Cyber Heroes

Chapter 750

Yawgmoth's "subjective time" is out of whack. Humans perceive time through the periodic discharge of specific neurons, but when this part of the function is replaced by machines, people's sense of time cannot be separated from the machines.

This does not mean that after human beings’ sense of time is accelerated, their thinking can also be accelerated. In fact, human thinking ability is always limited by the transmission speed of bioelectric signals. Even if a human's sense of time is accelerated a hundred times by the power of a machine, he can only feel that time passes slowly, but his own thinking is also very slow.

Yawgmoth didn't know how long he had been trapped in darkness. All he knew was that there was an "obstruction" that disappeared at some point. As a result, the dormant neurons are reactivated and another memory is evoked.

The "weight" of this memory is no different from the previous memory of working in Superman Enterprises. If he relied solely on emotion and intuition, he wouldn't even be able to distinguish the authenticity of the two memories.

But as long as you look at the specific content of the memory, you can find the difference between the two memories.

This memory told him that in the second half of the 1960s, the Superman Enterprise had been usurped quietly. At that time, he, Xiangshan and others left the super enterprise he created and formed a resistance force.

Then, probably at the beginning of the 22nd century, they killed the "stealer" who had usurped the super Leviathan on the moon.

However, at this time, an accident happened.

When Yawgmoth beheaded the leader of the thieves and used chemical means to dig out information from his brain, he once thought about whether to take this power as his own and use this opportunity to completely change mankind.

He swore that he was really just thinking about it.

But Xiang Shanxia made a decision faster than him.

Well, yes, that’s right, very reasonable. Xiangshan has always been this kind of person. As long as we determine the direction, we will move forward firmly. Even if there is confusion, it will be cut off instantly.

But this time it was too fast.

No, nor...

Maybe from earlier.

In order to fight against the all-pervasive rule of super corporations, Mukoyama taught "hidden technology" extensively.

In order to provide cheap medicines to people all over the world, Xiangshan once shared "pharmaceutical technology".

But these two technologies are used in strange places by a group of strange people.

Yawgmoth still doesn't understand why any religious group would think of creating genetic weapons that would sweep across the entire biosphere.

During those days, Yawgmoth himself was in a state of mental breakdown, so he didn't notice.

But after Xiangshan ravaged that religious group, things were indeed a little different.

Xiangshan may have felt that he had been betrayed - he believed, or even believed in, the "human collective" that stabbed him from behind.

Maybe that's it...maybe the long-standing doubts finally burst at that moment.

Then, Xiangshan changed completely.

He attacked Yawgmoth, nearly killing him. Yawgmoth was unconscious for a long time... rather, he didn't have much conscious time after that.

Xiangshan put him into a brain in a vat, used cyberspace to deceive his memory, and then asked him to conduct scientific research.

In that false memory, Yawgmoth had been working on a "difficult subject" since 2065, and encountered a "bottleneck" in 2077 - he was always in the position of "being able to see "Hope, you will succeed if you transcend the past", and you are immersed in anxiety. This emotion makes him ignore many details.

In fact, he has solved hundreds of these problems.

The reason why Yawgmoth feels that the development of biology in the past ten years or so has been abnormal is because it was originally the result of more than two hundred years of development.

It's not like Yawgmoth didn't try to break free. In the beginning, he often broke free and obtained information from the Internet. Yawgmoth even once controlled the robots to send him prosthetics in an attempt to escape.

But every time after breaking free, Xiang Shan would use newer technology to seal him.

He vaguely remembers...

After emerging from the moon, Xiang Shan stabilized the knights with lies and secretly negotiated an agreement with the remnants of the thieves. Among the lies Xiangshan concocted, it was the protector who injured Yawgmoth.

Zhu Xinyu was still the first one to discover the abnormality. But this time no one believed her. The matter of "ending the chivalrous war" brought Xiangshan's reputation to a higher level. Zhu Xinyu's attack on Xiang Shan was regarded as "another round of power struggle" - Xiang Shan's huge reputation made most people ignore the doubts.

Xiang Shan restrained Zhu Xinyu's biological brain openly.

He then spent fifty years changing human society. He unified the biological brains of all human beings and expanded his power bit by bit - as for the reason, it is "We need to tighten our belts to restore the ecosystem. There are no resources for humans to squander, so we want material enjoyment." Human beings please log in to the virtual world."

In the beginning, this kind of thing was voluntary. There are also many old friends who support Xiang Shan's approach. Faced with the great cause of "restoring the Earth's ecosystem," opponents didn't say much. They just hoped to set aside reservations on the Earth, or to live freely in space cities, the moon, and Mars.

Xiangshan naturally agreed at first. But this is just disguise.

It took him fifty years to gain management rights over the vast majority of human brains.

The "Liberator of Mankind" gradually became the "Emperor of Liberation."

——Liberation...Tsk, tsk, Xiangshan has always liked this word. The liberator of productivity?

Another thought inserted into Yawgmoth's thinking: [Perhaps in the discourse system of the 'Liberating Emperor', 'liberating you' is equivalent to 'offering you as a sacrifice'. 】

[This is a joking but hateful thought... Tsk, you are still alive, wish. 】

[Yes, just like you, not dead. 】

Yawgmoth regained visual signals. This is a spacecraft camera. Yog felt that this was probably a ten-meter-long space shuttle, used to carry engineering drones to designated locations in space. It should be David's design.

【Where are you? wish? 】

【I? Are you referring to my biological brain? 】Zhu Xinyu didn’t care, 【That thing can’t be taken out. I am different from you. You only need to do scientific research, but part of my biological brain was forced by His Majesty the Emperor to be used as a data processor. My biological brain is off its pedestal and the alarm goes off. However, this also allows me to steal some of the authority of the Emperor of Liberation to do things...]

Another consciousness intervened in the conversation: [It is precisely because of this that we have a chance to find you, Yog. 】

【Yingjia? 】

The third injection made my head hurt so much...

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