Cyber Heroes

Chapter 716 The final battle of the Ninth Martial God [Part 2]

Under the command of Alexander the Great, who is praised by the world, the use of "spear" developed to a peak. The Macedonian army would carry six-meter-long sarissa spears and form the world-famous "Macedonian Phalanx", pointing their spears straight ahead.

Dense forests or even long grass will form a dark patch of spears. The Macedonian phalanx is the most typical mass formation, which relies on people to be next to each other to exert maximum power.

The Romans relied on infantry to defeat the Macedonians. At the same time, no cavalry could attack such a spear array head-on.

And now, Xiangshan seemed to be the chariot troop that had received orders from Darius III and charged in vain towards the guns of the Macedonian phalanx.

But what he faced was a "magic gun" with a length far exceeding ten thousand miles and a diameter measured in meters.

The thick beam of light itself is invisible. As it passes through the air, it ionizes it and forms a visible path. Materials such as cosmic dust will also cause scattering. It's just that the material in this area is too thin.

The almost invisible god of death is wandering.

Xiangshan is not without means of confrontation. The outermost layer he painted is already quite close to the most ideal mirror surface currently achievable. Each of these aircrafts is equipped with a Gangqi weapon system, which is equivalent to having a mirror that can constantly repair itself. The metal dust carried to the mountain this time is also specialized, especially enhancing the reflectivity.

Everything is to fight against this laser.

However, all these defense methods combined together cannot achieve "100%" defense.

However, these lasers of Yawgmoth can supply energy to the space fleet and countless cities - this is under the premise that most of the energy is consumed after several transfers.

This long river of energy across space is terrifying in magnitude. Even if Xiang Shan can prevent 99% of them, the remaining 1% is enough to evaporate Xiang Shan's prosthetic body.

However, after all, there is a little buffer time.

As long as Xiangshan can escape from the laser envelope in time, his survival can be guaranteed.

But Gangqi Martial Arts still has a problem.

The metal aerosol blocks electromagnetic signals - naturally, it can also interfere with his control of the prosthetic body.

Just gambling on life...

Just gambling.

Why such a crazy plan?

Why is there such a strong desire?

It had been forgotten during the charge.

The God of War puts his life on the gambling table of probability and charges!

In the end, the ninth Martial God and the twelve top machines crashed through a black barrier. Cracks spread across tens of thousands of square meters of battery panels.

There is also a layer of battery panels under the battery panel.

The laser emitter couldn't be turned at this angle, and they were already safe.

This is a suspended continent. Countless solar panels orbit the sun together at a relatively stationary speed. The giant structures are connected by cables, and magnetic field generators maintain the relative distance between the giant panels.

And giant panels make up the whole world.

This seems to be some kind of game world with relatively cheap modeling but extremely detailed texture materials.

Among the countless black rectangles, there are also a small number of tower-like buildings, mixed with pure white drones.

There is nothing here.

According to official records, Yawgmoth's biological brain is located here. Kings would also arrive here for meetings. But other than that, no humans can reach here.

It's still been a long time since anyone saw Yawgmoth.

[Yawgmoth! 】The electromagnetic signal carries the roar to the mountain. Just like a storm drowning out the sound, the violent solar wind almost swept away this signal full of anger and hatred.

[If you are here, get out of here! 】

Even if it only proves that "Yawgmoth is not here" and "Yawgmoth's biological brain is dead", that is a chivalrous victory.

[Get out of here, Yawgmoth! 】

The body raised its hand and tore into pieces another huge solar panel.

[That's enough, don't destroy this precious facility. ] Yawgmoth's figure appeared behind Xiang Shan.

But at this moment, Xiang Shan felt confused... and a chill.

He saw Yawgmoth standing behind him.

In human form.

He was a thin young man with black hair, a bit high cheekbones, wearing a white coat, and even holding a book in his hand.

Just like when Xiang Shan saw him for the first time.

But...humankind’s current technology cannot make fabrics that can exist in the corona layer, nor can we make bionic materials that can exist in the corona layer. To be active in the corona, the magnetic field and reflective coating must be full. There will also be a special vacuum insulation layer left inside.

So this should be an AR modeling.


When enemies can create AR models in your field of vision, you're already being overrun.



Xiangshan didn't understand.

"This is a firewall specially made by Yingjia... a firewall written by Yingjia from scratch. Even if I had downloaded resources with vulnerabilities a long time ago, it would not... why..."

"Because that woman's direction is completely wrong." Yawgmoth took two steps and jumped off the edge of a solar panel. His body "falled" in line with his visual intuition but not in the direction of the sun's gravity, and then he stood in front of Xiang Shan: "Welcome to you, my fear, my inner demon, the strongest hero I know."

Xiangshan's hands trembled slightly. He suddenly realized that this was a trap.

The ending was doomed from the beginning.


"Yes, put it in the way you are the false hero I created." Yawgmoth sneered.

"This is..." Xiang Shan covered his forehead, "This is why... shouldn't... I obviously... I remember..."

"Charlie, Karoli, Lucy, James, Noli?" Yawgmoth sighed, "You still remember these names, right? Ah, yes, and 'Cas'. I was giving it to myself at the time It’s a holiday, something to watch... Hey, I don’t remember what kind of entertainment product it is. It’s probably just a random list of passers-by’s names picked up from some novel or TV series.”

Xiangshan looked at Yawgmoth, shocked.

"The reason I gave you was 'total amnesia caused by the enzyme,' but in fact, you can't remember any details about these bandmates. You can find a band that matches your memory on Mars." At the Lark District event, the names in the records don't match your memory because the bands used their stage names when performing, and you know the real names of those guys. But in fact, they don't match the descriptions in your memory."

"They are just a group of poisonous insects. They are not worthy of being human, and they gave up their qualifications as human beings. Finally, they sold their memory, personality and biological brain to the Scientific Research Knights, hoping that at the end of their consciousness they could fly to the sky. I borrowed their characters set up."

1. If you still can’t imagine what the laser array looks like, please refer to the way the destruction dragon Gandora blew up the Abyssal Eye White Dragon in "Dark Side of Dimension", or the dorsal fin ray of Pisla

2. That list of names is actually the names of friends that the Eighth Doctor read before drinking the elixir in the Doctor Who special episode "The Day of the Doctor". And "Cass" is the underage girl - she would rather die than accept the help of a Time Lord, because the war between the Time Lord and Derrick destroyed her home planet. This child who would rather die than accept help from the Time Lord made the Eighth Doctor determined to end the war with war and was reborn as the War Doctor. In fact, I think this doctor’s attitude towards Doctor War’s experience is also very consistent with the fate of the Ninth War God in this story.

3. The reason why I cannot write about the concert is because I have never been to a concert.

4. Unexpectedly, the most humanistic God of War is not only the God of War with the least human elements, but he is also created by villains.

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