Cyber Heroes

Chapter 718 Yawgmoth, the Father of All Opportunities [Part 2]

In this way, Yawgmoth told the Ninth God of War his plan.

"The Seventh Martial God almost drained the resources of the entire world, but still failed. Do you know how big a blow this had to chivalry? At that time, the entire world began to darken, and countless chivalrous people chose to give up. It rises No matter how great the momentum is, it will be violent when it collapses - but in the end, the Seventh Martial God is just 'out of power'. He kept winning until the army structure could no longer support it."

"Perhaps it is precisely because the Seventh Martial God was not completely defeated that chivalry did not collapse. But normally, according to the development of history, the flag of chivalry is almost over. This flag falls. Part of it will change its course. Yi Zhang appears in a new face to compete with more, more complicated, and more uncontrollable thoughts for the power to oppose me. This doesn’t seem to work. Although the banner of chivalry is not good, it is at least more disgusting than The thing is better. It can be used as one of the fragments of the old civilization to participate in the final holy war."

"But first, I have to find a way to eradicate the worship of Xiangshan among the knights."

The Ninth God of War looked at Yawgmoth: "So your solution is..."

"So my approach is to increase the number of failed Xiangshan."

——The revolution cannot fail, progress cannot ebb, and modernization cannot collapse. Because "moving forward" will also consume spiritual resources.

In other words, to curb admiration for someone is to add defeat to his record.

"The meaning of your existence is to allow chivalry to continue to exist while continuing to weaken." Yawgmoth smiled, "You must fail as Xiangshan, and then make people no longer fear the god of war. Then, besides me, the last god will be Killed."

Xiangshan asked him tremblingly: "Have you ever witnessed the current earth? And Mars... and Venus... Do you know how people on the ground survive? You... why are you like this? Yog Moff, what on earth are you..."

"Everything is for the final elimination of the undead." Yawgmoth's expression finally calmed down, "In another hundred and sixty years...that is, the three hundredth year since Xiangshan and I parted ways, the final battle will break out. The protectors on various planets will start fighting and fight in the form of organizations they have figured out. Most of them will be eliminated, but the few who have proven themselves will be wiped out by the rejuvenation enzyme. Part of the memory, together with the humans in the gene pool, will start a new civilization."

"All the old human constructs have been cleared away. This generation of humans can freely rewrite their own genetic information and freely expand the boundaries of their bodies... They will not be shackled by their ancestors at all. They can freely build better ones. Civilization. But now, the 'erasure' of the old things has not yet been completed!"

The Ninth Martial God angrily said: "Those people...those people living now..."

"This is a necessary sacrifice!" Yawgmoth reprimanded loudly, "I must do this! I can only do this! Otherwise, no matter what efforts we make, mankind will not be able to escape the catastrophe of history!"

The ninth Martial God shook his head: "Yawgmoth...Yawgmoth! Haven't you always longed for the well-being of all living things? Why are you like this..."

Yawgmoth's expression had calmed down. He said: [I allow you to access the memory file "hopeless"...I sealed it in your database from the beginning...]

The ninth Martial God fell into boundless darkness.

The 1960s.

He sat in front of the computer uneasily.

A mysterious man sent him a CD to read. Systemically, this is a box of records he purchased online. But I have never bought such a record. Judging from the handwriting, this may be Zhu Xinyu's handwriting. After all, he and Zhu Xinyu have been friends for more than thirty years, and he still recognizes this.

It's just very strange why Zhu Xinyu would want to hand over a piece of data to herself behind other people's backs.

The accompanying note also said that anyone may be "fake" now and no one should be trusted.

Yawgmoth looked at it. That set of data is key data on the genetic maps of several viruses, including a type of modified bat rabies. These are viruses commonly used in baseline human transformation surgeries.

But Yawgmoth quickly saw the clues.

At the same time, he also broke into a cold sweat.


Why is there such a thing?

Some people are trying to knock genes for synthesizing special proteins into human genetic information. This special protein appears on human nerve cells. In this case, external electrical signals can easily affect the chemical activity within the neuron. From now on, the signals emitted by electrodes will not only input information to neurons, but will also further affect the activity characteristics of neurons and even life and death...

Simply put, the material basis of human consciousness will be completely controlled by small electrical signals.

Although normal baseline human genetic modification surgery contains similar genes. However, the proteins Yawgmoth chose for the brain-computer interface are not widely distributed in all neurons and have limited interference with chemical activities within neurons.

For the sake of safety, Yawgmoth even reduced the sensitivity of these proteins to external electrical signals to a certain extent.


Who did it?

In which neurons are these genes expressed?

have no idea……

Need to experiment...


He looked around in horror.

Those who can make such a thing must be the top geneticists. But the top geneticists should all be in this research institution.

Who did it?

Who betrayed humanity?

For whom did he/she create this design?

How much impact has this result had?

Is anyone involved in this lab?

who is it? who is it?

Can an achievement of this level really be secretly produced in academia without any warning?

Who else can he trust now?

He realized that he must not conduct verification in this laboratory, or he might die.

Yawgmoth planned to go to a poorly regulated area of ​​Eastern Europe. In order to avoid the eyes and ears of others, he completed the first base human transformation surgery on himself and made many arrangements in that area. He had several unknown laboratories there, under the names of small, obscure institutions.

He stood up in a daze.

At this time, the man realized something in his heart that he was unwilling to admit.

"An enemy" uses exactly the same technology as himself, but adds some "maliciousness" as an extra.

These technologies were developed by him.

In order to save mankind, Yawgmoth developed technology that could rule mankind.

Then, humans were secretly ruled.

Three months later, an explosion occurred in Yawgmoth's laboratory. Yawgmoth fell into the wastewater pool. He saw in the sewer that the fire brigade coming to rescue were actually equipped with heavy weapons.

Yawgmoth left without saying a word.

I haven’t asked for votes in a long time.

Just have a ticket!

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