Cyber Heroes

Chapter 684 Supporters finally arrived

No one knows where this rebellion started.

Maybe it's someone's cheering, maybe it's someone trying to break through the blockade.

Even the knights who reviewed the battle afterwards and the scholars who re-examined this historical event a few years later could not find a clue.

In this era, there are many unknown people. It should be said that in any era, there are many unknown people.

These nameless people constitute a great river of history. But for people, the waves on the river and the sound of the water lapping on both sides are far easier to detect than the water itself.

But from a common sense perspective, this is normal.

Even in this era, people still have social relationships. Family and friendship, these simple emotions that have existed since human collective hunting, have not been eradicated today.

Most of the arrested warriors had relatives or friends.

It's not just them.

The civilians who were accidentally injured these days, the civilians who were killed or arrested by the Rangers because of their ideological turmoil, all had their own relatives or friends.

Someone wants to save their friend.

Some people even just want to be close to their relatives and friends and see them for the last time - these people do not even think about reversing the decision to "execute".

They tried to get closer to the place of execution.

However, this tendency of group violence against government forces is enough to be judged as "rebellion" by the system.

As a result, the first person who approached the blockade was shot into a sieve by machine guns.

A man tried to climb up to a high place and raised his arms. But as soon as he climbed to the top of the building, before he could stand up, his head was shot open by a bullet.

A woman attempts to link arms with her friend to form a human wall. This may not produce any actual combat effectiveness, but it can prevent the crowd from collapsing and condense into a momentum. However, as soon as she made a move, her head disappeared. After the two friends nearby reacted, their arms were also cut off by bullets.

Someone who tried to shout for the people around him to stay calm was killed by a drone.

Someone wanted to reach around the corner and kill the government gunmen, but their heads were removed by the lurking rangers.

The Internet is tightly controlled by the government, so people have long been unable to use this modern method of communication to gather strength. They themselves just happened to choose to arrive here at this point in time.

No organization, no goals, no discipline.

Any sign of resistance gathering was nipped in the bud.

Occasionally, a few warriors would jump out and defeat a few soldiers.

But not many.

In the past few days, the warriors who survived the battle in the martial arts area were hunted by the rangers. They are not knights, and have almost no training in reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, hunting and counter-hunting techniques. Even if the best among them outperform the Rangers purely in external skills, the Rangers have a hundred ways to prevent them from taking advantage of their strengths.

It can even be said that the information of these warriors is completely open to the public. Rangers can definitely bring targeted weapons to fight.

If a warrior who is truly powerful and has the will to resist does not join forces with the knights, he or she will be taken away by the rangers.

The warriors who participated in this occasional riot were generally not of high quality.

Radar Industry and Youki jumped on the roof and saw this scene.

Youki quickly pulled Radar Industry down, pretending to just look at the ordinary people who appeared on the roof out of curiosity.

But the radar industry could feel the boy shaking.

It was anger mixed with a hint of fear.

Yuki looked at the scenes in front of him that accurately destroyed the "hidden power" among the crowd, and remembered what his master said three years ago, before he could regain his memory.

"Martial arts... shouldn't be like this..."

Radar Industry nodded: "Let's destroy that firepower point..."

Suddenly, a hand stretched out and held Yuki down: "Wait a moment!"

The radar industry instinctively put on airs. But Yuki held him back.

Yuki knew who was coming.

Under the cover of a camouflage net in an urban environment, the original reporter skillfully connected the barrel of the gun. Her voice was very calm: "Listen, little brother. 'Force' is not the same as 'martial arts'. What you are facing now is called 'military'. It occasionally goes together with order, struggle, and independence, but it is not the same as 'martial arts'." 'Empire' and 'tyranny' are more often coupled - they may have used training methods created by some knights, and early knights also absorbed the tactics accumulated by military strategists for many years...the two are not distinct. But for For us, 'martial arts' is the technique of rebellion."

While speaking, the original informant had already marked several firepower points.

Only then did the radar industry come to its senses. He pointed at the original person who heard the news: "This is also a knight..."

Youji nodded and said to Yuan Wenren: "Senior Sister Yuan, when will we take action? Please hurry up, the casualties of ordinary people are..."

"You have to face a fact, little brother." Yuan Wenwen said in a low tone: "We have to ensure a prerequisite for taking action, that is, 'the government will not regard the people as an armed force to help us.' If we cooperate with them to attack After a wave of armed protectors retreat, they will be greeted by massacre."

"This is the Earth, the hinterland of the Asylum, the homeland of humanity where the lackeys are always watching. We must face this fact. Perhaps at this stage, such an uprising can only succeed in a space city near the asteroid belt."

Yuki said: "Then what should we do?"

"Rescue your companions, kill the culprit, and temporarily calm their anger..." Yuan Wenren took out a USB flash drive from behind, "When the unknown senior came, he said that if he found you, I would give you this. You go to the breakout side. . Senior Wuming said that this matter involves some confidential information, and he only trusts you to do it now. "

Yuki took the USB flash drive. He understood that this was probably related to the true identity of the master.

Yuki hesitated no longer. He took one last look at the suffering crowd, said hello to the radar industry, and left.

Only the radar industry is left lying next to the original news person. The original museum owner asked: "Is this okay? People's anger can really be calmed down..."

"Stop it for the time being." The original source corrected: "The government does have many ways to make people forget their pain, but the anger smoldering in the dark is as dangerous as an open flame. As for the current can't change anything."

Radar felt that the vigilante's tone was not as calm as her movements. He asked, "So what do we do now?"

Yuan Wenren used short-range wireless signals to share his vision with the radar industry.

The radar industry was surprised to find that special red dots were marked among the crowd.

In addition, there are yellow dots and yellow dotted lines on various hidden buildings.

"The red ones are the rangers, the yellow ones are the firepower points, and the yellow line is the possible direction of their muzzles." Yuan Wenren said, "Then, wait for the signal from the companions..."

I was probably moved by the fire of the martyrs. On this special day, I must tell such a story that changes the times.

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