Cyber Heroes

Chapter 726 Pieces

Having said this, Xiangshan sighed slightly: "Is this because the AI ​​is too primitive, causing your brain to be a little bit arrogant? This matter is quite obvious. Now the defeat of the God of War is called the 'Eleventh Defeat of the God of War'. It can be seen that Old Ten and Eleven are gone."

"If these two people were also created by that bastard Yog, then Paradox City Two and Paradox City Three would have appeared in the solar system long ago - maybe they are called Antinomies or something. According to my understanding of that kid Yog, he is crazy. I will definitely do this kind of thing after I get married.”

Xiang Shan knocked on his head: "But he is so crazy..."

"Tsk tsk, to be honest, there is a slight chance that we will go crazy." Another voice said.

"Yawgmoth said 'a few percent' and did not report a specific number. It can be seen that this number is probably not very high." Xiang Shan said, "Yawgmoth is saving face by leaving it there."

Only then did the Ninth Martial God notice that there was another Xiangshan standing behind Xiangshan.

The Ninth Martial God was shocked: "Personality dissociation... no, this is... similar to AI?"

"The format is different from yours... Don't worry, I will be able to give you a more advanced deconstruction soon." "Xiang Shan" waved his hand and said, "I am an AI formed from the memory of the eighth Martial God. After a little experiment After the sexual technique, it merges into this person’s mind and exists as a personality profile.”

"This is……"

The ninth Martial God was stunned.

He actually shared a little bit of the memory from the Eighth Martial God.

"You have seen it too. In terms of behavior, the Eighth Martial God compromised too much. If he really needs to be held accountable, he will probably be even more unbearable than you." Xiaoba said, looking at Yuan Yuan, "As for the topic of going crazy, is it really just about saving face? "

"After all, in real history, I didn't take action, but the other side did." Xiang Shan sighed, "Although my memory is incomplete, I vaguely remember that at that moment, I did think about using that power to change the world. .Tsk, tsk, tsk, after all, in my twenties, I was still an efficiency-oriented lover of large groups, and I had been a capitalist for thirty or forty years."

"But again, I didn't do anything in real history. You can trust me at least 9,900 times out of 10,000."

Xiao Ba looked at Yuan Yuan: "And on second thought, maybe they are trying to save face for you? What if you have a greater chance of taking action in advance?"

Xiang Shanyuan nodded: "Well, doesn't that mean that I am even more amazing now?"

"Hey...I probably thought of why." Xiaoba nodded, "As expected of me."

"Yawgmoth said that if you obeyed that huge temptation, your personality data would change dramatically. So looking at it the other way around, rejecting that huge temptation would have no impact on your personality? No, right? ." Native Xiangshan said, "If Yawgmoth's idiot program simulates a 90% chance that I will kill him, then I, standing here, have defeated 90% of the possibility. , I truly defeated my huge inner demons.”

The ninth Martial God's eyes widened.

"But I am an AI, but... he is also an AI. This..." The Ninth Martial God frowned, and then asked seriously, "Do you think AI can also be a human?"

Xiang Shan nodded: "Yes, AI can become a human. After all, my dream is to upload complete consciousness."

"However, AI is a tool created by humans to serve humans."

"Humans are also tools created by their parents to pass on the family line." Xiang Shan didn't care, "Does this hinder people from developing wisdom and civilization as human beings?"

The Ninth Martial God said: "Do you plan to grant AI human rights?"

"It still needs to be divided into categories. After all, among carbon-based organisms, only humans currently have so-called human rights. Certainly not all AIs can have human rights. Specific questions can be studied later. But if you want me to answer now, then I can tell you , AI that is partially completely human-like can legally survive as a human being.”

The Ninth Martial God said: "However, according to the current ethical concepts of mankind, AI does not have actual emotions. It is just a line of instructions that makes it think it is sad or angry, and retrieves the possible behaviors corresponding to the emotions from the database. …”

"Then I want to say that humans actually have no emotions. It's just that the human body produces physiological activities, such as bioelectricity and transmitters, which make the brain think that it is sad and angry." Xiang Shan sneered at this, "If an AI If it looks sad, thinks it is sad, and humans can empathize with this sadness, then the AI’s sadness is the same as that of humans.”

Xiangshan stared at the Ninth Martial God: "The backward learning function given to you by Yog prevents you from obtaining crazy data. But I can indeed feel that your pain has weight."

The Ninth Martial God lowered his head: "It's really strange. As an AI, I have been worried about the problem of AI dominating mankind. But you, as a human, have to speak for AI."

"If an AI already feels no different from a human being, then it can be regarded as a human being. History has proven many times that monarchs who have no empathy for foreign races mostly lack empathy for the lower-class people of the same race." Xiang Shan said, "Just like there are other primates in nature, functional AI will still exist. But AI that exceeds certain standards deserves respect from humans."

While speaking, Xiang Shan once again stretched out his hand: "All doubts have been cleared, brother. Based on the principle of voluntariness, I ask again. Do you want to be deleted here as 'Yawgmoth's puppet'? Or fight with me as the 'defeated Xiangshan'."

The ninth Martial God lowered his head.

Then, he stood up slowly and held Xiang Shan's hand.

At this moment, the ninth Martial God had transformed into the image of Xiang Shan.

The surrounding darkness and nothingness slowly faded away. A thin haze of light like the corona layer gradually filled this mental image.

The soft melody echoes in this mental image at the same time.

"If you believe it's in my soul [If you still believe in this burning, broken heart]

I'll say all the words I know 【I will confess everything to you】

just to see if it would show [you will see its real trembling]

But I tried to let you know [But I still want you to understand]"

The test results of the Eighth Martial God were also completed simultaneously.

[Full behavior tree, retrieval completed. Response test passed. Export the data and load it into the neural network. 】

In Xiangshan's field of vision, the body of the ninth Martial God suddenly disintegrated.

A huge behavior tree appeared in front of Xiangshan, along with the data connected to countless behaviors. Then, the data suddenly collapsed and turned into countless colorful dragons, which merged into Xiangshan.

It's like all the gods and Buddhas inhabiting one's acupoints.

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