Cyber Heroes

Chapter 741 Chapter 384: Transform into Fierce Fire [Part 3]

"Let's do it." Yuki said at this time: "When I met the master, he didn't know that he was the God of War."

Yuki said so.

Yes, Yuki is the person who can best understand Mingshan's "nothing to care about" attitude. He knew that even if Xiangshan forgot that he was "Xiangshan", he would only remember "rebellion" and "struggle".

Several knights did not pay much attention to Yuki at first, and only regarded him as "the apprentice of the unknown hero". They did not yet treat Yuki as an independent knight.

They even thought for a few milliseconds before they realized who Yuki was.

——Martial God...Xiang Shan's disciple?

At this time, the original person also said: "Let's do it."

Then, beside Yuan Wenren, several metal boxes spurted out brilliant flames. These flames spread more and more in the air like blooming flowers, and then evenly covered a section of the city wall and the ground that was hundreds of meters long.

These swarm missiles also come from the battle results of Jayhawk City. Their targets are mines in the ground and directional explosive bombs on city walls. This round of bombing was not for anything else but to create a space for the knights to move freely.

The senior military attaché turned out to be several hundred meters away. Hearing the noise, he jumped on the city wall, opened the vector jet at full speed, and approached the area where the vigilante was. But at this moment, the strategy he chose was extremely conservative.

You have to ask why...

In his eyes, the group of knights outside the city had changed from "stinky fish and shrimps native to the earth" to "comrades of the God of War", and he did not dare to be too careless.

As a result, the "price" that the knights had to pay was reduced to zero at this moment.

Matsushima Hiro greeted him.

At this moment, Matsushima Hiro's external power has slightly declined, but he can now use his internal power honestly. Of course, his meager internal power is not enough to invade anyone, but the firewall of Turing's lineage ensures that he is immune to most internal power attacks.

His internal strength only needs to ensure that he can correctly exert the maximum effect of this firewall.

Matsushima Hiro's prosthetic body is not as poor as it was at the beginning.

Xiangshan's original prosthetic body and Mr. Zhao's one-level prosthetic body were all dismantled and picked up by Xiangshan to build his new prosthetic body. But the remaining parts, plus some spare parts from the knights, were enough to piece together a powerful prosthetic body for Matsushima Hiro.

Although limited by materials, the knights will not be able to create a prosthetic body that is above the sky for a while, and most of the power of the fusion furnace in Matsushima Hong's body will be wasted. His hands and feet were also unable to withstand his full exertion.

But for Matsushima Hiro, this is enough.

It was enough to fight a military attache from the first level.

The knights responsible for sniping in the distance killed the soldiers on the city wall who were preparing to counterattack. The stormtroopers stood up, and the single-killer king led everyone to rush towards the city wall with a roar.

When Hiro Matsushima drove the steel pillar of "Gangnir" into the head of the senior military attache, a chaotic battle on the city wall was going on. Hiro Matsushima jumped up and jumped into the city wall.

Countless soldiers swarmed onto the city walls.

To be honest, this is an unexpected situation.

In the original idea of ​​the knights, they would not start the battle at the city wall, but would retreat while pulling a force of several thousand people plus a senior military officer into the desert, where they would attract a wave of Attention, then…

But at this moment, the ninth Martial God attracted most of the attention. The troops in the city had no intention of attacking at all, and the troops on the city wall only wanted to stop them outside the city and prevent them from joining the God of War.

The Ninth Martial God needed them to use all their strength to stop him. They have no energy left at all.

At this moment, Jardel actually felt a little unreal.

The subsequent scene intensified this "dream feeling"...

After Jader killed a warrior, he was about to call Matsushima Hiro to destroy the large machine cannon on the city wall.

At this time, a prosthetic body shining with metallic light, wrapped in wisps of metal aerosol, rushed out of the city. He has four hands, each holding a serrated cutting weapon. After landing on the city wall, the warrior's waist, legs, and vector jets penetrated with all their strength, and his body rotated several times, like a top, and smashed a dozen cannons into pieces.

At this time, Xiangshan also walked out slowly. He closed his prosthetic eyes, slowly touched the space between his eyes with the fingers of his right hand, and then opened them again. For some reason, his breathing light that represented "emotion" switched instantly.

Xiang Shan looked at several soldiers who were fighting.

Then, these soldiers trembled all over, then held their original weapons in one hand and raised the grenade in the other, and walked towards the city.

Attack while walking.

"" Jardel immediately approached the Ninth Martial God: "It's the Ninth Martial God... It's the Ninth Martial God! Oh my god!" He even reached out and poked the Ninth Martial God's wing-shaped vector The edge of the injector group.

If Jardel needed to breathe at this moment, he might be breathing rapidly with excitement.

"You don't know what I don't like..." The Ninth Martial God sighed.

When fused with Xiangshan, the ninth Martial God shared all of Xiangshan's memories - including the part that belonged to the nameless Xiangshan and the part that belonged to the eighth Martial God.

He knows who these people are. For the Ninth Martial God, these are also "friends".

Xiangshan can make friends after death.

"Haha... interesting." The ninth Martial God muttered.

Xiang Shan said: "Are you really not going to go together?"

"Let's go together? No need." The Ninth Martial God said: "The entire space-based weapons network collapsed... This kind of thing is not common. For a prosthetic body like me, this is the best opportunity to break through the atmosphere. With this opportunity If you don't use it, your useful body will become useless. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

For cyber martial arts, it doesn't mean you have high martial arts skills to conquer everything. "Whether the prosthetic body and martial arts can adapt to the environment" is also a question that warriors must consider.

The Ninth Martial God crushes all objects in Paradox City in terms of martial arts and prosthetic performance. However, under the various targets of the protector, he could not be easily killed after he escaped from the trap.

If there is no Xiangshan. He needs to pay a greater price to get the same results.

Xiang Shan nodded: "The movement of Hartmann's fleet is now certain...I see."

"Besides, there are still people in the city. I have to wait until everyone who is willing to leave has left."

Jardel's blood surged as he heard this: "We are here to help too..."

"Let's go." The ninth Martial God's hands, as well as the two hands originally folded on his back. Both removed a new cutting weapon from the weapons rack hanging on his body.

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