Cyber Heroes

Chapter 756 The only defeat

Thirty-six thousand kilometers above the ground, the front half of the flagship Lamarck exploded.

At that time, on the land ravaged by space-based weapons, countless eyes stared at the faint flash of light in the night.

Captain Juan Lebin of the Guards galloped with a small group of cyber warriors. These warriors were all officers who stood up after the battleship was defeated and the soldiers were killed.

The flashing alarms in the corridor made everyone upset.

This is modern warfare. Cyber ​​martial arts developed based on "decapitation tactics" have the potential to reverse war at any time and in any form.


"There will be no problem." He kept refreshing this message in his central processor: "There will be no problem... The commander-in-chief is the strongest warrior in the outer sect, and in the inner sect, there is also the legacy of Hartman. I have mastered the most powerful firewall algorithm...there will definitely be no problems..."

Another dull vibration.

The magnetism down the corridor disappeared. This was originally a function designed to allow people to move freely in a gravity-free environment.

Those who can enter and become officers are all cyber warriors, and they have basically mastered the skills to move freely in a gravity-free environment.

But this illustrates another fact - an unimaginable battle really broke out on the bridge.

Although there is no gravity, the built-in mechanical gyroscope faithfully reflects changes in the surroundings. The tilt angle of the battleship began to change. The Lamarck may have lost power and lost control of its hull.

"What happened..."

Zhu Anleibin used his physical skills, his body was like lightning, and finally arrived at the bridge of the battleship...

In other words, where the bridge once was.

The entire hull of the bridge was torn apart. Air gushes out of here. The vast field of vision is completely filled with the blue planet directly in front. However, due to inertia, people standing on the battleship can hardly feel the battleship rotating. Only the shaking starry sky at the fracture point proves this.

A five-meter-tall giant stood quietly, looking up at the earth that shone with metallic luster. Behind him was a cylindrical object connected to the battleship. That was the mastermind of the flagship, the master of the family, and the military powerhouse Hartman, who was the best in the world at controlling ships.

Under the giant's feet was a humanoid warrior three and a half meters tall. Perhaps considering that this body needs to perform operations such as infiltration and beheading, it is only so big, but the strength inside cannot be faked.

Less than three meters away from the warrior, the taken-out stellarator had just stopped functioning. From the terrifying intensity of radiation left in the environment, we can get a glimpse of the power that this warrior can control.

"The Insurmountable Mountain..." Juan Lebin said that respectful title in awe.

This warrior's hands and feet have been completely damaged, and his main power core has been taken out. Judging from the scars all over his body, it seems that the weapons built into his body have been exhausted or destroyed - he has no ability to resist. But Zhu Anleibin did not dare to underestimate the ancestor of martial arts.

The guards who were killed without any trace of resistance, the gun barrels at the corners that were beaten into scrap metal, and the torn bridge were enough to explain everything.

"Juan Leibin..." the giant spoke. Although there is already a vacuum environment here, this is not a big problem for the Cybermen. Electromagnetic waves are more reliable than sound waves.

Juan Lebin wanted to salute, but the giant waved his hand: "You are a little late...but that's right. After all, he is the opponent."

He leaned down and said on the public channel: "Old friend, you are finished..."

"What a pity..." the warrior said with a smile, "By the way, how about reconsidering your 'two demons' proposal?"

"What a pity... Now I know very well that you will not become a 'devil'." The commander whispered: "The trick of pretending to surrender is not suitable for you. People like you will either squeeze out the last few drops of engine oil and spray it on On my camera, I am either planning how to join and then betray..."

He held the warrior's head. The large palm equipped for performing plasma martial arts covers the warrior's entire head.

Then, use force and twist.

A signal of "pain" ripples across all channels. Juan Lebin could hardly help but block out the electronic scream.

Cybermen may have no nerves, but warriors must be aware of physical damage, grasp the upper limit of body functions, and judge the situation of the battle. And there are indeed some combat lunatics who associate sensors with pain.

The giant held his head and looked at the earth in the distance: "Look, how beautiful it is. It's a pity that it was more beautiful before."

"I don't understand... I really don't understand... As long as everyone works together, it can be saved... You were also working hard to save it... According to your theory, humans can develop methods to induce random mutations and artificially increase the size of the population. Genetic diversity technology..."

This beautiful scenery made the warrior with only his head show a hint of emotion. he questioned the commander.

The commander was silent for a moment: "So what?"

"Do you even want to deny your own efforts?"

"I didn't understand at that time..."

The giant shook his head.

Cracks appeared silently on the warrior's head.

The fragments flew like a silver flower.

The warrior felt that something had been pulled out of his mind.

"Your martial arts algorithms, engineering skills and memory should not be buried with your stubbornness. That would be a shame."

The giant slowly pulled out a quantum hard drive. This is a vacuum environment and heat transfer is very slow, so there is no need to worry about the quantum hard drive being damaged due to temperature.

The giant looked around and called, "Falcon."

A man using a light prosthetic body stood up and said nothing, but his movements were obviously hesitant.

The giant put a quantum hard drive in his hand without any doubt.

Juan Lebin got the second piece.

Then the third piece, the fourth piece...

Every officer who came over at this moment was assigned a quantum hard drive. There is also the immovable Master Hartmann. They opened their heads with respect, briefly exposing their fragile electronic cores to the cosmic environment. The officers took out a martial arts hard drive that they had little use for, and implanted the hard drive of this respectable enemy into their own brains.

The warrior pointed his sensor at the giant.

The giant took out the last three quantum hard drives, then glanced at the remaining electronic storage without making a move.

"It's so respectable, even if only the biological brain is left... No, maybe your brain can also be regarded as a wonder in the history of evolution, right?" The giant whispered in the public channel: "It's just that now humans have surpassed the history of evolution. On. I will miss the victory we shared... Goodbye, friend."

The giant general broke a section of his spine and then placed his head upright on the command podium.

Lamarck is falling towards Earth.

"There will be no more funerals in the future. This is the last funeral of mankind." The commander said.

The aftermath of the battle has penetrated the bow of the ship. After this heavy battleship falls into the atmosphere, compressed and heated air will flow in. Without the seal of the metal skull, the fragile biological brain cannot resist the high temperature generated by entering the atmosphere.

This battleship is his coffin. The earth is his incinerator.

Elsewhere on the bridge, many components with vector jets flew up from under the bridge, and built-in components also popped out from various parts of the giant's body. Soon, those components combined behind the giant to form a flying wing.

The bright red flying wings were as dazzling as blood.

The metal cylinder connected to the bridge also opened, and a cylinder popped out. That is the true form of Hartman who abandoned all external martial arts and focused on internal martial arts and military martial arts.

The head's eyes were moving constantly, as if looking for something. But on the command podium, at the gap created by the bombing, his sight stopped. Stop on Earth.

The commander followed the gaze of the head and looked at the earth, which still had scattered light spots on the ground.

"You will return to the dust, but we...will reach the other side."

"Juan Lebin, protect Hartmann. Go to the Linnaeus!"

Then, Romance King Juan Lebin woke up from his dream.

In the pure white weightless space, the four-meter-tall warrior looked at his hands in confusion, and then laughed to himself: "It's just a small thing that has happened ten actually reminds me of the past."

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