Cyber Heroes

Chapter 723 The Contradictory Person [Part 1]

The ninth Martial God struggled out of the asphalt, breaking away from his memories.

This is just a file that has been sealed on his hard drive for a long time. It suddenly flowed into the surface of his consciousness, that's all. The whole reading time is very fast.

However, the ninth Martial God felt dizzy.

The history that follows is not complicated.

King Agni was an accomplice of the thieves for a long time. However, as the secret chivalrous war progressed, Hartman came into contact with more and more evidence that could prove the "truth of stealing the country." At the end of the chivalrous war, he chose to rebel. Since then, he has been under the strictest surveillance.

Before he could be cleared of being a spy, the final battle of the chivalrous war had begun.

Yawgmoth survives from a secret base on the moon. He announced that Xiang Shan and Ingrid were killed in battle, but the country's thieves were also dead.

This certainly won't convince everyone. Just three days later, this suspicion turned into a fire. Zhu Xinyu launched an attack on Yawgmoth.

But Yawgmoth took advantage of these few days to win over King Agni.

It was already several weeks before Xiangshan and Ingrid climbed out of the ruins with their spines.

And this little effort is enough for Yawgmoth to do a lot of things.

Exporting the Big Boss memory file was not done overnight. Therefore, although Xiangshan forcibly memorized part of the "absolute authority" content, this part of the content only accounted for one-tenth of the total.

Well, considering that a large part of "absolute power" is something that can easily kill a billion people, getting even one-tenth of it is enough to intimidate the entire human world.

However, even this short part was countered by Yawgmoth as much as possible.

When Yawgmoth recorded the Big Boss memory file, he also recorded the entry time. Yawgmoth could rely on this information to deduce the content of the "absolute authority" held by Xiangshan Zhouzhong.

This authority actually includes two different aspects, targeting machines and living things respectively. Most biological backdoors act on neuron cells, causing specific electrical signals to produce specific effects in the brain. As for the mechanical part, there are various methods, but generally they cannot escape the methods of "directly controlling the mechanical part" and "making the brain-computer interface device emit specific electromagnetic waves".

The latter is a prerequisite for the rapid establishment of the former.

If he is not completely prosthetic, but is a baseline human with zero transformation rate, then this "backdoor" based on brain-computer interface design will have no meaning to him. The special proteins on the surface of these children's minds are just proteins.

The combination of the two can produce the result of "making millions of troops die instantly with just a thought."

Hartman quickly released a patch package specifically designed to block the part of the backdoor controlled by Xiangshan.

And Yawgmoth also promoted gene therapy in a timely manner, which can temporarily stop the expression of other genes, or inhibit their activity.

The "authority" in Xiangshan's hands was about to be dismantled.

Of course, that little bit of authority is somewhat of a deterrent. At the beginning, Xiangshan was able to force some of the military forces left behind by the thieves to remain neutral.

But as time went by, Yawgmoth continued to discover ways to target the backdoors left by the thieves.

Until a certain moment, a certain fragile "balance of power" was completely broken.

Then, there is the legendary "only defeat" and the appearance of the Gods of War.

And more than a hundred years have passed.

The ninth Martial God just stared at Yawgmoth.

"That's it?" Yawgmoth raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is that the reaction?"

The AR model squatted in front of the Ninth God of War: "Is this your reaction? Stand up. Stand up and continue to curse me. Make an impassioned announcement about how unethical my behavior just now is. Come on."

"You..." The mental activity of the Ninth Martial God was almost stagnant. He thought for a long time and then said: "Why...".

"What do you mean? Is there anything else you don't understand? About your ability to incite? Ah ha, this is easy to explain. In my eyes in the past, Xiang Shan is undoubtedly a first-class speaker and instigator. He I can easily mobilize emotions and reconcile the interests of all parties. This is something I never could have done in the past..."

"This image contains some kind of longing, jealousy, and envy from me. Of course, I can also see it from the beginning. It seems to contain my personal emotions, which may not be the case for the real Xiangshan. In order to let this ability see To make it look more real, I also used many well-known agitators including Adolf Hitler as materials and fed them to AI deep learning to create a set of 'plug-ins' at the instrument and action levels."

Yawgmoth said.

The ninth Martial God was already overwhelmed by the feeling of vomiting.

It turns out that the source of this persuasiveness and appeal is not only human culture, but also...even more...

Fortunately, prosthetics do not have digestive tracts.

Fortunately, prosthetics don't need a digestive tract.

Therefore, the Ninth Martial God still asked the question: "Why do you think you want to use your own memory as the guide to create me... Why?"

If it was just to create the "Doomed to Failure", then there would be no need for Yawgmoth to use his own memory.

"Oh, this is easy to explain. Only 'Xiang Shan in my eyes' can be regarded as my inner demon." Yawgmoth laughed softly, "In some ways, it is more terrifying than the real Xiang Shan. Even more difficult than the real Xiangshan... I have to face you at least once before I can overcome my fear."

"Finally... I occasionally want to see what I would be like as a knight - what I would probably be like if I didn't make this choice that day."

Yawgmoth snapped his fingers, and a new AR model appeared in front of Xiangshan.

It seems to be a huge man-made space building.

"Ark... the babies I selected through genetic screening are the most valuable part of the genetic tax. Some of them will be used as blueprints for cloning, producing some cloned babies, and together with some of the babies in the coming year, they will be sent to various parts of the earth. Within the colony. But most of the babies will go into hibernation.”

"During the long hibernation, there are always some people who are not suitable for cryonics technology, and their bodies and nervous systems have experienced uncontrollable growth - not that they cannot be suppressed, but that growth cannot be suppressed while ensuring their health. "

"And these people will leave the Ark and enter a project called 'Phantom'. The blank brains of these people will become part of an online VR space. Their spirits have never been contaminated by humans, and they will live In AR.”

"And another function of mirage is to deduce history."

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