Cyber Heroes

Chapter 743 Transforming into Fierce Fire [Part 5]

Kanhara Yanye looked at the reflection in the running water, and then slowly touched his face.

This is what I looked like when I was about twenty-six years old.

Kamihara Yanye was born in the 1930s of the 21st century. The first job she got as an adult was at Superman Enterprises. At that time, Superman Enterprises was already a giant enough to influence the entire world. In her youth, she was sitting in the special seats, beside Xiang Shan, watching how the old human society went from darkness to glory.

Then suddenly collapsed.

This is the image she recognizes most deeply. When fighting as a vigilante, she uses another face of steel.

This is located in the Six Dragons Sect's computer. The top physics engine can provide the top sensory simulation. It was as if she really had a body.

Logically speaking, Kanyuan Yanye should be one of the human beings who is most adaptable to prosthetic bodies. Her closest elders are the first few prosthetics in the world. She also became a prosthetic very early.

But even she needs some time to convince the ancient instinct in her body.

Kanhara Yanye slowly came ashore from the water, then waved his hand and changed his swimsuit into casual clothes. She wore a Western uniform on her first day at work. Later, Xiang Shan told her that Superman Enterprise did not have such requirements. As long as you were not attending public events, you could dress casually within the company - as long as you could convince the colleagues around you, there was no problem in wearing strange clothes.

It took Kanhara Yanye several years to adapt to this.

Kanyuan Yanye was leaning on a wooden step, her hands showing off, and an electric guitar appeared in her arms.

At this time, a connection request appeared.

Kanhara Yanye thought for a few seconds, and then switched his image to the prosthetic body he had recently used. Although her previous appearance was no longer a secret, she still didn't want to use that face to come into contact with her friends from the Six Dragon Sect.

The one who came in was Protector Thao.

Like many people in modern times, Protector Thao became highly cybernetic at a very young age. His face is a “possible look” generated by an algorithm based on his genes. But appearance is not purely determined by genes. Expression and external environment will have a huge impact on the final result.

Algorithms only give you thousands of possibilities.

In the end, most of the appearances selected by users were "astonishingly beautiful."

Kanyuan Yanye fiddled with the electric guitar in his arms twice: "Envoy Tao, why are you free to come to see me today? Are you well cultivated?"

After Youhe City, the members of the Six Dragon Sect who participated in the escort mission had a period of training. They can use the resources of this advanced server and follow their instincts to relieve the invisible pressure in their hearts and keep their brains active.

Considering that they were face to face with a "person who might be the God of War", the superiors actually granted them a long vacation.

Ambassador Tao's lips twitched, wanting to say something, but he still smiled and said, "I just saw from the church's contact list that the Holy Aunt is also on vacation here, so I want to come... and have a chat?"

Shenyuanyan turned his eyes away from Tao envoy. The algorithm of this cyberspace is very advanced. The simulated face of Ambassador Tao expresses the "eager" emotion very well.

"Oh." Kanyuan Yanye nodded, "If I tell you to shut up directly, it will probably make you feel depressed. Do you want to know something about Uncle Xiang?"

Most people are like this, and Kanyuan Yanye is also used to it. For a long time, as long as she said her real name, many people would come over and talk to her about Xiangshan or Yawgmoth. Not just when it comes to being a vigilante. When she returned to her hometown town during the holidays and went shopping with her friends from middle school, those girls who had barely understood Yawgmoth's achievements also wanted to talk about this topic with her.

Kanhara Yanye had expected something like this when he revealed his identity in front of "that Mangshan".

Ambassador Tao felt "flattered": "Is it really possible?"

"We are now partners fighting for the same goal, and we are still escaping death together from Uncle Xiang. Of course it's okay to talk about something that doesn't involve taboos." Kanyuan Yanye gently plucked the strings, "What do you want? What are you talking about?"

Ambassador Tao scratched his head: "I just made a temporary decision...I'm sorry, Holy Sister, I haven't sorted out the...problems in my mind."

Kanye Yanye burst into laughter: "Do you want to ask questions like a reporter or biographer? Make a list of questions?"

Ambassador Tao also laughed at himself: "Oh, there is indeed such a profession in the old world... What do those guys usually ask?"

Yanye's hand on plucking the strings stopped. She pondered for two seconds, then shook her head: "Forget it, it's better not to think about it. After a certain period of time, Uncle Xiang and the others will leave this kind of work to me. Then... the image of Superman Enterprise needs to be managed, so Some issues will be considered by the entire team. Uncle Xiang only likes to express his opinions directly and unabashedly through the media."

Kanhara Yanye probably smiled. This steel body is just a "skin". She has a touch that is infinitely close to reality in the virtual space. This feeling of facial muscles being affected should be "laughing".

"It's hard for you to imagine the things people in the old days paid attention to."

Ambassador Tao focused his attention on the electric guitar in Kanyuan Yanye's hand: "Did you originally know this instrument? Or did you become a knight later?"

Kanyuan Yanye was one of the people who joined the Mingshan resistance force earlier. This is something everyone knows. Due to her father's relationship and her own status in the company, Kanyuan Yanye underwent the "stable version" transformation surgery before it was available to the world. The core team of Superman Enterprise completed the surgery personally and had not been "added". People who accept this version will soon become the target of assassination by "thieves". Even if it is for the purpose of "protection", Xiang Shan will win her over as soon as possible.

"Oh, this...of course after becoming a knight." Kanyuan Yanye shook his head, "I was also very busy before...In fact, I was also very busy during the chivalrous war. Everyone knows it. In the early days, once After the unsuccessful assassination, Uncle Yog...Yawgmoth developed a bad habit of singing and cheering while fighting. But I don't know why, anyway, the more he did this, the more the enemies became frightened. Then he told Uncle Yog. I started to learn from him. He found this useful and later invented a series of performances. Sometimes I even have to be their live accompanist."

As Kanyuan Yanye spoke, he recalled the past. Her thoughts seemed to touch on a crucial battle in the past.

She didn't notice that halfway through speaking, Ambassador Tao received a notification.

Ambassador Tao was too shocked to hear her words.

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