barrier to separate the brain from regular immune cells - after all, the principle of immune cells in killing infected and diseased cells is "I would rather kill ten thousand by mistake than let one go." ". The brain's immune response relies entirely on microglia, the "guardian" cells.

But even so, microglia are still considered by human doctors to "do more harm than good after activation."

Animals on Earth often experience inflammatory reactions triggered by trauma.

Traumatic brain injury can also naturally trigger an inflammatory response syndrome.

Some of Hiro Matsushima's brain cells are killing his brain.

"Oh..." Matsushima Hiro looked at his hands, "Will he die?"

"Probably not. But it will affect some brain lobes." TX-0 said, "If you want to avoid damage to the greatest extent, you have to take a multi-pronged approach and prepare several drugs to inhibit the production and activity of pro-inflammatory factors. Block or reorganize the relevant receptors... If I had known this would happen, I should have stolen more from the Knights of Mana three years ago."

"Didn't we set up many supply points you have medicine?"

"If you hadn't had a big battle with that lord, causing 100,000 AI automatic weapons to hunt us down, we could have calmly gone to those supply points to get medicine." TX-0 said, "Without the support of my brain, I would be pretty damn useless. Just a script! I don’t even dare to hack those AIs!”

"What now?" Matsushima Hiro asked.

TX-0 asked back: "Do you want to become mentally retarded?"

"That's really..."

Matsushima Hiro sat back on the ground: "What should we do now?"

"I have to think about it...AI is not suitable for 'breaking through difficulties'. In this way, I try to use sectors that are not damaged. I will use them again."

Matsushima Hiro waved his hand: "Whatever."

Soon, A-Ling had an idea: "Let's do this. After all, this is a big project from the old era. If you look inside, you might be able to find something useful."

Matsushima Hiro was silent for a moment: "Even if there is medicine here, it was at least two hundred years ago..."

"Ghost. That's not what's important." A Ling shook his head: "This is a part of the global transportation network. If this station was big enough before it collapsed, the medical center inside should be able to find a read-only storage device. With luck, That thing should be kept in a shock-absorbing container. If we are lucky, we can also find a set of fermentation tanks. If we are even luckier, there may be special yeasts in the spore state in the fermentation tanks..."

Matsushima Hiroshi shook his head: "Wait a minute, my brain is not working right now and I can't keep up. What is that 'read-only storage device'?"

"Ah, don't you know? If there is no need for 'rewritable', humans can make things that can store information for a long time." TX-0 said: "Talking while walking."

Matsushima Hiro stood up. Only then did he realize that he was leaning against a broken section of the train, and the dust on it had already caked on it. When Matsushima Hiro came, he fell on this thing, knocking down a lot of caked dust. There is also a mottled sign below. It was a capital "人", followed by a lowercase "人" in the upper right corner. Matsushima Hiroshi wiped it casually, and there was an "H+" next to it.


"Ah, the 'Sign of the Supreme Being'. I didn't notice it just now."

Songdao, who was familiar with the story of Wu Zu, was very surprised: "Is this what you mean?"

"It wasn't originally, but it wasn't the same later. Wu Zu himself made fun of it." TX-0 said, "Look, this thing was an underground transportation network that connected the world in the past. Wu Zu started it and shared it with many institutions. Technology, multiple countries working together to solve the job problem..."

"What are the jobs?" Matsushima Hiro interrupted.

"Hiss... It's hard for me to explain to you now. Don't interrupt, just think of it as an 'issue that is important to the old organization'." A-Ling continued: "This thing is very complicated and is provided by the global network. Distributed computing resources support the command of several powerful AIs. For Wu Zu at that time, this thing was to show his ideals, his determination, his power, and his technology."

Matsushima Hiro followed the "mission tips" given by Zero, left the train, and climbed upward: "So?"

"Many sites have a minimalist medical center. It occupies a small area, and half of it is a computer and several fermentation tanks." A-Ling continued, "Do you know the Yawill method? It can be synthesized using microbial metabolism. Special preparation methods for most organic compounds."

"At that time, there was a small group of people who wanted to rely on the 'knowledge of pharmaceuticals' to achieve long-term wealth. The pioneers at that time defeated them. In order to declare their victory...or to express their determination, in short, they There are even small factories like this in every station...all stations can be self-sufficient in producing any type of emergency medicine.”

Matsushima Hiro broke through an almost broken wall and entered an extremely narrow gap: "What is the permanent read-only storage device for?"

"'Even if there is a huge disaster, human beings can rely on these devices to restart. As long as there is sugar and water...and a little electricity'. That's what a senior said back then." A Ling said: "They feel that everything When a human being encounters a natural disaster or a war and loses the Internet, relying on the data stored in this stronghold, it can quickly produce commonly used drugs. It can only be said that at that time, who would have thought that humans would come up with such a drug as a 'big infection' What about the tragedy that doesn’t work?”

"Then and? What use does this equipment have for us?"

"Drugs that suppress inflammatory reactions are commonly used. Some surgeries are in great need of them."

"Then I have to look for sugar and water now?"

"Candy is not difficult to get. People with low levels of prosthetics eat candy. At least the difficulty of getting some sugar now is much less than the difficulty of breaking through the blockade and going to other supply points." A Ling said, "Even if you can't get it, It’s not a bad idea to take out that memory. There’s a lot of information in it, but it’s being scrutinized now, and many knights can’t find the resources.”

"This is too much luck."

"Otherwise? I also escaped into this ruins by chance. Judging from the appearance of this place, maybe no one has been here in the past two hundred years. That's why there is value in gambling on luck." A Ling said, "If you don't gamble on luck, then We have to wait for reinforcements.”

"You also called for reinforcements?" Matsushima Hiro asked: "That God of War?"

"Oh. Otherwise." A Ling said.

"When did you call?"

"Before we escaped, I gave instructions to an AI online. If an adverse situation occurs, it will automatically process the last packaged and uploaded data we uploaded into a video upload, and send a request for help to several specific targets. ." A Ling said: "It must be a few days ago."

Matsushima Hiro suddenly stopped: "Hey, I think your premise is wrong. This place has not been visited for hundreds of years."

At this moment, Matsushima Hiro had penetrated into the narrowest area. This is a stable area formed by the collapse of several large pieces of building material.

A simple terminal is here. Even Matsushima Hiro could see that the style of this thing was incompatible with the surrounding ruins, and it was obviously a later addition.

"Yeah, OK." A-Ling said, "I don't understand why you need to set up the entire terminal here, and there is no signal here."

Matsushima Hiro pressed the power button of the computer: "Wouldn't you know if you take a look?"

With a buzzing sound, this dilapidated terminal actually turned on.

Matsushima Hiro uses a data cable to connect directly to this terminal. Ah Ling took over the perception: "Let me take a look... huh?"

Zero controlled Matsushima Hiro's prosthetic eye and went around to the back of the large terminal. He saw a strange-looking machine connected to a data cable.

"Okay, the small drone pulls a line from the gap. It is powered by a nuclear battery. The person who made this thing is a knight, and his level is not bad. If he can eat the rangers steadily, he is probably here to assassinate the lord. ." A-Ling continued to explore: "Let me see...a knight named 'Yu Lin'. The last time recorded in the system is 205. It has been ten or twenty years. He is here to collect intelligence."

"This place is a fortress that no one knows about, and he built a spyhole. It is connected to the network, which is enough for him to collect information about the lord from various clues... Wow."

"Huh?" Matsushima Hiro smelled something wrong.

"Hiro, there's good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Matsushima Hiro shook his head: "Bad news?"

"Your apprentices are going to be executed, the ones who are caught."

A Ling said so.

He is now using Matsushima's brain. It’s impossible not to say this. Even if he doesn't say it now, the results of brain chemical activity are still in Matsushima Hiroshi's mind. Sooner or later he will "feel" it.

Although Ah Ling didn’t want to say anything.

He continued: "Amilcarre asked you to go to the designated place in twelve hours, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, Matsushima stood up.

"Hey, I suggest you listen to the good news, okay?" A Ling said sincerely.

Matsushima Hiro took a deep breath: "If you want to say, 'I am sending myself to death'..."

"No, not at all." A-Ling said: "You go deeper, there is a refrigerator inside. If you open the refrigerator, you can find some medicines. It has only been more than ten years, and medicines stored in low-temperature environments can still be used. It contains a few things you may need. If you look closely at the refrigerator, you will find that it is actually used to install on the prosthetic body."

"The knight got a good refrigeration device, but he couldn't find any other prosthetics to match it. Then there are parts wrapped in metal foil not far away. Take these, you might still have a chance to survive. "

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