Cyber Heroes

Foreign article 02

"Then I refuse."

Chen Feng repeated what he just said alone in the small office.

"What have I missed..." Chen Feng stared at the sword bag leaning against the wall and sunk into the ergonomic chair.

Although he seems to be very proud of himself at the moment, in fact he is just hanging under the vice-dean's group, busy building the first laboratory under his own management, and apart from an international student girl that no other tutor wants to accept, he has nothing else. Helped. In addition, if he wants to take root at Peking University, he still needs to pass the five-year evaluation period so that he can officially obtain the professional title, otherwise he will have to leave by then.

And when "Director Lei" persuaded himself to "think about it", he had clearly promised that as long as he agreed to participate in this project, his five-year evaluation would be passed immediately, and the "vice" title of associate professor would be removed on the spot. .

Of course, he refused immediately.

When the benefits the other party gives you are too great, the price demanded must be something you can't afford.

And Chen Feng is no longer even a person who can risk his life to work casually. His parents, wife, daughter, and the entire family are all counting on his own stability and safety.

However, if his understanding of the recruitment ends here, he will not feel sad - for him, things that should not belong to him are not "lost". However, Chen Feng's understanding of the whole matter was not as simple as the "two cents and three cents" officer thought.

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Chen Feng stared at the small mecha model on the table, chewing on this term.

He happened to know some friends who were slightly connected in the circle of folk astronomy enthusiasts, and the friends of these friends had taken some interesting "beautiful starry skies" near Indonesia a while ago. And managers in various countries don’t even know that they need to block this seemingly irrelevant information.

The information itself is really irrelevant.

But if you combine the information about the large-scale mobilization of troops from various countries and the rumors of the "disappearance" of some foreign colleagues, it is completely different.

But what really hammered home the "confirmation" in Chen Feng's mind was the visit of "Director Lei".

This is a very strange thing.

Chen Feng is engaged in invasive research that can only be carried out on experimental animals. Under current ethical standards, the best he can do is monkeys - in many other countries, these studies can hardly be carried out even on monkeys.

In addition, there are actually many people among his colleagues who cooperate with the military - especially those whose research directions are biased towards applied fields. However, almost all of these colleagues are engaged in non-invasive intervention and various behavioral and cognitive training. The cooperation projects also target and optimize the specific cognitive abilities of soldiers of various arms. As for Chen Feng's own basic research field, it is almost never related to confidential projects...except for a few guys who are engaged in "animal soldiers". And he believed that if the Republic just wanted the mice to be led by the instructions of the implanted photoelectrode like a remote control car, it would definitely not come to him in such a hurry.

So, what else would cause brains from all over the world to start worrying about how the piles of neurons in the brain act and interact with each other?

This is an unprecedented opportunity.

Even when he thought about it again, Chen Feng could feel his heart pounding, his stomach and intestines tightening, and the blood vessels all over his body itching with excitement. "Exploring alien spacecraft" was something he had only dared to dream about. The reason why I refused so neatly at that time was actually not to show off to the officer, but to suppress the fire in my heart.

After deciding to "cut off the wrist of a strong man", the sooner the sword is struck, the better.

But the price is the phantom pain that continues to haunt me—and it’s a phantom pain that I can’t confide to anyone.

Chen Feng looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, took a deep breath, stood up and walked to the experimental area.

After putting on his white coat and picking up a pair of grab bars to "invite" the monkeys to come out of the cage, Chen Feng took the opportunity to walk to the animal feeding area alone, holding two grab bars, one long and one short, in his hands, and placed them Develop a lower stance that can be disguised as a "casual stance" at any time.

It was as if he was a knight in white robe holding jagged swords.

After Amiya returned to the experimental building after class and found that her instructor was not in the office, she entered the experimental area.

Sure enough, before she opened the door to the laboratory, she could already hear the music inside.

The female voice singing as softly as falling snow and the guitar accompaniment as warm as the sun are reminiscent of a quiet and peaceful camp. The instructor played music while working, proving that the experiment was running stably.

Amiya opened the door and the music immediately disappeared.

Chen Feng greeted his students slightly awkwardly. Then he turned around and continued staring at the four screens in front of him.

"Sit down." Chen Feng simply pointed to the lift chair next to him.

"Here, let me test you, which part of the experimental system are displayed on these screens." Chen Feng stretched out and pointed to the largest screen in the front. In a complex graphical interface, the main window was showing a starry night. Image, "What is this image that looks like a night sky?"

"It's...real-time scanning imaging of multi-photon fluorescence microscopy." Although the girl from Asadistan did not have any previous experience in biological experiments, she still learned quickly in the first semester of courses and recent experimental internships.

"Where is this one that looks haunted?" Chen Feng pointed to a gray-white screen. Various realistic or abstract visual stimulation images, like ghosts floating in the void, were presented in turn near the flickering central gaze point.

"This is a visual stimulus for the monkeys."

"Yes, there is a screen exactly like this one in front of the monkey in the small dark room." Chen Feng pointed to the experimental cubicle that occupied most of the laboratory space, added, and then pointed to a screen covered with countless small windows, "What about this piece?"

"This records the signal of the implanted electrode array. Each window displays the neuron discharge recorded by an electrode terminal." Amiya pointed at the action potential waveform that was superimposed and refreshed without interrupting the window.

"Great, what about the last one?"

“It is responsible for aggregating time series of three types of data.”

"Which three sequences?"

"Visual stimulation, image scanning and electrophysiological signals must be aligned before subsequent calculations can be performed."

"Yes, he is much stronger than I was back then." Although Chen Feng didn't feel that he was very strong inside, he never hesitated to praise and encourage him. "The 'Great Sage' is in good condition today, and the experiment is almost over. If you want to do something serious tonight, If so, you can take another look at the structure of the neural network, and if you have any questions, get in touch with your uncle, he should have already gone to work by then."


The end bell of the system prompt sounded, and the settlement interface popped up on the stimulation screen. Chen Feng dragged three mice respectively and closed the programs that control the multiphoton microscope, electrode array and summary timing in sequence. Then he pulled up his mask, put on latex gloves, and opened the cubicle door and light.

The "Great Sage" sits on a closed throne made of acrylic sheets, with his head fixed on the bracket of the experimental platform by an implanted titanium alloy skeleton. Under the deep eyebrows, a pair of big eyes stared at the primate relatives who walked in, and their mouths were still sucking in vain from the stainless steel straw that supplied the juice reward.

"You performed well today, thank you." Chen Feng smiled and operated the objective lens cantilever of the multi-photon microscope, allowing the most expensive objective lens to leave the implanted observation window on the side of the "Great Sage"'s head.

"The life of catching and releasing monkeys is still a bit dangerous. You should watch it twice first." Chen Feng said angrily through the mask. At the same time, he unplugged the output bus of the electrode array surrounding the observation window one by one, and then picked it up from the experimental table. A whole piece of stainless steel shield tailor-made for the "Great Sage" covers the "composite output terminal" that is almost open to the monkey's cheek.

Amiya was still a little afraid as she looked at the "Great Sage" whose half of the face was covered by dental cement and stainless steel mask, and looked at it eye to eye.

"Next, I'm going to unscrew the bolts that fix the monkey's head to the experimental table." Chen Feng picked up an L-shaped hexagonal wrench and started working. "This way the monkey's head will move freely."

After saying that, the monkey's head broke away from the shackles of the experimental table and shook violently. The whole afternoon of immobilization must have made his cervical spine a little uncomfortable.

"Then, we need to screw the fixing ring onto the head implant frame - the screw hole we just used to fix it. In this way, we can use the grabbing rod to cover the ring later to guide the monkey back into the cage. "Chen Feng said, and started the next step of the operation, "At this time, the monkey's head can move freely... sometimes it will move around... be careful... be careful, hold the skeleton with one hand like me... fix the head, and use the other hand to fix the skeleton. First tighten the ring with your bare hands until... almost, then change the wrench to tighten... Oops!!"

Maybe he was a little unhappy with Chen Feng's behavior while giving lectures and demonstrations, or maybe he was "grudged" by performing boring tasks for a long time, or he was simply hurt. In short, the "Great Sage" was the only one who could treat him right now. Things that cause harm to relatives.

It shook its head violently to break away from Chen Feng's hand, and then nibbled on it. Two pairs of large canine teeth that have not yet fully developed opened for the first time in their lives.



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