Cyber Heroes

Chapter 696 Conversation with Han Zhun

Han Zhun was unconscious when he was rescued. But as long as Xiangshan reads the records of neural activity in part of his brain through the system, he can roughly guess what happened.

Some truth serum chemicals chemically permanently alter specific receptors on the surface of specific neurons to achieve certain permanent effects.

After Yuki and Liu Ri brought back the prosthetic body and some equipment, they guarded Liu Ri.

At this time, the sixth day was almost awake.

Matsushima Hiro felt uncomfortable when he mentioned this matter. He whispered: "Who would have thought that that bastard Amilcarre was dead, so many people died. The cause of everything was just because the lord's son was arrested for no reason... No, he was arrested for me. he."

"I don't even understand why he is targeting me like that."

"Maybe it's just a flaw in his brain." Xiang Shan was quite indifferent, "Many people are like this. Even if you tell me that he just wants to experience what it feels like to use power, I can believe it. Really. .I have seen many such idiots throughout the ages.”

The movement on Han Zhun's side gradually died down. It seemed that he had gradually calmed down.

But after an hour, Han Zhun started crying again.

He seemed to be aware of his own state. He can hide nothing now.

The young man tried hard to contain himself. But at this time, the more he "doesn't want to say anything", the more he will first have the concept of "what" he doesn't want to say. Then, he would directly say "that" he didn't want to say.

This is a deliberate disability.

"I can't be a knight anymore...I can't be a knight anymore!" Han Zhun yelled in horror, "What should I do next...I can't be a knight anymore...I have no shelter. I can't do martial arts like this." Pavilion…”

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"No... no... don't... I didn't do anything wrong... why is this happening..."

In the following time, Han Zhun spent 40% of the time apologizing to Yuki, Liu Ri and other unknown knights, 30% of the time lamented that he could no longer be a hero, and 20% of the time was worried about himself. s future.

Now that he has formed this idea in his mind, he will speak it out of his mouth.

This also made him increasingly pessimistic about his future. Such a disability that cannot hide anything may prevent him from surviving in any settlement.

This also made the remaining ten percent of his curses become more and more intense.

Xiangshan sighed heavily and stood up: "I don't have the time to repair the prosthetic body now. I have to go take a look."

Matsushima Hiroshi nodded thoughtfully. A Ling "tsk tsk" twice.

Songdao had no intention of listening to other people's lamentations, but A-Ling took the initiative to record Han Zhun's words.

Han Zhun's curses are indeed becoming more and more extreme, and there may be signs of anger. Next, whether he takes out his anger on Yuki and Liuri, or turns his anger on himself and develops the will to die, it will be a very bad situation.

Xiangshan probably felt that he couldn't care less.

Xiang Shan came outside the car. It was night time.

Behind them, on the northern horizon, a thin but huge stream of sand and dust was chasing them.

The two vehicles were running side by side, drawing standard parallel lines on the ground. There are advanced camouflage nets on both vehicles - these were obtained by Yuki and Liuge.

Xiangshan told them to get two things, one of which was the lord's prosthetic body, and the other was this camouflage equipment. Generally speaking, patrons like lords do not need to avoid satellites. Asylum has an absolute advantage on satellite networks. However, under extreme conditions - such as insider experts occupying the satellite network, or if a private satellite happens to miss it, etc.

Amilcarre also prepared this huge and highly technical flexible fabric in the spirit of "what if" - although he would not use this thing 99.99% of the time, but The resources consumed to make such a thing are insignificant to him.

It can counter satellite reconnaissance methods at various levels.

It is precisely because of this thing that Xiangshan can do some fancy things that he would not do under normal circumstances.

At this moment, he didn't even need to jump out of the car, he just stretched out his feet and stepped onto another vehicle.

Generally speaking, the vigilante's vehicles would not be so close. They will spread the risk through vehicles. But at this moment, Xiangshan is using a wireless signal with weak penetration, fast attenuation but extremely fast information transmission speed to command the construction machinery on another vehicle to dismantle and reassemble the Lord's prosthetic body. In the car where Hiro Matsushima was sitting, two 3D printers were rapidly printing the required parts.

The other knights have dispersed to other convoys. According to the information, there are sporadic firefights everywhere, but at last the average level of the knights this time is very high, and they are all well prepared, and there is no loss of personnel.

Xiangshan enters the interior of the vehicle.

At this moment, Han Zhun was shouting loudly, and there was already a bit of frenzy in his words. Panike huddled in a corner and carefully looked at the man lying on the ground. Yuki, on the other hand, was sitting in the corner with Rokuri, his head lowered. Their eyes are all prosthetic and have no crying function, so they are a little helpless now.

The original reporter was driving the vehicle in front.

He waved his hand to Shan, causing the eyes of the juniors present to focus on him.

Xiang Shan sat down and said to Han Zhun: "Child, calm down. This situation is not difficult to solve. You just can't control what you want to say. As long as you replace the vocal organ with a prosthetic body, you can manually close it by Sound Maker' way to achieve silence. Calm down, things have not reached the point of no return..."

Yuki shouted: "Master!"

He felt that this idea of ​​treating headaches and pains in the head and feet was too outrageous.

But Han Zhun blurted out: "Yes, why didn't I think it could still be like this? There is hope..." Then, he heard Youji's cry, raised his head, froze, and said: "Youji's master seems to be a The big shot... you are the big knight... ah ah ah, I'm sorry about this, I told the government no, no, no, I don't want to talk about this ah ah..."

Xiang Shan stretched out his hand and pressed the boy's mouth: "Okay, calm down. The Veritaserum matter is not your fault, it is the fault of the protector. The protector who bullied you has been killed by Songdao. Then I also killed the city lord of Jayhawk City. In this way, everyone who directly hurt you will pay the price."

Han Zhun's eyes widened. As soon as Xiang Shan let go of his hand, he shouted loudly: "How is it possible that the lord is dead... No, no, no, I want to say that it is impossible for a knight to kill... I am not talking about me, thank you and..."

Xiang Shan covered his mouth again: "Forget it, you also have a lot of things you don't want to say. Let's just have this conversation. You can just nod or shake your head afterwards."

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